Is now the time for a ‘Nationalist’ party to emerge?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
A party committed to adhering to ALL guidelines within our founding documents, a party committed to appease patriotic CORE Americans ONLY.
NO, not white Americans only....Americans wise enough to know how and why we became to be the greatest nation on the planet, Americans whom embrace the ‘American Way’...Americans whom would never want to deviate from the American Way.

I am the one not saluting you future Nazis.
A party committed to adhering to ALL guidelines within our founding documents, a party committed to appease patriotic CORE Americans ONLY.
NO, not white Americans only....Americans wise enough to know how and why we became to be the greatest nation on the planet, Americans whom embrace the ‘American Way’...Americans whom would never want to deviate from the American Way.
the constitution partys good enough for me,,
A party committed to adhering to ALL guidelines within our founding documents, a party committed to appease patriotic CORE Americans ONLY.
NO, not white Americans only....Americans wise enough to know how and why we became to be the greatest nation on the planet, Americans whom embrace the ‘American Way’...Americans whom would never want to deviate from the American Way.
when i mentioned a third party you gave me the old 2 party bullshit about how thats all we have so live with you are singing a different tune...glad you wised up....
A party committed to adhering to ALL guidelines within our founding documents, a party committed to appease patriotic CORE Americans ONLY.
NO, not white Americans only....Americans wise enough to know how and why we became to be the greatest nation on the planet, Americans whom embrace the ‘American Way’...Americans whom would never want to deviate from the American Way.
Sounds good. Go for it. Your having No internet means we never have to hear from you guys.
A party committed to adhering to ALL guidelines within our founding documents, a party committed to appease patriotic CORE Americans ONLY.
NO, not white Americans only....Americans wise enough to know how and why we became to be the greatest nation on the planet, Americans whom embrace the ‘American Way’...Americans whom would never want to deviate from the American Way.
Its so sad, that the only people out here wanting this race war, are white pussy deprived white men.....who can't stand to see some pretty white blonde with a black man, who then takes all their frustrations out on some random negro minding his own business. SINCE WHEN DID JERKING OFF BECOME BORING FOR YOU NUTS?
I expect some kind of blanket white nationalist organization will emerge after republicans have to disavow Trump and shun the deplorables. Probably not an actual party, more of a secretly funded lobbying group like the NRA.
No. Maybe after the upcoming election.
Actually a 3rd and maybe even a 4th party might would be welcomed, but we're locked into the duopoly for the time being.
I'm pretty sure that's the repubs now. Look how well it has worked out. HUGE debt, riots, recession, total shutdown. No thanks. It's all garbage.
Every single republican, since Reagan, has never left a sound economy, not ever. But when you have a base that comprise solely of uneducated, woe is me, white trash that thrive on fear and racism fed to them on a daily see this unyielding support for a party who time and time again, do nothing but destroy economies and cater to the rich.
Ah, when all else fails, the right turns to totalitarianism. Sure. You go ahead and form that party. Then we'll know exactly who is who. :)
cause we know dems dont like the competition,,,

and repubes are left wing not right and is why you would think that,,,

Sorry. No bullshit allowed. You don't get to spout any revisionist history. Republicans are right wing. They've been that way since the 60's. Made even worse by the fact they sold their platform out to the religious right in the early 80's. Then along comes Newt and his Republican Revolution and things go from bad to worse...ending in the abortion we have now.

It's always the right wing that turns to statism when they don't get their way. Stack the courts with conservative judges, pass legislation at the state level restricting people's individual right to choice, and berate anyone that doesn't agree with them.
You righties are the biggest fascists I've seen rise in my lifetime...there, I used an "ist". :)

I am the one not saluting you future Nazis.
And I am not the one saluting you dirty Stalinists.
I'm more into Trosky..Yet you are violating TOS by being off topic.......Nationalism is already alive and well in the US not Stalinism....But you knew that because you want nationalism to the degree of building ovens for those that don't agree..
Ah, when all else fails, the right turns to totalitarianism. Sure. You go ahead and form that party. Then we'll know exactly who is who. :)
cause we know dems dont like the competition,,,

and repubes are left wing not right and is why you would think that,,,

Sorry. No bullshit allowed. You don't get to spout any revisionist history. Republicans are right wing. They've been that way since the 60's. Made even worse by the fact they sold their platform out to the religious right in the early 80's. Then along comes Newt and his Republican Revolution and things go from bad to worse...ending in the abortion we have now.

It's always the right wing that turns to statism when they don't get their way. Stack the courts with conservative judges, pass legislation at the state level restricting people's individual right to choice, and berate anyone that doesn't agree with them.
You righties are the biggest fascists I've seen rise in my lifetime...there, I used an "ist". :)
nothing revisionist about it,,,its what the founders created,,,

left wing is fascist to communist and right wing is libertarian to anarchist,,,

youre using the european scale not american scale,,,

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