Is my history presentation inaccurate or just boring or plain sucks?

Mark Richard

Gold Member
Jul 4, 2021
I used to recently started a YouTube channel focusing on American history. I started out with people crossing the land bridge to America and the first civilization in america. I only have two videos so far but I have two thumbs down and three thumbs up. I don't know if I have bad presentation or if my stuff is inaccurate or boring or if it's really terrible and I should just give up. If anybody knew his history or videography or presentation on YouTube please let me know if I'm doing a bad job.
If you feel strongly about it do not worry about negative comments. Go ahead and go for it. Your verbal presentation needs polishing up but the subject is interesting.
If you feel strongly about it do not worry about negative comments. Go ahead and go for it. Your verbal presentation needs polishing up but the subject is interesting.
Yeah I don't know. I don't want to be made a fool. I barely have any viewers and the very little I have almost half of them have thumbs down. That's not good
You have a lot of competition, if you're going to do history.

You might try finding a niche that no one else has covered.
Yeah well I am just getting started. I just wanted to start from the beginning with the first Americans and then Christopher Columbus and then colonization of America and so on and so forth. I don't see many videos on that. I know there's competition, but not a lot of elaborate history. Seems like everybody gives a summary of colonial america. There are so many interesting points. I just wonder why and how I could have got two thumbs down. It's strange. There must be something wrong. Maybe my presentation
I liked it okay. I think you'll do fine just be patient.
I don't know if I'm crazy, but I feel most people don't tell the full history of things. One group will leave out some things and the opposing group will leave out other things, there isn't much middle or nuance. This country is really focusing on slavery which is an interesting part of history but now they are forgetting other things in history that we're important as well. That kinda sucks.

For example if somebody wanted to tell a story about me and only mentioned that I had 3 DUIs but did not say that I quit drinking for 9 years and I'm doing better, they would only be looking at the negative side of things. It's messing up a lot of people's prospective of America and making them feel bad or hate rather than respect for history.
Yo dude...what that dirty hippie said is true.

You have a lot of competition when it comes to history on YT.

What you need to do is read your history, but to a montage of chicks in thongs.

Everybody loves a nice ass.

You can mix it up...short vids of Jap broads oiled up...blondes on the beach...leather chicks...real vanilla shit though but tasteful.

No fat broads or freakish shit.

Your views will increase.
Don't do all POV and don't use a shitty backdrop like wood paneling from the 1970's and practice what you are going to narrate so you don't hum and ha through the dissertation...
Yo dude...what that dirty hippie said is true.

You have a lot of competition when it comes to history on YT.

What you need to do is read your history, but to a montage of chicks in thongs.

Everybody loves a nice ass.

You can mix it up...short vids of Jap broads oiled up...blondes on the beach...leather chicks...real vanilla shit though but tasteful.

No fat broads or freakish shit.

Your views will increase.
Hahaha great comment man. I understand that and love the fact that not only I know the hard truth. You're so right. Maybe I should tell history on video at a titty bar. Hahaha

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