Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

P F Tinmore, et al,

You need to get real.

If Jews and Arabs are the same race, then the one state solution should be a piece of cake.

There are more than 450 active street gangs in the City of Los Angeles; all ethnic cultures and racial groups. There are more than one of each major categories; with multiple Black and Latino Gangs having the largest representation. They don't all get along, and race has very little to do with it. Power, influence, territory and money are the biggest drivers.

Don't be foolish.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

You need to get real.

If Jews and Arabs are the same race, then the one state solution should be a piece of cake.

There are more than 450 active street gangs in the City of Los Angeles; all ethnic cultures and racial groups. There are more than one of each major categories; with multiple Black and Latino Gangs having the largest representation. They don't all get along, and race has very little to do with it. Power, influence, territory and money are the biggest drivers.

Don't be foolish.

Most Respectfully,

you really do need to get real if you think race has nothing to do with gang affiliation.

but hey, california knows how to party...

[ame=]California Love - Tupac (Official Video) - YouTube[/ame]
That still doesn't address what he was talking about, which was racism by Israelis towards arabs, but then again, you had no response to that so you try to deflect onto something irrelevant... as usual.

Hey many times do we have to tell you that Jews and arabs are of the same race so your term doesn't apply? We are on to your antics. You are using the term to inflame hatred of Jews. Time to stop accusing people of something you are guilty of. Talk about deflection!

If Jews and Arabs are the same race, then the one state solution should be a piece of cake.

Maybe a Semitic Union is still possible in a single state occupied by UNSC peacekeepers for the next generation or two? Since it was France and Britain and their Sykes-Picot Agreement in 1916 that laid the groundwork for much of the misery in today's Middle East, I'm proposing reparations paid by French and British economic elites (corporations and individuals) that would fund a US, Russian, and Chinese peacekeeping operation on the West Bank and Gaza. (Possibly the US and China could outsource some of their manpower requirement to North and South Korean special forces?) Left to their own devices, Semites don't appear willing to make the necessary compromises for a lasting peace in the Holy Land, and some on both sides appear suicidal enough to introduce nuclear weapons into the "solution."
Neither the Arab-Muslims of Palestine nor the Jews of the State of Israel (or elsewhere) are pure-bloods.

Both groups carry the genetic markers of the endless array of conquerors and contestants for the region over the past several thousand years.

And even with all that admixture, the Arab-Muslims of Palestine are probably more narrowly defined, genetically, than their Jewish antagonists.

Mostly because the Jews have been wandering for 2,000 years and have picked-up strong genetic markers from the Two-Rivers region (Bablylonian, Sumerian, etc.) and the Caucuses and Urals and Slavic and Mongol and Eurasian sources, as well as some heavy genetic contributions from Central and Western Europe over the past several centuries.

As I recall from earlier readings about the beginning-times for the Jewish Diaspora, Judaism was, for some considerable period of time, entirely embracing and welcoming of new converts from the lands into which they dispersed, to an extent where some Jewish ancestry-lines actually begin with a post-Diaspora conversion of Gentiles, rather than a maternal link all the way back to ancient Judea-Israel.

This, of course, forms the basis for objections that the Jews of today are not the inheritors of the Jews of Antiquity, and, genetically speaking, there seems to be some truth in that assertion; but, as with most things, it's only a Partial Truth, and, in many persons of the Jewish faith, we can, indeed, find genetic markers linking them to the Judea-Israel of Antiquity, so, that's pretty much a 'wash' - a mixed bag.

But such distinctions grow fuzzy and they lose some measure of importance in light of the mixed racial-ethnic genetic inheritance of the Arab-Muslims of so-called Palestine... part Arab Beduoin blood, part Western European crusader blood, part Hebrew blood, part Byzantine blood, part Roman Legionary blood, part Egyptian blood, part Berber blood, part Iraqi or Persian or Greek blood, part Ottoman Turkish blood, etc... like most folks on the face of the planet... mutts rather than pure-bloods.

So it comes down to Religion and Culture and Philosophy as much as race.

The Jews of modern-day Israel are the Cultural and Spiritual and Philosophical Heirs of Judea-Israel of Anquitity, and, after the slaughter of 6,000,000 of their men, women and children at the hands of Euro-trash during the Holocaust, the Jews decided to stop Wandering and to take back their ancestral and spiritual Homeland.

