Is Liz Warren the biggest hypocrite in the Senate?

It was a family tradition, and experts say it can be neither proved nor disproved- and she never tried to take advantage, hater dupes. BTW, you don't have a clue who's your friend. Morons.

Well except for the fact that expert in Cherokee genealogy investigated Lizzy's background and found all white relatives, you'd be correct

Lizzy is a disgusting opportunist who lied about being a Cherokee to get out of the miserable, lonely rut she called "her life"
Link to your bs Foxbot drivel? Nothing is too obscure to be made into a giant hater dupe "scandal".

^ Liez Warrens family tree

^^ the substance of Frank's arguments
What? Who said anything about GDP per capita? Are you hearing voices?
The Great Depression, according to economist Milton Friedman,a Nobel Prize winner, was caused by mis-steps at the Fed in their monetary policy, tightening when they should have been easing.
The crash in 2008 came about by mis-steps by the Fed, easing when they should have been tightening.
There's more to it than that of course but that was Friedman's thesis and no one can refute it.
So you place the blame for all of our financial woes on the Fed? Well, I've seen the Zeitgeist video and I'll admit they do seem to be the major culprit for a lot of what ails us. But we had severe boom and bust cycles before the Fed was created too. Unregulated capitalism is no bueno either.
What part of "there's more to it than that" is unclear to you?
There is no unregulated capitalism in this country. How did you miss that?
Look if you can't read a post and understand it correctly there is no further point of engaging.

banks are now as regulated as nuclear reactors
Yeah, maybe like Fukushima.
You mean the reactor damaged by an unprecedented tsunami that no one had predicted? How is that even relevant?
When will you stop spouting off on things you know nothing about? If you had read the account of what actually happened you'd find a litany of factors that contributed to the disaster. One major factor was that the backup generators were not adequately designed to handle ANY kind of a reactor failure, let alone a major tsunami. Another is that spent fuel rods were disposed of in a leaky pool precariously suspended 100 feet in the air.

And here's how it's relevant - the same types of short term thinking that produced all of these failures are in even more prominent display in our financial system thanks to the pieces of shit that run it.
So you place the blame for all of our financial woes on the Fed? Well, I've seen the Zeitgeist video and I'll admit they do seem to be the major culprit for a lot of what ails us. But we had severe boom and bust cycles before the Fed was created too. Unregulated capitalism is no bueno either.
What part of "there's more to it than that" is unclear to you?
There is no unregulated capitalism in this country. How did you miss that?
Look if you can't read a post and understand it correctly there is no further point of engaging.

banks are now as regulated as nuclear reactors
Yeah, maybe like Fukushima.
You mean the reactor damaged by an unprecedented tsunami that no one had predicted? How is that even relevant?
When will you stop spouting off on things you know nothing about? If you had read the account of what actually happened you'd find a litany of factors that contributed to the disaster. One major factor was that the backup generators were not adequately designed to handle ANY kind of a reactor failure, let alone a major tsunami. Another is that spent fuel rods were disposed of in a leaky pool precariously suspended 100 feet in the air.

And here's how it's relevant - the same types of short term thinking that produced all of these failures are in even more prominent display in our financial system thanks to the pieces of shit that run it.
Please. Lack of regulation didnt cause the tsunami. Lack of regulation didnt cause the reactor to blow up. Please be honest for at least one post here.
What part of "there's more to it than that" is unclear to you?
There is no unregulated capitalism in this country. How did you miss that?
Look if you can't read a post and understand it correctly there is no further point of engaging.

banks are now as regulated as nuclear reactors
Yeah, maybe like Fukushima.
You mean the reactor damaged by an unprecedented tsunami that no one had predicted? How is that even relevant?
When will you stop spouting off on things you know nothing about? If you had read the account of what actually happened you'd find a litany of factors that contributed to the disaster. One major factor was that the backup generators were not adequately designed to handle ANY kind of a reactor failure, let alone a major tsunami. Another is that spent fuel rods were disposed of in a leaky pool precariously suspended 100 feet in the air.

And here's how it's relevant - the same types of short term thinking that produced all of these failures are in even more prominent display in our financial system thanks to the pieces of shit that run it.
Please. Lack of regulation didnt cause the tsunami. Lack of regulation didnt cause the reactor to blow up. Please be honest for at least one post here.
You don't think that an important couple of regulations might have been to require backup generators that could actually do the job or that a safe place to store or dispose of spent fuel rods should be provided? Yee Haw! You must long for the days of the wild west.
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