Triggered market

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
7% collapse at the open. Oil dropped big time overnight

Corona virus panic attacks may also be in play
Sounds like our "friends" in Saudi Arabia really screwed the pooch.
Sounds like our "friends" in Saudi Arabia really screwed the pooch.
/----/ This is what happens when the Good Old USA is a chief oil exporter. Something the DumbocRATs said could never happen. DRILL BABY DRILL.
Oil drop is good for airlines and transportation.
Not immediately- they are the largest speculators and pay the price they "set" when they take possession of the fuel.

they are the largest speculators and pay the price they "set" when they take possession of the fuel.

AFAIK, no airline hedges 100% of their fuel purchases.
So they would see an immediate benefit. Of course the coronavirus losses will
dwarf any fuel savings.
Yup...drop triggered a market the price of crude oil drops through the floor..good for consumers...maybe--but bad for business ..

Dow craters 1,500 points and S&P 500 down 6% after trading resumes

I'll bet you 1 Federal Reserve Note that I'll still be paying over 3 Federal Reserve Notes for each gallon of 93 octane that I put in my tank this week.

You should buy your gas with shavings off your gold ingot.
Question about these investment firms. I have a small managed retirement account with one if the big investment firms, they also handle our company's 401k.

Now, I was always under the impression that you buy low, then sell high. Is that not how it works with these funds that these companies create? From what it looks like, I invested my money, and it went up when the market is going up, and now it's taking a dive now that the market is tanking.

My question is, shouldnt these investment firms have been able to see what was going on, and protected their investors from the major downturn we are seeing by selling out of those positions while they were on a high, waited for the market to bottom out, then buy back in when the market was low? Or does the whole thing not work like that? Are those types of investments just a long haul investment that you just ride out both the highs as well as the lows, looking for greater returns over time?

I'm down close to $20,000 since the market started going down, like I said, I dont have a huge retirement yet, but I'm trying to figure out how to at least keep what I do have.

From those of you investment savvy people, are these investment firms really looking out for the little guy or do they only really work to protect people who have millions invested in their firm?
Question about these investment firms. I have a small managed retirement account with one if the big investment firms, they also handle our company's 401k.

Now, I was always under the impression that you buy low, then sell high. Is that not how it works with these funds that these companies create? From what it looks like, I invested my money, and it went up when the market is going up, and now it's taking a dive now that the market is tanking.

My question is, shouldnt these investment firms have been able to see what was going on, and protected their investors from the major downturn we are seeing by selling out of those positions while they were on a high, waited for the market to bottom out, then buy back in when the market was low? Or does the whole thing not work like that? Are those types of investments just a long haul investment that you just ride out both the highs as well as the lows, looking for greater returns over time?

I'm down close to $20,000 since the market started going down, like I said, I dont have a huge retirement yet, but I'm trying to figure out how to at least keep what I do have.

From those of you investment savvy people, are these investment firms really looking out for the little guy or do they only really work to protect people who have millions invested in their firm?
Sorry to hear it, Me.
Sounds like our "friends" in Saudi Arabia really screwed the pooch.
/----/ This is what happens when the Good Old USA is a chief oil exporter. Something the DumbocRATs said could never happen. DRILL BABY DRILL.

That's because oil doesn't work that way. When we call oil an international fungible commodity the key word is international.

Unless you want to nationalize the oil companies and go it alone. But I dunno, maybe you do.
My question is, shouldnt these investment firms have been able to see what was going on, and protected their investors from the major downturn we are seeing by selling out of those positions while they were on a high, waited for the market to bottom out, then buy back in when the market was low? Or does the whole thing not work like that? Are those types of investments just a long haul investment that you just ride out both the highs as well as the lows, looking for greater returns over time?

My FA would always say the latter. That said, we did do some rebalancing just today when I needed to take an RMD. Thing is, yes you sell high/buy low, but no one knows when that is until that peak/trough has turned the other way. Right now it's doing massive swings, sometimes it compensates quickly but then dives quickly again. Besides which it costs you broker fees every time you buy OR sell so your take has to pay for that first.

Btw the final score today was down 2000 points. Biggest single-day drop since 2008 and biggest ever in terms of absolute points.
Sounds like our "friends" in Saudi Arabia really screwed the pooch.
/----/ This is what happens when the Good Old USA is a chief oil exporter. Something the DumbocRATs said could never happen. DRILL BABY DRILL.