Nobody was going to hand it to them, and they'd been shoved-around for centuries up to that time, so, they chose to do some shoving themselves, for once, and to stop playing the victim-sheeple.

They succeeded beyond their - or the world's - wildest dreams.


england handed it to them.
Neither the Arab-Muslims of Palestine nor the Jews of the State of Israel (or elsewhere) are pure-bloods.

Both groups carry the genetic markers of the endless array of conquerors and contestants for the region over the past several thousand years.

And even with all that admixture, the Arab-Muslims of Palestine are probably more narrowly defined, genetically, than their Jewish antagonists.

Mostly because the Jews have been wandering for 2,000 years and have picked-up strong genetic markers from the Two-Rivers region (Bablylonian, Sumerian, etc.) and the Caucuses and Urals and Slavic and Mongol and Eurasian sources, as well as some heavy genetic contributions from Central and Western Europe over the past several centuries.

As I recall from earlier readings about the beginning-times for the Jewish Diaspora, Judaism was, for some considerable period of time, entirely embracing and welcoming of new converts from the lands into which they dispersed, to an extent where some Jewish ancestry-lines actually begin with a post-Diaspora conversion of Gentiles, rather than a maternal link all the way back to ancient Judea-Israel.

This, of course, forms the basis for objections that the Jews of today are not the inheritors of the Jews of Antiquity, and, genetically speaking, there seems to be some truth in that assertion; but, as with most things, it's only a Partial Truth, and, in many persons of the Jewish faith, we can, indeed, find genetic markers linking them to the Judea-Israel of Antiquity, so, that's pretty much a 'wash' - a mixed bag.

But such distinctions grow fuzzy and they lose some measure of importance in light of the mixed racial-ethnic genetic inheritance of the Arab-Muslims of so-called Palestine... part Arab Beduoin blood, part Western European crusader blood, part Hebrew blood, part Byzantine blood, part Roman Legionary blood, part Egyptian blood, part Berber blood, part Iraqi or Persian or Greek blood, part Ottoman Turkish blood, etc... like most folks on the face of the planet... mutts rather than pure-bloods.

So it comes down to Religion and Culture and Philosophy as much as race.

The Jews of modern-day Israel are the Cultural and Spiritual and Philosophical Heirs of Judea-Israel of Anquitity, and, after the slaughter of 6,000,000 of their men, women and children at the hands of Euro-trash during the Holocaust, the Jews decided to stop Wandering and to take back their ancestral and spiritual Homeland.

Nobody was going to hand it to them, and they'd been shoved-around for centuries up to that time, so, they chose to do some shoving themselves, for once, and to stop playing the victim-sheeple.

They succeeded beyond their - or the world's - wildest dreams.


england handed it to them.
Pakistan was handed to the Muslims. Why not tell us how wonderful they are doing there when they are not busy suicide or car bombing innocent people because they don't like that particular sect?
Neither the Arab-Muslims of Palestine nor the Jews of the State of Israel (or elsewhere) are pure-bloods.

Both groups carry the genetic markers of the endless array of conquerors and contestants for the region over the past several thousand years.

And even with all that admixture, the Arab-Muslims of Palestine are probably more narrowly defined, genetically, than their Jewish antagonists.

Mostly because the Jews have been wandering for 2,000 years and have picked-up strong genetic markers from the Two-Rivers region (Bablylonian, Sumerian, etc.) and the Caucuses and Urals and Slavic and Mongol and Eurasian sources, as well as some heavy genetic contributions from Central and Western Europe over the past several centuries.

As I recall from earlier readings about the beginning-times for the Jewish Diaspora, Judaism was, for some considerable period of time, entirely embracing and welcoming of new converts from the lands into which they dispersed, to an extent where some Jewish ancestry-lines actually begin with a post-Diaspora conversion of Gentiles, rather than a maternal link all the way back to ancient Judea-Israel.

This, of course, forms the basis for objections that the Jews of today are not the inheritors of the Jews of Antiquity, and, genetically speaking, there seems to be some truth in that assertion; but, as with most things, it's only a Partial Truth, and, in many persons of the Jewish faith, we can, indeed, find genetic markers linking them to the Judea-Israel of Antiquity, so, that's pretty much a 'wash' - a mixed bag.

