Is it ironic the loudest complainers over wages are PROGS & their Democrats?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Let's set aside the wealthiest are primarily PROG. You know, Bezos, Gates, Facebook-head and all the like Google, blah blah blah.

Forget it was the Carter admin. who advanced trade with China, same with the Clinton admin. bigly :p

Slight consideration it is PROGS who desire the advancement of illegal or otherwise immigration centering on low-skilled labor, soon to be poorer working conditions while PROG-think commits COVID-Assault on small business in favor of Amazon and Dominos Pizza - picking the winners and losers I guess.

And lose sight of their sense of entitlements, high regulations & tape & high taxes sending jobs overseas. Overseas because PROGS mostly entertain the idea of globalization and one world order, I'm only saying that in passing.

Forget all that BS:p because here's my point:happy-1:

Know how Clinton and Republican congress "balanced the budget" but really didn't? But it was pretty fucking good right, you can thank the internet and China for that. Great short term results, people got RICH (Gates e.g.). Long term pretty bad right, but the PROGS cling to it, they just supported Joe-Yen & Commie-Kamala.

You PROGS pretend it's Republicans who are the problem, and when you say that you mean TRUMP. We'll of course that's another projection on your part, that's what PROGS do best, here's some fun:

" The 1998 Internet Tax Freedom Act was authored by Representative Christopher Cox, R-CA and Senator Ron Wyden, D-OR and signed into law on October 21, 1998 by President Bill Clinton in an effort to promote and preserve the commercial potential of the Internet. " Someone need to explain why significant or you got it?

The law was originally enacted as a ten-year moratorium. It was then extended multiple times by the United States Congress, including several short-term extensions in 2014 and 2015: President Barack Obama signed one extension on September 19, 2014, until December 11, 2014;[5] another one on December 16, 2014, in the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act of 2015, until October 1, 2015; and yet another extension on September 30, 2015, in the Continuing Appropriations Act of 2016, which extended the Internet Tax Freedom Act through December 11, 2015. Someone need to explain why significant or you got it? There's a lot more to it, worth an education and you can see how your PROG-POTUS' are part of the operation.

You know this MOTHER FUCKER PROG-web (GOOGLE) is a pile of left-communist propaganda right? I searched for under which POTUS was tax levied on internet sales and go figure the above information was provided instead. Some other research I got:

On June 21, 2018, the United States Supreme Court fundamentally changed the rules for collection of sales tax by Internet-based retailers. In its decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair Inc., the Court effectively stated that individual states can require online sellers to collect state sales tax on their sales. You got that one right? Trump didn't even come up. Upon further research Trump was all for it.

This is the guy you replaced with Joe-Yen Biden mother fuckers. You knew you fucked up anyway, a conscious will do that, now look what the fuck you did.

So go ahead, complain about wages. America has been had, and PROGS supported it. Tell us again how Democrats do the right things and how they're not in a barn bent over hog-style by China. Now you know the spectacle the Democrats and PROGS have run since Obama and ESPECIALLY Trump with your Russian, Ukraine, Covid and Riot BS.

Always remember, California was a red state before Clinton & the Internet. You don't suppose the blue wave was the result of PROG-Stink, I mean liberal propaganda, what I really mean is PROG-web has played a hand in that do you? How about the disbursement of people from
California? Smells like a rat it's a rat, this is closer a cave full of dead bats, personally I'm fucking pissed.
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Fun fact: the last time "Progs" actually existed the average wage was around $3300 a year.
Fun fact: the last time "Progs" actually existed the average wage was around $3300 a year.

Someone please explain to POGO if he read some things he'd know there are same labels for different things throughout history. Really a PROG should know this best because they constantly entertain false labels and descriptions. You know, men are chicks for example.

Explain how liberal doesn't apply and progressive clearly don't. Perhaps mention PROG just sounds appropriate, to me it's like a Beetle of some sort, stink bug maybe. If it looks too much like an acronym perhaps this will do


Might also mention the PROG left context because, you know, that thing:cool:
Fun fact: the last time "Progs" actually existed the average wage was around $3300 a year.

Someone please explain to POGO if he read some things he'd know there are same labels for different things throughout history.

That's nice, dear. But it's complete bullshit. If we recycled the same terms over and over we could never distinguish one from the other.

Think about it.

Set up a fan first so your tiny little brain doesn't overheat.
Let's set aside the wealthiest are primarily PROG. You know, Bezos, Gates, Facebook-head and all the like Google, blah blah blah.

Forget it was the Carter admin. who advanced trade with China, same with the Clinton admin. bigly :p

Slight consideration it is PROGS who desire the advancement of illegal or otherwise immigration centering on low-skilled labor, soon to be poorer working conditions while PROG-think commits COVID-Assault on small business in favor of Amazon and Dominos Pizza - picking the winners and losers I guess.