That's because oil doesn't work that way. When we call oil an international fungible commodity the key word is international.

Unless you want to nationalize the oil companies and go it alone. But I dunno, maybe you do.
/——-/ We have been for 14 months. Sorry to ruin your day. The U.S. Just Became a Net Oil Exporter for the First Time in 75 Years
7% collapse at the open. Oil dropped big time overnight

Corona virus panic attacks may also be in play
Yup...drop triggered a market the price of crude oil drops through the floor..good for consumers...maybe--but bad for business ..

Dow craters 1,500 points and S&P 500 down 6% after trading resumes
/----/ Oil drop is good for airlines and transportation.

Not when nobody wants to get on a plane.
Sounds like our "friends" in Saudi Arabia really screwed the pooch.
/----/ This is what happens when the Good Old USA is a chief oil exporter. Something the DumbocRATs said could never happen. DRILL BABY DRILL.

That's because oil doesn't work that way. When we call oil an international fungible commodity the key word is international.

Unless you want to nationalize the oil companies and go it alone. But I dunno, maybe you do.
/——-/ We have been for 14 months. Sorry to ruin your day. The U.S. Just Became a Net Oil Exporter for the First Time in 75 Years

We've had nationalized oil companies for 14 months? Nobody tells me nuttin'.

First off, "WE" do not drill, refine, transport or sell oil. OIL COMPANIES do all of that, and they are multinational global corporations, Second, once they produce that product it goes on the international market, not to the pump in Dubuque. So whether more oil comes into or goes out from the national borders makes little difference. Oil has in effect no borders.

Again, unless you've nationalized your whole oil structure and opted out of that international market. Which we have not.

One might add here that these multinational oil conglomerates work for their stockholders, not for a national flag. That means their product will go where it's most profitable. That's why the infamous Keystone Pipeline was such a mythological pipe dream (hee hee I kill me) --- all that pipeline does is facilitate transport of crude from Canada to refineries in Houston. Where it goes from there is up to the oil market. Doesn't do John Q. Public any favors.
I have said for months that this market was a bubble. I post very few OPs, but my last one on Feb 22 warned about a huge economic downturn with CV as the catalyst. I have done quite well in the market since. The good news- this is just the start, so we all have time to reallocate and profit through the turmoil.

Watch the Fed. They will lower rates further, and could possibly go to negative rates like other central banks. They even may start buying equities.

My strategy is to take advantage of flat and up days with low VIX to buy puts, and to continue to hold physical gold and gold equities.
Sounds like our "friends" in Saudi Arabia really screwed the pooch.
/----/ This is what happens when the Good Old USA is a chief oil exporter. Something the DumbocRATs said could never happen. DRILL BABY DRILL.

That's because oil doesn't work that way. When we call oil an international fungible commodity the key word is international.

Unless you want to nationalize the oil companies and go it alone. But I dunno, maybe you do.
/——-/ We have been for 14 months. Sorry to ruin your day. The U.S. Just Became a Net Oil Exporter for the First Time in 75 Years

We've had nationalized oil companies for 14 months? Nobody tells me nuttin'.

First off, "WE" do not drill, refine, transport or sell oil. OIL COMPANIES do all of that, and they are multinational global corporations, Second, once they produce that product it goes on the international market, not to the pump in Dubuque. So whether more oil comes into or goes out from the national borders makes little difference. Oil has in effect no borders.

Again, unless you've nationalized your whole oil structure and opted out of that international market. Which we have not.

One might add here that these multinational oil conglomerates work for their stockholders, not for a national flag. That means their product will go where it's most profitable. That's why the infamous Keystone Pipeline was such a mythological pipe dream (hee hee I kill me) --- all that pipeline does is facilitate transport of crude from Canada to refineries in Houston. Where it goes from there is up to the oil market. Doesn't do John Q. Public any favors.
/----/ "We've had nationalized oil companies for 14 months? Nobody tells me nuttin'."
You pull crap out of your ass to justify your idio]tic notions. Nobody said our oil companies are nationalized. You're the retard saying that. Once again, the USA is a net exporter of oil for the first time in 75 years. That would be private and publically owned oil companies in the USA.
are you a moron.gif

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