But such distinctions grow fuzzy and they lose some measure of importance in light of the mixed racial-ethnic genetic inheritance of the Arab-Muslims of so-called Palestine... part Arab Beduoin blood, part Western European crusader blood, part Hebrew blood, part Byzantine blood, part Roman Legionary blood, part Egyptian blood, part Berber blood, part Iraqi or Persian or Greek blood, part Ottoman Turkish blood, etc... like most folks on the face of the planet... mutts rather than pure-bloods.

So it comes down to Religion and Culture and Philosophy as much as race.

The Jews of modern-day Israel are the Cultural and Spiritual and Philosophical Heirs of Judea-Israel of Anquitity, and, after the slaughter of 6,000,000 of their men, women and children at the hands of Euro-trash during the Holocaust, the Jews decided to stop Wandering and to take back their ancestral and spiritual Homeland.

Nobody was going to hand it to them, and they'd been shoved-around for centuries up to that time, so, they chose to do some shoving themselves, for once, and to stop playing the victim-sheeple.

They succeeded beyond their - or the world's - wildest dreams.


england handed it to them.
Pakistan was handed to the Muslims. Why not tell us how wonderful they are doing there when they are not busy suicide or car bombing innocent people because they don't like that particular sect?

because that's not the topic, is it? You're the King (Queen?) of Deflection.

england handed it to them.
Pakistan was handed to the Muslims. Why not tell us how wonderful they are doing there when they are not busy suicide or car bombing innocent people because they don't like that particular sect?

because that's not the topic, is it? You're the King (Queen?) of Deflection.
Don't worry, Little Guy, anyone with a head on their shoulder knows that there is racism and religious intolerance all over the Muslim world. If you want to stick your head in the sand like the rest of the anti-Semites and just want to diss Israel, go right ahead.
Neither the Arab-Muslims of Palestine nor the Jews of the State of Israel (or elsewhere) are pure-bloods.

Both groups carry the genetic markers of the endless array of conquerors and contestants for the region over the past several thousand years.

And even with all that admixture, the Arab-Muslims of Palestine are probably more narrowly defined, genetically, than their Jewish antagonists.

Mostly because the Jews have been wandering for 2,000 years and have picked-up strong genetic markers from the Two-Rivers region (Bablylonian, Sumerian, etc.) and the Caucuses and Urals and Slavic and Mongol and Eurasian sources, as well as some heavy genetic contributions from Central and Western Europe over the past several centuries.

As I recall from earlier readings about the beginning-times for the Jewish Diaspora, Judaism was, for some considerable period of time, entirely embracing and welcoming of new converts from the lands into which they dispersed, to an extent where some Jewish ancestry-lines actually begin with a post-Diaspora conversion of Gentiles, rather than a maternal link all the way back to ancient Judea-Israel.

This, of course, forms the basis for objections that the Jews of today are not the inheritors of the Jews of Antiquity, and, genetically speaking, there seems to be some truth in that assertion; but, as with most things, it's only a Partial Truth, and, in many persons of the Jewish faith, we can, indeed, find genetic markers linking them to the Judea-Israel of Antiquity, so, that's pretty much a 'wash' - a mixed bag.

But such distinctions grow fuzzy and they lose some measure of importance in light of the mixed racial-ethnic genetic inheritance of the Arab-Muslims of so-called Palestine... part Arab Beduoin blood, part Western European crusader blood, part Hebrew blood, part Byzantine blood, part Roman Legionary blood, part Egyptian blood, part Berber blood, part Iraqi or Persian or Greek blood, part Ottoman Turkish blood, etc... like most folks on the face of the planet... mutts rather than pure-bloods.

So it comes down to Religion and Culture and Philosophy as much as race.

The Jews of modern-day Israel are the Cultural and Spiritual and Philosophical Heirs of Judea-Israel of Anquitity, and, after the slaughter of 6,000,000 of their men, women and children at the hands of Euro-trash during the Holocaust, the Jews decided to stop Wandering and to take back their ancestral and spiritual Homeland.

Nobody was going to hand it to them, and they'd been shoved-around for centuries up to that time, so, they chose to do some shoving themselves, for once, and to stop playing the victim-sheeple.

