Is Liz Warren the biggest hypocrite in the Senate?

Guess what, azzhat? There are many of us who are descendants of people who migrated to the far west as early as the 1850s. Marriages were not recorded because there were no county courthouses to do so.

I am 1/8th Mescalero Apache. You cannot tell by looking at me. I have photos and my family's history is documented in books, one by a historical novel by James Michener ("Texas"). But I cannot point to a marriage license for my great-grandmother. So find some other issue with Warren. And good luck. She is a native Oklahoman. Many from Oklahoma have mixed heritage.

yeah and if you stayed ignorant you'd have a case.

The Warrens back in the 1850s made it into the public record as White, not Cherokee

I've posted the evidence many times already

Thoughts from Polly s Granddaughter Elizabeth Warren Information

While every precaution has been taken to provide readers with accurate information, please exercise your best judgement when using the information in this blog.

Read more:
Thoughts from Polly s Granddaughter DisclaimerA
bout Me"""
I am a wife and mother of four. I am registered with the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma and, like my ancestors, have always been proud of my Cherokee heritage. I have been studying Cherokee history and genealogy for a long time and I am interested in anything Cherokee, whether it involves the historical Cherokee Nation or the Cherokee people of today. I have been fortunate to have been mentored in Cherokee history and genealogical methods by David Cornsilk and the late Jerri Chasteen and I hope to pass on what I have learned to others. I adhere to the Standards for Sound Genealogical Practices and believe one should only claim what they can prove through solid historical documentation."""

Sorry, Sparky. You lose again.
My aunt did a better job than this sorry, whining twit. My aunt, who has lived some 70+ years in Oklahoma, has bound documentation from the 12th century tying it up through the 19th and everything in between.
Then found a major publishing company who had printed a hardbound book about it 40 years ago.

This silly Polly doesn't have a single scanned document on her blog, unless you didn't notice.

What a weak pathetic deflection. Your aunt, you read the first paragraph and you declare victory??

Twila presented piles of evidence while Lizzy pointed to her cheekbones

Pfft. You declared an absolute negative and then can't figure out how to prove it.

Poster, please.

We have documents, you have cheekbones

Yeah I have cheekbones. I'm sitting on 'em.

Where zat link?
I'm not the one who's having difficulty. You are the one who can't see that unregulated capitalism is prone to endless boom and bust cycles.

You dumbshit.

Socialism is prone to bankruptcy and economic stagnation as we have seen all over the world. One of the reasons the stock market in the US has dropped so much in the last couple of days is because of fear these socialist paradise countries in Europe are going to fail.

However, Hong Kong (while not perfect) is the world model for "unregulated capitalism" and they have the most economic freedom than anyplace else on earth.

Country Rankings World Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

Hong Kong’s economic freedom score is 90.1, making it the top-rated economy in the Index for the 20th consecutive year. Its overall score is slightly better than last year due to improvements in government size and regulatory efficiency that offset a decline in freedom from corruption. Hong Kong is ranked 1st out of 42 countries in the Asia–Pacific region and 1st in the world.
I'm not the one who's having difficulty. You are the one who can't see that unregulated capitalism is prone to endless boom and bust cycles.

You dumbshit.

Socialism is prone to bankruptcy and economic stagnation as we have seen all over the world. One of the reasons the stock market in the US has dropped so much in the last couple of days is because of fear these socialist paradise countries in Europe are going to fail.

However, Hong Kong (while not perfect) is the world model for "unregulated capitalism" and they have the most economic freedom than anyplace else on earth.

Country Rankings World Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

Hong Kong’s economic freedom score is 90.1, making it the top-rated economy in the Index for the 20th consecutive year. Its overall score is slightly better than last year due to improvements in government size and regulatory efficiency that offset a decline in freedom from corruption. Hong Kong is ranked 1st out of 42 countries in the Asia–Pacific region and 1st in the world.
And a totalitarian gov't. RW heaven!
yeah and if you stayed ignorant you'd have a case.

The Warrens back in the 1850s made it into the public record as White, not Cherokee

I've posted the evidence many times already

Thoughts from Polly s Granddaughter Elizabeth Warren Information

While every precaution has been taken to provide readers with accurate information, please exercise your best judgement when using the information in this blog.

