Is Herman Cain really running for President or


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
is this just a Saturday Night Live continuing series? He is so funny, he must be auditioning for SNL.

[ame=]Herman Cain on Libya - YouTube[/ame]

It is frightening to think someone like this is even running for the Presidency...:eek:

Whats more frightening is that you have a President that you elected who thinks Hawaii is in Asia.:lol:

OR (and kudos to Obamaneverpunchedatimeclock)

Called Europe a country
Thinks Great Britain and England are the same
Thinks there is an Austrian language
The day before Cinco de Mayo is apparently "Cinco de Cuatro"
Filling out NCAA basketball bracket, he spells Syracuse "Sycacuse"
A self-proclaimed Chicago White Sox fan, Obama called Comiskey Park
"Cominskey Field"
In a letter to a fan, misspells "advice" as "advise"
Coal creates asthma in kids? Breathalyzer's for kids with asthma?
"I've been in 57 states...I think one left to go."
Mispronouncing the word "corpsman" as "corpse-man", twice in the same speech
Gives a gift of incorrectly formatted DVD's to Gordon Brown
Names a tax cheat as Treasury Secretary
In introductions, forgets the name of his own Secretary of Defense
Tries to open a White House window thinking it's a door
Brain-freeze trying to figure out how to maneuver an umbrella through a gate
Attributed seances in the White House to Nancy Reagan
Thanks himself while reading the wrong line on the teleprompter
Fumbles through a teleprompter miscue at the National Academy of Sciences
Equates his terrible bowling to Special Olympics on Leno
Pronounced 10,000 dead from a Kansas storm when there were actually 12 deaths
Called Sioux Falls, SD "Sioux City"
Called Sunrise, FL "Sunshine"
"The time has changed for come!"
"John McCain is running for George Bush's fourth term."
"I'm here with the Girardo family here in St. Louis." - Obama,
speaking from Kansas City
Confuses the Constitution for the DoI in his own SOTU speech (the
supposed Constitutional scholar)
Cites the Constitution as having been written "twenty centuries" ago
In his own words, he's apparently able to see dead people in the
audience (sounds like Dem vote counting)
His great uncle wasn't at Auschwitz as stated by Obama, he was at Buchenwald
Claimed his parents met because of the 1965 Selma march when they
actually married in 1961
Credits a proverb imprinted on Oval Office rug to MLK. Its origin is
from 19th century abolitionist Theodore Parker
Thought Emporer Hirohito was on the battleship Missouri signing
Japanese terms of surrender
"Let me be absolutely clear...Israel is a strong friend of Israel's"
"Not having been there and not seeing all the facts...the Cambridge
police acted stupidly."
"Texas has always been a pretty Republican state" - If "always"
excludes about 120 years of Democratic history
"I wanna be very clear...that we are resolved to halt the rise of
privacy." (pirates are okay though I guess)
"The reforms we seek would bring greater inefficiencies to our
healthcare system." (a slip of truth for once)
Analogizes that the USPS is "always having problems", undercutting his
own argument for government run healthcare
On the Daschle debacle - "...a mistake - probably not the first one
I'm going to be making in this office."
States that inflating your tires and getting tuneups equates to the
domestic oil that drilling would produce
Restaurant that Obama brags was saved by the stimulus closes the
following week after 70 years of business
Confused the Presidential Medal of Freedom with the Congressional Medal of Honor
"The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for
Sunday: "Iran does not pose a serious threat to us." - Monday: "The
threat from Iran is grave."
In May of 2011, signs the Westminster Abbey guestbook and dates it May 2008
Makes a fool of himself in an awkward attempt to toast the Queen at
Buckingham Palace
At state dinner for German Chancellor Merkel he botches another toast
because he forgot it altogether
Obama declares we have a weak job market because of automated
services; like ATM's and airport kiosks.
Relates that he presented the Medal of Honor personally to Afghanistan
war hero Jared Monti - KIA 6-21-06
He's not. Herman Cain is selling a book. I'm sure even he is surprised by his sudden rise to the top. Probably not at all surprised by his quick fall from grace though.

[ame=]Barack Obama - Blithering Idiot - Bristol, VA 6/5/08 - YouTube[/ame]
He's not. Herman Cain is selling a book. I'm sure even he is surprised by his sudden rise to the top. Probably not at all surprised by his quick fall from grace though.

Herman is only carrying the banner for the Koch Brothers. Just goes to show you, money cannot buy you everything!
Of course not. Though I'm sure he'd take the job if elected.

He has rather stupid people giving him money and paying for his trips around the country. His opportunity to grope women has increased a thousand fold. And as an added bonus his bottom line increases because the same stupid people donating to his "campaign" are buying his book.
Senator Obama answering a question on Iraq during the 2008 Campaign.


June 5th, 2008, Bristol, Virginia, campaign event, Senator Barack Obama talking about Iraq.

OBAMA: What they'll say is, well, it costs too much money, but, you know what?

It would cost about -- it -- it -- it would cost about the same as what we would spend -- over the course of ten years, it would cost what it cost us -- it -- huh -- all right, okay.

We're going to. The -- it would cost us about the same as it would cost for about -- hold on one second. I can't hear myself. But I'm glad you're fired up, though. I'm glad.

The Latest Hit: Herman Cain is Not Clean or Articulate - The Rush Limbaugh Show
He's not. Herman Cain is selling a book. I'm sure even he is surprised by his sudden rise to the top. Probably not at all surprised by his quick fall from grace though.

Herman is only carrying the banner for the Koch Brothers. Just goes to show you, money cannot buy you everything!

Soros bought the White House for Obama over Hillary. It can be done.

Ms. Rodham Clinton was far more qualified than the teleprompter twit.
He's not. Herman Cain is selling a book. I'm sure even he is surprised by his sudden rise to the top. Probably not at all surprised by his quick fall from grace though.

Herman is only carrying the banner for the Koch Brothers. Just goes to show you, money cannot buy you everything!

I don't even think the Koch brothers saw him as a serious candidate. There is a horse racing term for an owner that races a horse that is designed to just wear down the other horses, (wish I could remember the term) but I think that is what the Koch brothers wanted from Cain.

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