Is Kirston Powers becoming a conservative?


Powers is no longer pure enough, so the left wing partisan ideologues will attack her.

Too many purity tests are happening from both ends.

The wingers are exacerbating the problem. I wish they'd find another hobby.


Powers has never been someone that I consider to be genuine. There is no change taking place in her since I became aware that she existed. She's been a FOX prop since the first time I saw her.


Who is, in your opinion, pure enough to avoid attack from the left wing partisan ideologues?

Got a name?
Am I witnessing a transformation before my very eyes?

I remember her being a defiant liberal. But the more I listen to her the more she sounds like her positions are changing.

If so I'm good with one more hottie on the conservative side

That's sorta what happened to Juan Williams.

Being around Conservatives too long will make you lose patience with Liberal ideology and Lib shortcomings.

She can join the Right side if she wishes.

The more like her there are here, the better!

No, that's not what happened to Juan Williams.

Juan Williams Master beat him and kicked him out of the House. Juan, like the Yellow Dog he is, still licks the Massa's hand, hoping for crumbs from the massa's table.
Powers has been off the Left Loony track for at least 4 years for those Conservatives who can take their eyes off her eyes and lips and actually LISTEN to her.
But we all know why Conservatives males watch Fox and it ain't for the commentary, most of which goes like, "The Free Market will work it out.".
Powers has been off the Left Loony track for at least 4 years for those Conservatives who can take their eyes off her eyes and lips and actually LISTEN to her.
But we all know why Conservatives males watch Fox and it ain't for the commentary, most of which goes like, "The Free Market will work it out.".

I didn't know Powers actually had anything to bring to the conversation.

Her CSL's though get her a pass. :D

Powers has been off the Left Loony track for at least 4 years for those Conservatives who can take their eyes off her eyes and lips and actually LISTEN to her.
But we all know why Conservatives males watch Fox and it ain't for the commentary, most of which goes like, "The Free Market will work it out.".

I didn't know Powers actually had anything to bring to the conversation.

Her CSL's though get her a pass. :D


You consider a repetitive, "The Free Market will work it out.", to be a conversation?

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