They succeeded beyond their - or the world's - wildest dreams.

I must disagree with some of what you said. They did get back most of historical Eretz Yisroel, but they might still lose the West Bank, or most of it. Having ALL of that tiny speck of land called Israel in their possession, would have gone beyond their wildest dreams.
"...I must disagree with some of what you said. They did get back most of historical Eretz Yisroel, but they might still lose the West Bank, or most of it. Having ALL of that tiny speck of land called Israel in their possession, would have gone beyond their wildest dreams."


"...They exceeded beyond their most optimistic practical expectations at the time of their Independence in 1948, based upon conditions that existed at the time that they embarked upon that process."

Fixed... I think.

I presume that I got the rest of it 'right' ?
Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

No, because SA finally did the right thing. And Israel has no real heros like Nelson Mandela.
Neither the Arab-Muslims of Palestine nor the Jews of the State of Israel (or elsewhere) are pure-bloods.

Both groups carry the genetic markers of the endless array of conquerors and contestants for the region over the past several thousand years.

And even with all that admixture, the Arab-Muslims of Palestine are probably more narrowly defined, genetically, than their Jewish antagonists.

Mostly because the Jews have been wandering for 2,000 years and have picked-up strong genetic markers from the Two-Rivers region (Bablylonian, Sumerian, etc.) and the Caucuses and Urals and Slavic and Mongol and Eurasian sources, as well as some heavy genetic contributions from Central and Western Europe over the past several centuries.

As I recall from earlier readings about the beginning-times for the Jewish Diaspora, Judaism was, for some considerable period of time, entirely embracing and welcoming of new converts from the lands into which they dispersed, to an extent where some Jewish ancestry-lines actually begin with a post-Diaspora conversion of Gentiles, rather than a maternal link all the way back to ancient Judea-Israel.

This, of course, forms the basis for objections that the Jews of today are not the inheritors of the Jews of Antiquity, and, genetically speaking, there seems to be some truth in that assertion; but, as with most things, it's only a Partial Truth, and, in many persons of the Jewish faith, we can, indeed, find genetic markers linking them to the Judea-Israel of Antiquity, so, that's pretty much a 'wash' - a mixed bag.

But such distinctions grow fuzzy and they lose some measure of importance in light of the mixed racial-ethnic genetic inheritance of the Arab-Muslims of so-called Palestine... part Arab Beduoin blood, part Western European crusader blood, part Hebrew blood, part Byzantine blood, part Roman Legionary blood, part Egyptian blood, part Berber blood, part Iraqi or Persian or Greek blood, part Ottoman Turkish blood, etc... like most folks on the face of the planet... mutts rather than pure-bloods.

So it comes down to Religion and Culture and Philosophy as much as race.

The Jews of modern-day Israel are the Cultural and Spiritual and Philosophical Heirs of Judea-Israel of Anquitity, and, after the slaughter of 6,000,000 of their men, women and children at the hands of Euro-trash during the Holocaust, the Jews decided to stop Wandering and to take back their ancestral and spiritual Homeland.

Nobody was going to hand it to them, and they'd been shoved-around for centuries up to that time, so, they chose to do some shoving themselves, for once, and to stop playing the victim-sheeple.

They succeeded beyond their - or the world's - wildest dreams.

So it all comes down to today's Jews deserving the same right to pillage Palestine as their "cultural and spiritual and philosophical" ancestors had to loot Canaan?

Do you suppose those ancient Jews felt holy when exterminating entire communities?
(Except for females too young for marriage but old enough for rape)

"THE RELIGIOUS WAR: Gush Emunim adherents and other Israeli religious zealots plan it. They're active in politics, hold seats in the Knesset, are Netanyahu government coalition partners (including Shas, United Torah and Yisrael Beiteinu) and are prominently represented in Israel's military throughout its ranks and rabbinate.

"Chief military rabbi, Brigadier General Avichai Rontzki, called Operation Cast Lead a 'religious war' in which it was 'immoral' to show mercy to an enemy of 'murderers'.

"Many others feel the same way, prominently among them graduates of Hesder Yeshivat schools that combine extremist religious indoctrination with military service to defend the Jewish state."