And lose sight of their sense of entitlements, high regulations & tape & high taxes sending jobs overseas. Overseas because PROGS mostly entertain the idea of globalization and one world order, I'm only saying that in passing.

Forget all that BS:p because here's my point:happy-1:

Know how Clinton and Republican congress "balanced the budget" but really didn't? But it was pretty fucking good right, you can thank the internet and China for that. Great short term results, people got RICH (Gates e.g.). Long term pretty bad right, but the PROGS cling to it, they just supported Joe-Yen & Commie-Kamala.

You PROGS pretend it's Republicans who are the problem, and when you say that you mean TRUMP. We'll of course that's another projection on your part, that's what PROGS do best, here's some fun:

" The 1998 Internet Tax Freedom Act was authored by Representative Christopher Cox, R-CA and Senator Ron Wyden, D-OR and signed into law on October 21, 1998 by President Bill Clinton in an effort to promote and preserve the commercial potential of the Internet. " Someone need to explain why significant or you got it?

The law was originally enacted as a ten-year moratorium. It was then extended multiple times by the United States Congress, including several short-term extensions in 2014 and 2015: President Barack Obama signed one extension on September 19, 2014, until December 11, 2014;[5] another one on December 16, 2014, in the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act of 2015, until October 1, 2015; and yet another extension on September 30, 2015, in the Continuing Appropriations Act of 2016, which extended the Internet Tax Freedom Act through December 11, 2015. Someone need to explain why significant or you got it? There's a lot more to it, worth an education and you can see how your PROG-POTUS' are part of the operation.

You know this MOTHER FUCKER PROG-web (GOOGLE) is a pile of left-communist propaganda right? I searched for under which POTUS was tax levied on internet sales and go figure the above information was provided instead. Some other research I got:

On June 21, 2018, the United States Supreme Court fundamentally changed the rules for collection of sales tax by Internet-based retailers. In its decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair Inc., the Court effectively stated that individual states can require online sellers to collect state sales tax on their sales. You got that one right? Trump didn't even come up. Upon further research Trump was all for it.

This is the guy you replaced with Joe-Yen Biden mother fuckers. You knew you fucked up anyway, a conscious will do that, now look what the fuck you did.

So go ahead, complain about wages. America has been had, and PROGS supported it. Tell us again how Democrats do the right things and how they're not in a barn bent over hog-style by China. Now you know the spectacle the Democrats and PROGS have run since Obama and ESPECIALLY Trump with your Russian, Ukraine, Covid and Riot BS.

Always remember, California was a red state before Clinton & the Internet. You don't suppose the blue wave was the result of PROG-Stink, I mean liberal propaganda, what I really mean is PROG-web has played a hand in that do you? How about the disbursement of people from
California? Smells like a rat it's a rat, this is closer a cave full of dead bats, personally I'm fucking pissed.
Normal people want everyone to succeed. It’s only white trash failures making minimum wage who hate everyone they think is competing with them.
I hope that helps.
You might find greater understanding if you go to school past the 6th grade.
Now run along
This mean we ignore "that's sick", "that's dirty"?

Silly. Original meaning: Blessed with worthiness

Flux. Original meaning: Diarrhoea or dysentry.

Leech. Original meaning: A doctor or healer

Ever wonder why “awesome” means excellent but “awful” means really bad when they both derive from “awe”? In Old English, awe meant “fear, terror or dread.”

A cheater was originally an officer appointed to look after the king's escheats
Egregious now describes something outstandingly bad or shocking, but it originally meant remarkably good

Furniture originally meant equipment, supplies or provisions, in the literal or figurative sense

Girl once meant a child or young person of either sex

Meat meant solid food (as opposed to drink) or fodder for animals

Naughty people had naught (nothing); they were poor or needy.

PROG was some BS past, today it's a term used to describe Commie Leftists who generally support the Demonic Party. The term originally derived from the word Progressives, which is a misnomer used to label leftists. PROG is an acronym for Progressively Rewired On Garbage. Fact-checks declare this information is misleading.


What is the minimum wage?
A wage is determined between an employee looking for work and the employer who needs extra help so he can expand his business. If a person straight out of high school (who cant talk, or count to 10) isnt worth any more than a couple of dollars an hour, as that person can do menial work like washing dishes or taking out the trash, scrubbing floors and such. Those that do have a better grasp on the language and can count up to 100, can articulate that they are much better than the garbage boy, so can come to an agreement that he might be worth 3 dollars an hour, or more, depending how the employer really needs that employee. This is the truth about capitalism that people "TRY" to better themselves so they can be paid more than some lazy liberal fuck, who just whines that his life sucks. When wages are demanded by the government to be under control, then those who shouldnt be paid that amount can still be lazy fucks, and the rest who actually do the work, have resentment for the management and the lazy fuck....You prog slaves, can all go fuck yourselves.....
Let's set aside the wealthiest are primarily PROG. You know, Bezos, Gates, Facebook-head and all the like Google, blah blah blah.