Read more:
Thoughts from Polly s Granddaughter DisclaimerA
bout Me"""
I am a wife and mother of four. I am registered with the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma and, like my ancestors, have always been proud of my Cherokee heritage. I have been studying Cherokee history and genealogy for a long time and I am interested in anything Cherokee, whether it involves the historical Cherokee Nation or the Cherokee people of today. I have been fortunate to have been mentored in Cherokee history and genealogical methods by David Cornsilk and the late Jerri Chasteen and I hope to pass on what I have learned to others. I adhere to the Standards for Sound Genealogical Practices and believe one should only claim what they can prove through solid historical documentation."""

Sorry, Sparky. You lose again.
My aunt did a better job than this sorry, whining twit. My aunt, who has lived some 70+ years in Oklahoma, has bound documentation from the 12th century tying it up through the 19th and everything in between.
Then found a major publishing company who had printed a hardbound book about it 40 years ago.

This silly Polly doesn't have a single scanned document on her blog, unless you didn't notice.

What a weak pathetic deflection. Your aunt, you read the first paragraph and you declare victory??

Twila presented piles of evidence while Lizzy pointed to her cheekbones

Pfft. You declared an absolute negative and then can't figure out how to prove it.

Poster, please.

We have documents, you have cheekbones

Yeah I have cheekbones. I'm sitting on 'em.

Where zat link?

Posted Lizzys whiteness dozens of times already.

She's a documented white bread girl

And a liar

And took the place at schools of some legitimate Cherokee

Disgusting opportunist, nut and liar
Glass-Steagal was the biggie. It didn't exist in 1929 and it had been done away with not long before 2008.
If it didnt exist in 1929 then it wasnt relaxed then.
It didnt exist in 1925 either, when the economy was boomng. Nor did it exist in 2005 when the economy was booming.
What was the point of that comment again?
We had endless cycles of boom and bust. You're going to point to only the booms as the great triumph of capitalism?
Well yes actually. Because the booms went on for longer and produced more prosperity than the busts did the opposite.
Or do you think GDP is the same now as it was in 1930?
Of course the GDP is much higher now. We've had a technological revolution. Every worker produces on average 5 times what they did in 1950, probably 10 times what they did in 1930. That doesn't exactly comfort anyone who is unemployed however. Especially when there are greedy fuckers out there who are trying to dismantle whatever safety net we still have.
Do you have ADHD? You seem unable to keep a coherent thought going. No one has been out of work since 1950, much less since 1930. Productivity is only part of the increase in GDP. There are many more Americans as well, just to name one factor.
You have failed to support your point that lack of regulation caused either the Great Depression or the Great Recession.
Carry on
First of all, why do you think GDP is a more important metric in this case than GDP per capita? Second, you don't need to listen to me on this, many historical experts and economists have stated this and I'm confident they know much more about than either you or I. Out of curiosity, what do you think caused the Great Depression and Great Recession?
I'm not the one who's having difficulty. You are the one who can't see that unregulated capitalism is prone to endless boom and bust cycles.

You dumbshit.

Socialism is prone to bankruptcy and economic stagnation as we have seen all over the world. One of the reasons the stock market in the US has dropped so much in the last couple of days is because of fear these socialist paradise countries in Europe are going to fail.

However, Hong Kong (while not perfect) is the world model for "unregulated capitalism" and they have the most economic freedom than anyplace else on earth.

Country Rankings World Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom

Hong Kong’s economic freedom score is 90.1, making it the top-rated economy in the Index for the 20th consecutive year. Its overall score is slightly better than last year due to improvements in government size and regulatory efficiency that offset a decline in freedom from corruption. Hong Kong is ranked 1st out of 42 countries in the Asia–Pacific region and 1st in the world.
Who's talking about socialism you dumb fuck? I'm talking about regulated capitalism. And Hong Kong is a great example of what happens in a small area supported by a billion slaves.
It was a family tradition, and experts say it can be neither proved nor disproved- and she never tried to take advantage, hater dupes. BTW, you don't have a clue who's your friend. Morons.

Well except for the fact that expert in Cherokee genealogy investigated Lizzy's background and found all white relatives, you'd be correct

