Is it okay to lie about taking the day off?

A lot of companies have some sort of point system for call offs, so many of them don't care if you're lying or not. A call off is a call off. They'll let you fall on your own sword.
I told my work I needed to take a sick day, then proceeded to get drunk, smoke weed and spend the whole day sleeping.

Is that wrong?

If you want to earn a bad reputation for being very unreliable, (that may follow you for the rest of your life), go ahead and just randomly lie to the boss and fail to adhere to your word.

Unless you're doing something illegal, honesty is the best policy.

He doesn't even consider the burden he put on his fellow workers at Taco Bell, who had to go through the lunch rush short handed.

I swear to fucking gawd. You are an Ass Hole. And I love your comment. Solidify everything.

By the way, I love Taco Smell.

For the record.

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