Al-Ahram Weekly | Focus | Religious fundamentalism in Israel
Neither the Arab-Muslims of Palestine nor the Jews of the State of Israel (or elsewhere) are pure-bloods.

Both groups carry the genetic markers of the endless array of conquerors and contestants for the region over the past several thousand years.

And even with all that admixture, the Arab-Muslims of Palestine are probably more narrowly defined, genetically, than their Jewish antagonists.

Mostly because the Jews have been wandering for 2,000 years and have picked-up strong genetic markers from the Two-Rivers region (Bablylonian, Sumerian, etc.) and the Caucuses and Urals and Slavic and Mongol and Eurasian sources, as well as some heavy genetic contributions from Central and Western Europe over the past several centuries.

As I recall from earlier readings about the beginning-times for the Jewish Diaspora, Judaism was, for some considerable period of time, entirely embracing and welcoming of new converts from the lands into which they dispersed, to an extent where some Jewish ancestry-lines actually begin with a post-Diaspora conversion of Gentiles, rather than a maternal link all the way back to ancient Judea-Israel.

This, of course, forms the basis for objections that the Jews of today are not the inheritors of the Jews of Antiquity, and, genetically speaking, there seems to be some truth in that assertion; but, as with most things, it's only a Partial Truth, and, in many persons of the Jewish faith, we can, indeed, find genetic markers linking them to the Judea-Israel of Antiquity, so, that's pretty much a 'wash' - a mixed bag.

But such distinctions grow fuzzy and they lose some measure of importance in light of the mixed racial-ethnic genetic inheritance of the Arab-Muslims of so-called Palestine... part Arab Beduoin blood, part Western European crusader blood, part Hebrew blood, part Byzantine blood, part Roman Legionary blood, part Egyptian blood, part Berber blood, part Iraqi or Persian or Greek blood, part Ottoman Turkish blood, etc... like most folks on the face of the planet... mutts rather than pure-bloods.

So it comes down to Religion and Culture and Philosophy as much as race.

The Jews of modern-day Israel are the Cultural and Spiritual and Philosophical Heirs of Judea-Israel of Anquitity, and, after the slaughter of 6,000,000 of their men, women and children at the hands of Euro-trash during the Holocaust, the Jews decided to stop Wandering and to take back their ancestral and spiritual Homeland.

Nobody was going to hand it to them, and they'd been shoved-around for centuries up to that time, so, they chose to do some shoving themselves, for once, and to stop playing the victim-sheeple.

They succeeded beyond their - or the world's - wildest dreams.

So it all comes down to today's Jews deserving the same right to pillage Palestine as their "cultural and spiritual and philosophical" ancestors had to loot Canaan?

Do you suppose those ancient Jews felt holy when exterminating entire communities?
(Except for females too young for marriage but old enough for rape)

"THE RELIGIOUS WAR: Gush Emunim adherents and other Israeli religious zealots plan it. They're active in politics, hold seats in the Knesset, are Netanyahu government coalition partners (including Shas, United Torah and Yisrael Beiteinu) and are prominently represented in Israel's military throughout its ranks and rabbinate.

"Chief military rabbi, Brigadier General Avichai Rontzki, called Operation Cast Lead a 'religious war' in which it was 'immoral' to show mercy to an enemy of 'murderers'.

"Many others feel the same way, prominently among them graduates of Hesder Yeshivat schools that combine extremist religious indoctrination with military service to defend the Jewish state."

Al-Ahram Weekly | Focus | Religious fundamentalism in Israel

Oh, get over it. Israel is so small that you need a magnifying glass to find it on a map or a globe.
Btw, what's the sock thing with a hole in it? What does
that even mean, I'm a sock?

More likely it's more hasbara hate.
Don't take it personally.

"Until a few years ago, the main government agency carrying out Hasbara work was the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through its Media and Hasbara department.

"Under Ehud Olmert’s government, and more so under Netanyahu’s, there was a considerable increase in Hasbara efforts.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu has launched for the first time a Hasbara Ministry, headed by a government minister (the current hasbara minister is Yuli Edelstein).

"The Hasbara Ministry includes a situation room, which operates in five languages; it has a new-media team that can reach, according to the office’s web page, 100,000 volunteers on social media networks, as well as many bloggers.

"UPDATE: The Ministry of Hasbara is hiring! 'Advantage to minorities and representatives of the gay community.' More details here."