Forget it was the Carter admin. who advanced trade with China, same with the Clinton admin. bigly :p

Slight consideration it is PROGS who desire the advancement of illegal or otherwise immigration centering on low-skilled labor, soon to be poorer working conditions while PROG-think commits COVID-Assault on small business in favor of Amazon and Dominos Pizza - picking the winners and losers I guess.

And lose sight of their sense of entitlements, high regulations & tape & high taxes sending jobs overseas. Overseas because PROGS mostly entertain the idea of globalization and one world order, I'm only saying that in passing.

Forget all that BS:p because here's my point:happy-1:

Know how Clinton and Republican congress "balanced the budget" but really didn't? But it was pretty fucking good right, you can thank the internet and China for that. Great short term results, people got RICH (Gates e.g.). Long term pretty bad right, but the PROGS cling to it, they just supported Joe-Yen & Commie-Kamala.

You PROGS pretend it's Republicans who are the problem, and when you say that you mean TRUMP. We'll of course that's another projection on your part, that's what PROGS do best, here's some fun:

" The 1998 Internet Tax Freedom Act was authored by Representative Christopher Cox, R-CA and Senator Ron Wyden, D-OR and signed into law on October 21, 1998 by President Bill Clinton in an effort to promote and preserve the commercial potential of the Internet. " Someone need to explain why significant or you got it?

The law was originally enacted as a ten-year moratorium. It was then extended multiple times by the United States Congress, including several short-term extensions in 2014 and 2015: President Barack Obama signed one extension on September 19, 2014, until December 11, 2014;[5] another one on December 16, 2014, in the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act of 2015, until October 1, 2015; and yet another extension on September 30, 2015, in the Continuing Appropriations Act of 2016, which extended the Internet Tax Freedom Act through December 11, 2015. Someone need to explain why significant or you got it? There's a lot more to it, worth an education and you can see how your PROG-POTUS' are part of the operation.

You know this MOTHER FUCKER PROG-web (GOOGLE) is a pile of left-communist propaganda right? I searched for under which POTUS was tax levied on internet sales and go figure the above information was provided instead. Some other research I got:

On June 21, 2018, the United States Supreme Court fundamentally changed the rules for collection of sales tax by Internet-based retailers. In its decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair Inc., the Court effectively stated that individual states can require online sellers to collect state sales tax on their sales. You got that one right? Trump didn't even come up. Upon further research Trump was all for it.

This is the guy you replaced with Joe-Yen Biden mother fuckers. You knew you fucked up anyway, a conscious will do that, now look what the fuck you did.

So go ahead, complain about wages. America has been had, and PROGS supported it. Tell us again how Democrats do the right things and how they're not in a barn bent over hog-style by China. Now you know the spectacle the Democrats and PROGS have run since Obama and ESPECIALLY Trump with your Russian, Ukraine, Covid and Riot BS.

Always remember, California was a red state before Clinton & the Internet. You don't suppose the blue wave was the result of PROG-Stink, I mean liberal propaganda, what I really mean is PROG-web has played a hand in that do you? How about the disbursement of people from
California? Smells like a rat it's a rat, this is closer a cave full of dead bats, personally I'm fucking pissed.
Normal people want everyone to succeed. It’s only white trash failures making minimum wage who hate everyone they think is competing with them.
I hope that helps.
You might find greater understanding if you go to school past the 6th grade.
Now run along

You really did a nice job to support your opinion. College education?
This mean we ignore "that's sick", "that's dirty"?

Silly. Original meaning: Blessed with worthiness

Flux. Original meaning: Diarrhoea or dysentry.

Leech. Original meaning: A doctor or healer

Ever wonder why “awesome” means excellent but “awful” means really bad when they both derive from “awe”? In Old English, awe meant “fear, terror or dread.”

A cheater was originally an officer appointed to look after the king's escheats
Egregious now describes something outstandingly bad or shocking, but it originally meant remarkably good

Furniture originally meant equipment, supplies or provisions, in the literal or figurative sense

Girl once meant a child or young person of either sex

Meat meant solid food (as opposed to drink) or fodder for animals

Naughty people had naught (nothing); they were poor or needy.

PROG was some BS past, today it's a term used to describe Commie Leftists who generally support the Demonic Party. The term originally derived from the word Progressives, which is a misnomer used to label leftists. PROG is an acronym for Progressively Rewired On Garbage. Fact-checks declare this information is misleading.



Again --- that's nice dear. Etymologies R fun and shit. But you;'ll notice your entries too CENTURIES to migrate. More to the point what you're trying to do is recycle a noun denoting a sociopolitical movement, which had a specific reference in its time, and then slap the same label on a different group in a different time. You can't do that. Language doesn't work that way. And even more to the point YOU YOURSELF just admitted, right there in the post above, that it's a misnomer.

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