Lizzy is a disgusting opportunist who lied about being a Cherokee to get out of the miserable, lonely rut she called "her life"
If it didnt exist in 1929 then it wasnt relaxed then.
It didnt exist in 1925 either, when the economy was boomng. Nor did it exist in 2005 when the economy was booming.
What was the point of that comment again?
We had endless cycles of boom and bust. You're going to point to only the booms as the great triumph of capitalism?
Well yes actually. Because the booms went on for longer and produced more prosperity than the busts did the opposite.
Or do you think GDP is the same now as it was in 1930?
Of course the GDP is much higher now. We've had a technological revolution. Every worker produces on average 5 times what they did in 1950, probably 10 times what they did in 1930. That doesn't exactly comfort anyone who is unemployed however. Especially when there are greedy fuckers out there who are trying to dismantle whatever safety net we still have.
Do you have ADHD? You seem unable to keep a coherent thought going. No one has been out of work since 1950, much less since 1930. Productivity is only part of the increase in GDP. There are many more Americans as well, just to name one factor.
You have failed to support your point that lack of regulation caused either the Great Depression or the Great Recession.
Carry on
First of all, why do you think GDP is a more important metric in this case than GDP per capita? Second, you don't need to listen to me on this, many historical experts and economists have stated this and I'm confident they know much more about than either you or I. Out of curiosity, what do you think caused the Great Depression and Great Recession?
What? Who said anything about GDP per capita? Are you hearing voices?
The Great Depression, according to economist Milton Friedman,a Nobel Prize winner, was caused by mis-steps at the Fed in their monetary policy, tightening when they should have been easing.
The crash in 2008 came about by mis-steps by the Fed, easing when they should have been tightening.
There's more to it than that of course but that was Friedman's thesis and no one can refute it.
We had endless cycles of boom and bust. You're going to point to only the booms as the great triumph of capitalism?
Well yes actually. Because the booms went on for longer and produced more prosperity than the busts did the opposite.
Or do you think GDP is the same now as it was in 1930?
Of course the GDP is much higher now. We've had a technological revolution. Every worker produces on average 5 times what they did in 1950, probably 10 times what they did in 1930. That doesn't exactly comfort anyone who is unemployed however. Especially when there are greedy fuckers out there who are trying to dismantle whatever safety net we still have.
Do you have ADHD? You seem unable to keep a coherent thought going. No one has been out of work since 1950, much less since 1930. Productivity is only part of the increase in GDP. There are many more Americans as well, just to name one factor.
You have failed to support your point that lack of regulation caused either the Great Depression or the Great Recession.
Carry on
First of all, why do you think GDP is a more important metric in this case than GDP per capita? Second, you don't need to listen to me on this, many historical experts and economists have stated this and I'm confident they know much more about than either you or I. Out of curiosity, what do you think caused the Great Depression and Great Recession?
What? Who said anything about GDP per capita? Are you hearing voices?
The Great Depression, according to economist Milton Friedman,a Nobel Prize winner, was caused by mis-steps at the Fed in their monetary policy, tightening when they should have been easing.
The crash in 2008 came about by mis-steps by the Fed, easing when they should have been tightening.
There's more to it than that of course but that was Friedman's thesis and no one can refute it.
So you place the blame for all of our financial woes on the Fed? Well, I've seen the Zeitgeist video and I'll admit they do seem to be the major culprit for a lot of what ails us. But we had severe boom and bust cycles before the Fed was created too. Unregulated capitalism is no bueno either.
Well yes actually. Because the booms went on for longer and produced more prosperity than the busts did the opposite.
Or do you think GDP is the same now as it was in 1930?
Of course the GDP is much higher now. We've had a technological revolution. Every worker produces on average 5 times what they did in 1950, probably 10 times what they did in 1930. That doesn't exactly comfort anyone who is unemployed however. Especially when there are greedy fuckers out there who are trying to dismantle whatever safety net we still have.
Do you have ADHD? You seem unable to keep a coherent thought going. No one has been out of work since 1950, much less since 1930. Productivity is only part of the increase in GDP. There are many more Americans as well, just to name one factor.
You have failed to support your point that lack of regulation caused either the Great Depression or the Great Recession.
Carry on
First of all, why do you think GDP is a more important metric in this case than GDP per capita? Second, you don't need to listen to me on this, many historical experts and economists have stated this and I'm confident they know much more about than either you or I. Out of curiosity, what do you think caused the Great Depression and Great Recession?
What? Who said anything about GDP per capita? Are you hearing voices?
The Great Depression, according to economist Milton Friedman,a Nobel Prize winner, was caused by mis-steps at the Fed in their monetary policy, tightening when they should have been easing.
The crash in 2008 came about by mis-steps by the Fed, easing when they should have been tightening.
There's more to it than that of course but that was Friedman's thesis and no one can refute it.
So you place the blame for all of our financial woes on the Fed? Well, I've seen the Zeitgeist video and I'll admit they do seem to be the major culprit for a lot of what ails us. But we had severe boom and bust cycles before the Fed was created too. Unregulated capitalism is no bueno either.
What part of "there's more to it than that" is unclear to you?
There is no unregulated capitalism in this country. How did you miss that?
Look if you can't read a post and understand it correctly there is no further point of engaging.
Of course the GDP is much higher now. We've had a technological revolution. Every worker produces on average 5 times what they did in 1950, probably 10 times what they did in 1930. That doesn't exactly comfort anyone who is unemployed however. Especially when there are greedy fuckers out there who are trying to dismantle whatever safety net we still have.
Do you have ADHD? You seem unable to keep a coherent thought going. No one has been out of work since 1950, much less since 1930. Productivity is only part of the increase in GDP. There are many more Americans as well, just to name one factor.
You have failed to support your point that lack of regulation caused either the Great Depression or the Great Recession.
Carry on
First of all, why do you think GDP is a more important metric in this case than GDP per capita? Second, you don't need to listen to me on this, many historical experts and economists have stated this and I'm confident they know much more about than either you or I. Out of curiosity, what do you think caused the Great Depression and Great Recession?
What? Who said anything about GDP per capita? Are you hearing voices?
The Great Depression, according to economist Milton Friedman,a Nobel Prize winner, was caused by mis-steps at the Fed in their monetary policy, tightening when they should have been easing.
The crash in 2008 came about by mis-steps by the Fed, easing when they should have been tightening.
There's more to it than that of course but that was Friedman's thesis and no one can refute it.
So you place the blame for all of our financial woes on the Fed? Well, I've seen the Zeitgeist video and I'll admit they do seem to be the major culprit for a lot of what ails us. But we had severe boom and bust cycles before the Fed was created too. Unregulated capitalism is no bueno either.
What part of "there's more to it than that" is unclear to you?
There is no unregulated capitalism in this country. How did you miss that?
Look if you can't read a post and understand it correctly there is no further point of engaging.

