Is it time to start prepping and what will the SHTF scenario look like?

That's the democrat goal. Just remember, the number of people who own AR-15's outnumber ALL of the military's of the world, combined.

And that doesn't even count the 80 million other gun owners in the USA.

They started their takeover attempt too early. Had they waited 25 years I think they would have succeeded.

But they got greedy.

Gun registration and eventual confiscation are on the near horizon my friend.

Which brings up another discussion, have you thought about ways to beat the gun grabbers after the democrats nullify the Constitution or at least the 2A completely? i have given it lots of thought but don't have all the details worked out yet.
There's is no way to predict exactly how shit might hit the fan for any given person. For some, it could be a localized weather, or geological event. For another it may be a personal tragedy such as a house fire, or death in the family. All these things happen everyday to people. The least likely scenario I see happening is some full on Mad Max scenario.

Max Max scenario, I agree, but a Venezuela-like scenario is pretty likely, IMO.
Gun registration and eventual confiscation are on the near horizon my friend.

Which brings up another discussion, have you thought about ways to beat the gun grabbers after the democrats nullify the Constitution or at least the 2A completely? i have given it lots of thought but don't have all the details worked out yet.

The day that happens is when the civil war begins.

Even independent voters have seen the corruption in the federal government. They are buying guns like they are going out of style.

They ain't buying them to suddenly turn them over.
There are very few lone wolf preppers, and they don't broadcast who, or what they are. They know they have to survive by hiding.

They're good at it.
They will be identified within days.
Especially if they live anywhere near anyone else. Their secrecy and the smell of food will announce their presence.
And if they live in rural areas, marauders and gangs will find them sooner than later.
Neighbors will begin raiding other neighbors within the first 10 days. Starving people will do anything to find food. If you have it - they will find it.

The homemade ethanol is my dream project. Both as fuel and as potables for barter!

It's what I started with & it works great.
Even has a book of recipes with easy to follow directions.

potatoes = vodka
corn = whiskey
molasses = rum
But it all tastes like rocket fuel

5 gall still = 1 gallon very potent (120+ proof) ethanol

I simpathize with your response but when it actually happens, will that really be an option? You could still be charged for murder and arrested and put in a gulag somewhere.
They will have to kill me. I won't let some piece of shit take what I worked for.
They will be identified within days.
Especially if they live anywhere near anyone else. Their secrecy and the smell of food will announce their presence.
And if they live in rural areas, marauders and gangs will find them sooner than later.
Neighbors will begin raiding other neighbors within the first 10 days. Starving people will do anything to find food. If you have it - they will find it.

Rural areas will see marauders shot to pieces in minutes. I don't think you have ever been to a rural area in your life if you think that way.

Hell in LA during the Rodney king riots there were neighborhood streets that were shut down so that rioters couldn't loot in the suburbs.

In rural areas it is far worse for marauding scumbags. EVERYONE knows they don't belong in the area, and EVERYONE knows what they are there to do.

And EVERYONE is armed.

No, your marauders will stay in the cities where they have always been.
In a true SHTF scenario... you won't want to be alive to go through the hell it would be.

I could survive that by preparation.

The only real SHTF scenario is any scenario where the power grid goes down for an extended period of time over a wide spread area. Anyone in that area is in for true hell on earth scenario.

I disagree but I suppose that depends upon the definition of a SHTF scenario. I would call a simple food shortage scenario a SHTF as well.

Food shortages will cause a level of violence and savagery not seen on American soil since the days of the Indians. Roaming bands of marauders will break out within the first 3-4 days with organized gangs within the first 10 days. Any prepper will be easily identified and raided in no time.

The roaming bands won't be organized in an effective way when they first break out. They will be scattered and numerous but small. Easily taken out with semi-auto fire. I've given this some thought as well. Keep a low profile. Even though you have food, act as if you don't. Get in food lines, don't overeat, perhaps even join roving bands.

The only ones that can possibly survive such an event are those that relocate to where power exist, or large prepper groups that managed to make it to their encampment.

That would be the best plan, if possible.

'Lone wolf" preppers will be raided and their food stores stolen. In a matter of days. No matter how much guns and ammo they have convinced themselves will protect them. It will not.

Not necessarily if planned correctly.
I have been a homebrewer for years.
I have water filtering capacity to produce 1000s of gallons clean water.
At any given time I have enough sanitizing equipment to clean whatever for months.
I have 50-60 lbs. of grain that can make beer, but that would be a waste. Better to make flour. And I have my own grain mill. BUT - making bread would produce a potent smell people would sense for 100 yards in the right weather. Better to make simple flour/water unleavened fried flat bread which cooks fast. You can even boil it to make breads that emit almost no odor.
I am an expert at fermentation. And I have yeast, and know how to culture more.
In the event a marauding band raided me, especially if they are organized, I could pretty easily convince them my knowledge of making alcohol/fermentation and yeast is more valuable to them than the 50 lbs. of grain and foods I have stored.
The day that happens is when the civil war begins.

Even independent voters have seen the corruption in the federal government. They are buying guns like they are going out of style.

They ain't buying them to suddenly turn them over.

I don't want to continue to be a Negative Nancy, but IMO to prep properly, one must imagine and plan for all scenarios. I can easily envision a way for the government to beat that plan. CBDC for one, surveillance another, and putting gun and ammo manufacturers out of business.
I don't want to continue to be a Negative Nancy, but IMO to prep properly, one must imagine and plan for all scenarios. I can easily envision a way for the government to beat that plan. CBDC for one, surveillance another, and putting gun and ammo manufacturers out of business.

Preppers are already prepped. That's the whole point. The one thing that you will want is an old vehicle, that doesn't use electronic ignition.
They will be identified within days.
Especially if they live anywhere near anyone else. Their secrecy and the smell of food will announce their presence.
And if they live in rural areas, marauders and gangs will find them sooner than later.
Neighbors will begin raiding other neighbors within the first 10 days. Starving people will do anything to find food. If you have it - they will find it.

Taking my situation for example. I am familiar with my suburban neighborhood. Very few gun owners here, very few people even aware of what may be coming down the pike. Only a very few know that I have guns. They may form gangs but being mostly unarmed, they will be little threat to me. As I mentioned before, my plan is to keep a low profile as long as possible. I can even imagine some of them coming to me with offers of cooperation in exchange for the safety I can provide.

Please do not think I'm hostile to you in my arguments. You make some very good points that need to be addressed by every prepper. thanks for your input.

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