Hasbara: Why does the world fail to understand us? | +972 Magazine
Neither the Arab-Muslims of Palestine nor the Jews of the State of Israel (or elsewhere) are pure-bloods.

Both groups carry the genetic markers of the endless array of conquerors and contestants for the region over the past several thousand years.

And even with all that admixture, the Arab-Muslims of Palestine are probably more narrowly defined, genetically, than their Jewish antagonists.

Mostly because the Jews have been wandering for 2,000 years and have picked-up strong genetic markers from the Two-Rivers region (Bablylonian, Sumerian, etc.) and the Caucuses and Urals and Slavic and Mongol and Eurasian sources, as well as some heavy genetic contributions from Central and Western Europe over the past several centuries.

As I recall from earlier readings about the beginning-times for the Jewish Diaspora, Judaism was, for some considerable period of time, entirely embracing and welcoming of new converts from the lands into which they dispersed, to an extent where some Jewish ancestry-lines actually begin with a post-Diaspora conversion of Gentiles, rather than a maternal link all the way back to ancient Judea-Israel.

This, of course, forms the basis for objections that the Jews of today are not the inheritors of the Jews of Antiquity, and, genetically speaking, there seems to be some truth in that assertion; but, as with most things, it's only a Partial Truth, and, in many persons of the Jewish faith, we can, indeed, find genetic markers linking them to the Judea-Israel of Antiquity, so, that's pretty much a 'wash' - a mixed bag.

But such distinctions grow fuzzy and they lose some measure of importance in light of the mixed racial-ethnic genetic inheritance of the Arab-Muslims of so-called Palestine... part Arab Beduoin blood, part Western European crusader blood, part Hebrew blood, part Byzantine blood, part Roman Legionary blood, part Egyptian blood, part Berber blood, part Iraqi or Persian or Greek blood, part Ottoman Turkish blood, etc... like most folks on the face of the planet... mutts rather than pure-bloods.

So it comes down to Religion and Culture and Philosophy as much as race.

The Jews of modern-day Israel are the Cultural and Spiritual and Philosophical Heirs of Judea-Israel of Anquitity, and, after the slaughter of 6,000,000 of their men, women and children at the hands of Euro-trash during the Holocaust, the Jews decided to stop Wandering and to take back their ancestral and spiritual Homeland.

Nobody was going to hand it to them, and they'd been shoved-around for centuries up to that time, so, they chose to do some shoving themselves, for once, and to stop playing the victim-sheeple.

They succeeded beyond their - or the world's - wildest dreams.

So it all comes down to today's Jews deserving the same right to pillage Palestine as their "cultural and spiritual and philosophical" ancestors had to loot Canaan?

Do you suppose those ancient Jews felt holy when exterminating entire communities?
(Except for females too young for marriage but old enough for rape)

"THE RELIGIOUS WAR: Gush Emunim adherents and other Israeli religious zealots plan it. They're active in politics, hold seats in the Knesset, are Netanyahu government coalition partners (including Shas, United Torah and Yisrael Beiteinu) and are prominently represented in Israel's military throughout its ranks and rabbinate.

"Chief military rabbi, Brigadier General Avichai Rontzki, called Operation Cast Lead a 'religious war' in which it was 'immoral' to show mercy to an enemy of 'murderers'.

"Many others feel the same way, prominently among them graduates of Hesder Yeshivat schools that combine extremist religious indoctrination with military service to defend the Jewish state."

Al-Ahram Weekly | Focus | Religious fundamentalism in Israel

Oh, get over it. Israel is so small that you need a magnifying glass to find it on a map or a globe.

"Size and shape of the cells

"The overall size and shape of cancer cells are often abnormal. They may be either smaller or larger than normal cells. Normal cells often have certain shapes that help them do their jobs. Cancer cells usually do not function in a useful way and their shapes are often distorted. Unlike normal cells that tend to have the same size and shape, cancer cells often are very different in their sizes and shapes."

What do doctors look for under the microscope?
P F Tinmore, et al,

You need to get real.

If Jews and Arabs are the same race, then the one state solution should be a piece of cake.