banks are now as regulated as nuclear reactors
It was a family tradition, and experts say it can be neither proved nor disproved- and she never tried to take advantage, hater dupes. BTW, you don't have a clue who's your friend. Morons.

Well except for the fact that expert in Cherokee genealogy investigated Lizzy's background and found all white relatives, you'd be correct

Lizzy is a disgusting opportunist who lied about being a Cherokee to get out of the miserable, lonely rut she called "her life"

You PROOF, sir....


What a weak pathetic deflection. Your aunt, you read the first paragraph and you declare victory??

Twila presented piles of evidence while Lizzy pointed to her cheekbones

Pfft. You declared an absolute negative and then can't figure out how to prove it.

Poster, please.

We have documents, you have cheekbones

Yeah I have cheekbones. I'm sitting on 'em.

Where zat link?

Posted Lizzys whiteness dozens of times already.

She's a documented white bread girl

And a liar

And took the place at schools of some legitimate Cherokee

Disgusting opportunist, nut and liar

Your LINK, sir...

Of course the GDP is much higher now. We've had a technological revolution. Every worker produces on average 5 times what they did in 1950, probably 10 times what they did in 1930. That doesn't exactly comfort anyone who is unemployed however. Especially when there are greedy fuckers out there who are trying to dismantle whatever safety net we still have.
Do you have ADHD? You seem unable to keep a coherent thought going. No one has been out of work since 1950, much less since 1930. Productivity is only part of the increase in GDP. There are many more Americans as well, just to name one factor.
You have failed to support your point that lack of regulation caused either the Great Depression or the Great Recession.
Carry on
First of all, why do you think GDP is a more important metric in this case than GDP per capita? Second, you don't need to listen to me on this, many historical experts and economists have stated this and I'm confident they know much more about than either you or I. Out of curiosity, what do you think caused the Great Depression and Great Recession?
What? Who said anything about GDP per capita? Are you hearing voices?
The Great Depression, according to economist Milton Friedman,a Nobel Prize winner, was caused by mis-steps at the Fed in their monetary policy, tightening when they should have been easing.
The crash in 2008 came about by mis-steps by the Fed, easing when they should have been tightening.
There's more to it than that of course but that was Friedman's thesis and no one can refute it.
So you place the blame for all of our financial woes on the Fed? Well, I've seen the Zeitgeist video and I'll admit they do seem to be the major culprit for a lot of what ails us. But we had severe boom and bust cycles before the Fed was created too. Unregulated capitalism is no bueno either.
What part of "there's more to it than that" is unclear to you?
There is no unregulated capitalism in this country. How did you miss that?
Look if you can't read a post and understand it correctly there is no further point of engaging.
Not all regulation is created equal and until Glass-Steagall is reinstated, our financial system will remain a house of cards. Of course, like all right wingers, you think in terms of black and white so this fact will completely escape you.
Do you have ADHD? You seem unable to keep a coherent thought going. No one has been out of work since 1950, much less since 1930. Productivity is only part of the increase in GDP. There are many more Americans as well, just to name one factor.
You have failed to support your point that lack of regulation caused either the Great Depression or the Great Recession.
Carry on
First of all, why do you think GDP is a more important metric in this case than GDP per capita? Second, you don't need to listen to me on this, many historical experts and economists have stated this and I'm confident they know much more about than either you or I. Out of curiosity, what do you think caused the Great Depression and Great Recession?
What? Who said anything about GDP per capita? Are you hearing voices?
The Great Depression, according to economist Milton Friedman,a Nobel Prize winner, was caused by mis-steps at the Fed in their monetary policy, tightening when they should have been easing.
The crash in 2008 came about by mis-steps by the Fed, easing when they should have been tightening.
There's more to it than that of course but that was Friedman's thesis and no one can refute it.
So you place the blame for all of our financial woes on the Fed? Well, I've seen the Zeitgeist video and I'll admit they do seem to be the major culprit for a lot of what ails us. But we had severe boom and bust cycles before the Fed was created too. Unregulated capitalism is no bueno either.
What part of "there's more to it than that" is unclear to you?
There is no unregulated capitalism in this country. How did you miss that?
Look if you can't read a post and understand it correctly there is no further point of engaging.

