Is McCain a traitor?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

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Here is McCain talking about Obamacare before voting down the repeal

McCain apparently wants Americans to suffer, and wants to see America fail.

Will Mr. Brain tumor live long enough to enjoy this?
He is just old, senile, sick, and bitter. He should have retired with dignity 15 years ago. He is embarrassing himself, his family, and his legacy. Very sad to watch.
McCain hates Trump and would do anything to stop his agenda no matter how it hurts Americans or America.
So yes McCain is a traitor.
He was an excellent soldier, but a horrible politician. He is a turncoat to America. I voted for him while holding my nose because he was the only choice. He threw away his chance to win when he went and fell down at Obama's feet in the Sept before the election. His head has been so far up Obama's butt that he hasn't come out for air.
McCain is just another reason the voters should demand term limits. Way too many senile old fools of both parties using their political careers to further their personal wealth.
I see him as no different than Pelosi.
Why is it only conservatives that leave office or are going to leave office that do the right thing for the country instead of the party? Oh that's right...because they get called "traitors" by people not qualified to wipe their own assets let alone his.

He didn't take an oath to follow his party.....

He would have been a traitor if he had voted for the bill in support of his PARTY over his support for the people who elected him, his country's citizens, his State's citizens....

All of the Republicans who voted for the skinny bill, AGAINST the citizens of their States, are the traitors...

Man oh man is everything upside down in Trump world! He is an antiChrist, and you all are following him! :eek:
15 years ago McCain could have retired as a national hero. He could have gone to his ranch in AZ, cooked ribs on his grill, enjoyed his family and had a good life. Instead he let his ego destroy him and will now leave as a bitter, old, angry, senile fool.

He makes the case for term and age limits for congress.

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