"Is it wrong for a married couple to have sex just for pleasure?"

So what's it like being paranoid all the time? I don't know who fed you this hogwash about Republicans, but someone really did a number on you.

I think it started when I was told we had to go to war in Iraq. And when Dick Cheney said that we would be greated as liberators in Iraq. It went down hill from there. Maybe had to do with repubs declaring that Obama was both a Muslim, a socialist and an illegal alien. Then it went forward when Mitch the Turtle said his number one job was to defeat Obama, then it was added to when all the Rethugs in Congress could do was worry about birth control and abortion. I could go on but you get the drift.

Repubs are strange and untrustworthy. Therefore I do not trust or like them.

Hope that helps. I feel similar about Dems. But they at least give the pretense of doing something for me instead of to me.
You're a freaking liar. Name the Republican who has ever banned birth control INCLUDING SANTORUM.

Did I ever say anyone has done it? I said that I expect Santorum to be willing to do it.

I expect Obama would be willing to execute people for being white and Republican.

That makes as much sense as your ridiculous bullshit about Santorum. Stop making shit up. It makes you look stupid... and stop pretending your 'in the middle'. You're OnTheLeftOfDumb.
Point 1: Really? I didn't see that on his website. Perhaps you could link to where you saw that in his platform?

Okay, it was a little hyberbolic. My point is that it's not like this is something Bill Maher pulled out of his archives from the 90s and broadcast. Santorum is the one who brought this into the discussion himself.

Point 2: No, it shows the pathetic state of the OP and that they have nothing else constructive to say, so they whine about this.

Again, Santorum is the one who brought this into the discussion. He's the one who said that sex should always be for procreation, that sex only for pleasure is bad, and that these are important policy issues, and that as President he would address these issues. He also turned around 60 seconds later and said that he's not running for Pastor, so I don't know what to believe anymore when it comes out of Santorum's mouth. But the point is that he's put himself out there on this platform. It's acceptable to discuss the candidate's platform that he's professed. It's just ridiculous that it's even possible for such a candidate to exist, outside of a gag candidate.

Yesterday Santorum said he would fight any ban on contraception.

We can quote him on that.

You, however, have to repeat something somebody else said about what he said to frame your argument.
There is nothing "wrong" with whatever mutually consenting adults choose to do for sexual gratification.

Up to a point.

Even the Germans had a problem with this one.

The Case for Cannibalism by Theodore Dalrymple

Murder is illegal, as a general rule, for reasons having nothing to do with people's sex lives. Fallacy of accident is strong with you.

Then your ignorance is strong. This was a subject of great debate in Germany as to whether or not people have a right to privacy in the bedroom and whether they should be able to have whatever sex they consider pleasurable.
Big deal.....that's his belief! So most of us know he's wrong...do you're own thing and don't worry about something this ridiculous, there's more important things to concern yourself over. This is stupid!

Yeah. A president's personal belief is in no way relevant to the voters!

Nothing to see here people! Keep moving!
Why can't the government leave people the fuck alone

Better question; why the hell can't Repubs stay the fuck out of people's sex and reproductive lives?

:clap2: However, whatever they are it sure as hell isn't Republican.

Their plan is to regulate the lives of We the People while deregulating every industry in this country. Apparently the only group these fruitcakes think has the right to fuck everything in sight are big businesses and greedy corporate executives.

I'm no longer sure the Republican Party exists per se. Perhaps that explains why so many conservative Americans have left the Party and why some of the tried and true are considering running on an Independent ticket.

One thing for sure, whatever the political entity, ignorance and insanity are the quintessential qualifiers for becoming a member.
You're a freaking liar. Name the Republican who has ever banned birth control INCLUDING SANTORUM.

Did I ever say anyone has done it? I said that I expect Santorum to be willing to do it.

I expect Obama would be willing to execute people for being white and Republican.

That makes as much sense as your ridiculous bullshit about Santorum. Stop making shit up. It makes you look stupid... and stop pretending your 'in the middle'. You're OnTheLeftOfDumb.