banks are now as regulated as nuclear reactors
Yeah, maybe like Fukushima.
Do you have ADHD? You seem unable to keep a coherent thought going. No one has been out of work since 1950, much less since 1930. Productivity is only part of the increase in GDP. There are many more Americans as well, just to name one factor.
You have failed to support your point that lack of regulation caused either the Great Depression or the Great Recession.
Carry on
First of all, why do you think GDP is a more important metric in this case than GDP per capita? Second, you don't need to listen to me on this, many historical experts and economists have stated this and I'm confident they know much more about than either you or I. Out of curiosity, what do you think caused the Great Depression and Great Recession?
What? Who said anything about GDP per capita? Are you hearing voices?
The Great Depression, according to economist Milton Friedman,a Nobel Prize winner, was caused by mis-steps at the Fed in their monetary policy, tightening when they should have been easing.
The crash in 2008 came about by mis-steps by the Fed, easing when they should have been tightening.
There's more to it than that of course but that was Friedman's thesis and no one can refute it.
So you place the blame for all of our financial woes on the Fed? Well, I've seen the Zeitgeist video and I'll admit they do seem to be the major culprit for a lot of what ails us. But we had severe boom and bust cycles before the Fed was created too. Unregulated capitalism is no bueno either.
What part of "there's more to it than that" is unclear to you?
There is no unregulated capitalism in this country. How did you miss that?
Look if you can't read a post and understand it correctly there is no further point of engaging.
Not all regulation is created equal and until Glass-Steagall is reinstated, our financial system will remain a house of cards. Of course, like all right wingers, you think in terms of black and white so this fact will completely escape you.
Given we had financial crises before, during,and after Glass-Steagall was law I fail to see how reinstituting it will solve anything.
Remind me which crises Sarbanes Oxley has prevented.
First of all, why do you think GDP is a more important metric in this case than GDP per capita? Second, you don't need to listen to me on this, many historical experts and economists have stated this and I'm confident they know much more about than either you or I. Out of curiosity, what do you think caused the Great Depression and Great Recession?
What? Who said anything about GDP per capita? Are you hearing voices?
The Great Depression, according to economist Milton Friedman,a Nobel Prize winner, was caused by mis-steps at the Fed in their monetary policy, tightening when they should have been easing.
The crash in 2008 came about by mis-steps by the Fed, easing when they should have been tightening.
There's more to it than that of course but that was Friedman's thesis and no one can refute it.
So you place the blame for all of our financial woes on the Fed? Well, I've seen the Zeitgeist video and I'll admit they do seem to be the major culprit for a lot of what ails us. But we had severe boom and bust cycles before the Fed was created too. Unregulated capitalism is no bueno either.
What part of "there's more to it than that" is unclear to you?
There is no unregulated capitalism in this country. How did you miss that?
Look if you can't read a post and understand it correctly there is no further point of engaging.

banks are now as regulated as nuclear reactors
Yeah, maybe like Fukushima.
You mean the reactor damaged by an unprecedented tsunami that no one had predicted? How is that even relevant?

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