There are more than 450 active street gangs in the City of Los Angeles; all ethnic cultures and racial groups. There are more than one of each major categories; with multiple Black and Latino Gangs having the largest representation. They don't all get along, and race has very little to do with it. Power, influence, territory and money are the biggest drivers.

Don't be foolish.

Most Respectfully,

Survival is the biggest driver of street gang recruitment.
Since 1% of Americans hoard over 20% of US income and much of that loot has come from off-shoring middle class jobs over the past two generations, today's gangs have more applicants than ever before.

Two of the biggest LA gangs got their start during Ronald Reagan's Iran/Contra adventures when US trained death squads were murdering hundreds of thousands of Central Americans on behalf of "Freedom," and thousands of survivors flooded into the neighborhoods just west of downtown LA.

Funny how some of the same people getting rich from Israel's occupation of Palestine also profit from the prison/industrial complex in California today.
georgephillip, et al,

I keep asking!

Then Hamas must be destroyed, like the mad dog that it is.

Racists should be destroyed on both sides of the Green Line starting with those who control the monopoly of violence:

"According to the 2004 U.S. State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for Israel and the Occupied Territories, the Israeli government had done 'little to reduce institutional, legal, and societal discrimination against the country's Arab citizens.'[8]

"The 2005 US Department of State report on Israel wrote: '[T]he government generally respected the human rights of its citizens; however, there were problems in some areas, including... institutional, legal, and societal discrimination against the country’s Arab citizens.'[9]

"The 2010 U.S. State Department Country Report stated that Israeli law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, and that government effectively enforced these prohibitions.[10] Former Likud MK and Minister of Defense Moshe Arens has criticized the treatment of minorities in Israel, saying that they did not bear the full obligation of Israeli citizenship, nor were they extended the full privileges of citizenship.[11]"

Racism in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

650, 000 Jews inflicted an ethnocracy on 1.2 million non-Jews in 1948 and three generations later their racist state is swirling the same drain as White South Africa a generation ago.

Can you hear the FLUSH?

What are the two (or more) races involved in the Racism?

Most Respectfully,

first of all, there do not have to be two or more "races" involved in racism.

your simple and simplistic dictionary definitions of "racism" fail to address a very complex problem and are merely an exercise in aggrandising your ego in a rather stupid and ignorant way.

shall i supply you with article after article decrying the racism among jews and israels and zionists and the state of israel? and you have my assurance that, unlike those who are celebrating your stance, my sources will be neutral or pro-israel unlike the regular parade of hate and propaganda of your cohorts.

you are aware that among your suppoters on this board of "israel has no racism" are those who regularly say "palestinians/arabs/muslims are animals" or worse or, in effect. racists and bigots.

forgive me for impugning your self perceived omnipotence, but the constant denial of the existence of a problem will not make it disappear.

vade in pace,
Btw, what's the sock thing with a hole in it? What does that even mean, I'm a sock?

it means two things.

first it means they think you are an "impersonator" or something like that, something the admin and mods take care of effectively in my opinion and i think your accusers realise this.

the most IMPORTANT meaning it has though is they have no adequate answer to the issue at hand and think that argument strictly by insult and with no content whatsoever serves. the only pirpose it serves though is salving the delicare egos of those who somehow feel that it is a blow to their mangood to admit a mistake. silly really.

it should be obvious to even the most casual of obsevers that their in an incredib;e amount of radism in israel and, if this board is any indication, in jewish culture as a whole, but they really are clueless when it comes to defining the problem and are unwilling to look at the problem of racism as it eists in their own society/culture.
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Btw, what's the sock thing with a hole in it? What does that even mean, I'm a sock?

it means two things.

first it means they think you are an "impersonator" or something like that, something the admin and mods take care of effectively in my opinion and i think your accusers realise this.

the most IMPORTANT meaning it has though is they have no adequate answer to the issue at hand and think that argument strictly by insult and with no content whatsoever serves. the only pirpose it serves though is salving the delicare egos of those who somehow feel that it is a blow to their mangood to admit a mistake. silly really.

it should be obvious to even the most casual of obsevers that their in an incredib;e amount of radism in israel and, if this board is any indication, in jewish culture as a whole, but they really are clueless when it comes to defining the problem and are unwilling to look at the problem of racism as it eists in their own society/culture.
So is the whole pro-Israel side here a bunch of babies, or is it just those clowns?

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