Would it surprise you if obama, with full democrat approval order the arrests of those who are white and republican? After all Maxine Waters declared white republicans to be demons. They shouldn't be allowed in the house.

Maxine Waters is a respected democrat.
Then your argument is BS. You don't have ANY evidence to back that up. Santorum has NEVER attempted to ban birth control and he was in office a long time.

I could just as EASILY say Obama wants to round up white people with JUST AS MUCH CREDULITY based on statements made by his pastor for 20 years.

It won't be a reason for anyone to vote for Romeny or Santorum, just like your fantasy about Rick Santorum and birth control isn't a reason to vote for Obama.


You're a flaming idiot. Worst part is that I'm sure you know it, you're just babbling because you think that you just might manage to sway an even bigger idiot. Just because a person has not, for example, proposed legislation toward a particular policy, does not mean that they don't support developing such a policy. And it doesn't mean that they haven't made other attempts toward the same end.

Santorum has made it clear that he opposes the use of birth control in all instances. He votes against sex education funding that does not use an abstinence only curriculum. He has gone on record to say that birth control is harmful to a the "health of society." He has said that states have a right to ban birth control. So, do I expect that Santorum would be willing to ban birth control? Yes, I do. It's common sense.
You're a freaking liar. Name the Republican who has ever banned birth control INCLUDING SANTORUM.

Did I ever say anyone has done it? I said that I expect Santorum to be willing to do it.

Then you would have to be assuming he's lying when he said he was against banning contraceptives.

You're pushing a false stereotype.
What does this have to do with Republicans?

Is Santorum a Republican? or not? Is it not the Repubs that are so concerned with birth control and abortion. You know, those things that the guvmint has no business trying to dictate.

Santorum does not speak for the rest of the Republicans. Unlike Democrats conservatives have a mind of their own.

But he is positioned to be the GOP nominee. Of this was from a year ago, I would agree. However, his recent popularity indicates that he certainly does speak for a large percentage of republicans.
Rachel Maddow Falsely Says Santorum Wants to Ban Contraception | LifeNews.com

“I was asked if I believed in it, and I said, ‘No, I’m a Catholic, and I don’t.’ I don’t want the government to fund it through Planned Parenthood, but that’s different than wanting to ban it; the idea I’m coming after your birth control is absurd. I was making a statement about my moral beliefs, but I won’t impose them on anyone else in this case. I don’t think the government should be involved in that. People are free to make their own decisions.’’

The former Pennsylvania senator recently told ABC’s Jake Tapper that, yes, he disagrees with Griswold v. Connecticut, the 1965 Supreme Court decision that struck down a ban on contraception.

He said Friday evening that it’s the idea that states don’t have a right to pass such a law that he opposes, because he does not see the right to privacy as a constitutional right envisioned by its signers. This is hardly a new argument.

“It could have been a law against buying shoestrings; that it was contraception has nothing to do with it. States have the right to pass even dumb laws.”

To be clear, he does think that laws banning birth control would be dumb “for a number of reasons. Birth control should be legal in the United States. The states should not ban it, and I would oppose any effort to ban it.’’

That bears repeating: “Birth control should be legal in the United States. The states should not ban it, and I would oppose any effort to ban it.”

Then your argument is BS. You don't have ANY evidence to back that up. Santorum has NEVER attempted to ban birth control and he was in office a long time.

I could just as EASILY say Obama wants to round up white people with JUST AS MUCH CREDULITY based on statements made by his pastor for 20 years.

It won't be a reason for anyone to vote for Romeny or Santorum, just like your fantasy about Rick Santorum and birth control isn't a reason to vote for Obama.


You're a flaming idiot. Worst part is that I'm sure you know it, you're just babbling because you think that you just might manage to sway an even bigger idiot. Just because a person has not, for example, proposed legislation toward a particular policy, does not mean that they don't support developing such a policy. And it doesn't mean that they haven't made other attempts toward the same end.

Santorum has made it clear that he opposes the use of birth control in all instances. He votes against sex education funding that does not use an abstinence only curriculum. He has gone on record to say that birth control is harmful to a the "health of society." He has said that states have a right to ban birth control. So, do I expect that Santorum would be willing to ban birth control? Yes, I do. It's common sense.
You are a lying sack of shit too.

Post a link to these statements or STFU.
What does this have to do with Republicans?

Is Santorum a Republican? or not? Is it not the Repubs that are so concerned with birth control and abortion. You know, those things that the guvmint has no business trying to dictate.

Santorum does not speak for the rest of the Republicans. Unlike Democrats conservatives have a mind of their own.

If he is selected as the RNC candidate....he will. Just like we are told that Obama speaks for the DNC.
So what's it like being paranoid all the time? I don't know who fed you this hogwash about Republicans, but someone really did a number on you.
I think it started when I was told we had to go to war in Iraq. And when Dick Cheney said that we would be greated as liberators in Iraq. It went down hill from there. Maybe had to do with repubs declaring that Obama was both a Muslim, a socialist and an illegal alien. Then it went forward when Mitch the Turtle said his number one job was to defeat Obama, then it was added to when all the Rethugs in Congress could do was worry about birth control and abortion. I could go on but you get the drift.

Repubs are strange and untrustworthy. Therefore I do not trust or like them.

Hope that helps. I feel similar about Dems. But they at least give the pretense of doing something for me instead of to me.

This will tell you how paranoid and delusional liberals are. None of this he can back up with facts. It's just his own paranoia.

And I'm still waiting for the Republicans who have banned birth control.

How in hell does the Govt have anything to do with what Santorum believes?

PSSSTT Little secret; he (Santorum) is running for President. Therefore, If elected, his beliefs would dictate the direction he wants to lead the nation. And that makes his beliefs a problem. Because no one in their right mind wants to hear about the government dictating their sex lives.

The Right doesn't think it's appropriate to bring a candidate's religious beliefs into quesion. After all, when Obama was running,

they refrained from all such questions, remember? lolol
Rachel Maddow Falsely Says Santorum Wants to Ban Contraception | LifeNews.com

“I was asked if I believed in it, and I said, ‘No, I’m a Catholic, and I don’t.’ I don’t want the government to fund it through Planned Parenthood, but that’s different than wanting to ban it; the idea I’m coming after your birth control is absurd. I was making a statement about my moral beliefs, but I won’t impose them on anyone else in this case. I don’t think the government should be involved in that. People are free to make their own decisions.’’

The former Pennsylvania senator recently told ABC’s Jake Tapper that, yes, he disagrees with Griswold v. Connecticut, the 1965 Supreme Court decision that struck down a ban on contraception.

He said Friday evening that it’s the idea that states don’t have a right to pass such a law that he opposes, because he does not see the right to privacy as a constitutional right envisioned by its signers. This is hardly a new argument.

“It could have been a law against buying shoestrings; that it was contraception has nothing to do with it. States have the right to pass even dumb laws.”

To be clear, he does think that laws banning birth control would be dumb “for a number of reasons. Birth control should be legal in the United States. The states should not ban it, and I would oppose any effort to ban it.’’

That bears repeating: “Birth control should be legal in the United States. The states should not ban it, and I would oppose any effort to ban it.”

bump for the mentally challenged lefties in the thread.
Rick Santorum has an absolute right to believe that babies have a right to life. Since he has never so much as hinted that his private beliefs should be imposed on the general public what he holds as his religious belief is meaningless.

Democrats believe that there is no right to life, it is a privilege to be granted or withheld by the government. This belief shoud be imposed on the general public, starting with Rick Santorum.
Duh- well up to this point Pubs have stopped the gov't from paying for birth control, which results in lhuge numbers of abortions and single mothers on welfare. GD morons, AND pack the Supreme Court with cretins against womens' right to have control over their own bodies. What incredible hypocrites. Who, us? LOL!!

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