Is he coming apart?

Donny has been a "do as I say, not as I do" kind of person his whole life.

This is just par for the course for him
Trump has a skin so thick it has not been penetrated in 7 years of every rotten trick and specious accusations that would have defeated a lesser man. You assholes have barely made a dent. In fact, you continue to make him even more popular.
The 'journalist' has a strange definition of 'attack', you notice it's used upwards of 5 or 6 times in the article, that's what they do. Create a headline with 'attack' in it, include it in the article multiple times, yet nothing that Trump supposedly said that was documented in the article would fall under the definition of 'attack'. Just more bullshit lies from the leftist owned 'media', and their political bed fellows.
Donny has been a "do as I say, not as I do" kind of person his whole life.

This is just par for the course for him
Each desperate move made by the Maoist Democrats proves that DJT has been correct. The six years of lies, false accusations and persecution only continue to prove it.
They have failed each time. The desperation of the Left to destroy Trump is shown by their actions. Since all else has failed, one can only wonder when they will use a final solution to stop both Trump and the millions that support him.
The 'journalist' has a strange definition of 'attack', you notice it's used upwards of 5 or 6 times in the article, that's what they do. Create a headline with 'attack' in it, include it in the article multiple times, yet nothing that Trump supposedly said that was documented in the article would fall under the definition of 'attack'. Just more bullshit lies from the leftist owned 'media', and their political bed fellows.
Well, it's from the hack-a-rama at Business Insider....So there's that.
Trump has a skin so thick it has not been penetrated in 7 years of every rotten trick and specious accusations that would have defeated a lesser man. You assholes have barely made a dent. In fact, you continue to make him even more popular.

Are you drunk?

Trump is the biggest whining crybaby to ever hold the office of POTUS. He whined almost non-stop his entire time in the office and then more so after he left office.
Just a few hours on Monday after counseling others they should "calm down about the FBI raid or "terrible things would happen" Donald Trump angrily lashed out at the DOJ and the judge who issued the search warrant regarding government documents that have been sitting at Trump's home in Florida for months. This sounds like a guy that's pretty unbalanced right now.

Is "The Donald" coming apart? :oops:

I liked it when he said they took his thee passports, but they immediately check, and said "Oh, hell no. We haven't got them". No telling where he stashed them.
Each desperate move made by the Maoist Democrats proves that DJT has been correct. The six years of lies, false accusations and persecution only continue to prove it.
They have failed each time. The desperation of the Left to destroy Trump is shown by their actions. Since all else has failed, one can only wonder when they will use a final solution to stop both Trump and the millions that support him.

I hope nothing stops you all, you are fun as shit to laugh at.
Just a few hours on Monday after counseling others they should "calm down about the FBI raid or "terrible things would happen" Donald Trump angrily lashed out at the DOJ and the judge who issued the search warrant regarding government documents that have been sitting at Trump's home in Florida for months. This sounds like a guy that's pretty unbalanced right now.

Is "The Donald" coming apart? :oops:

Unlike Sippy Cup, he can still put his suit coat on by himself.
I liked it when he said they took his thee passports, but they immediately check, and said "Oh, hell no. We haven't got them". No telling where he stashed them.
The FBI did take the passports. That is the only way they could have given them back. True?
Just a few hours on Monday after counseling others they should "calm down about the FBI raid or "terrible things would happen" Donald Trump angrily lashed out at the DOJ and the judge who issued the search warrant regarding government documents that have been sitting at Trump's home in Florida for months. This sounds like a guy that's pretty unbalanced right now.

Is "The Donald" coming apart? :oops:

He's never had his life together. He's either in court for criminal activity or bankruptcy court. Which is why he is always soliciting money from his Gargoyle supporters.
He's never had his life together. He's either in court for criminal activity or bankruptcy court. Which is why he is always soliciting money from his Gargoyle supporters.
That is bullshit. You are very stupid, aren't you?
The FBI did take the passports. That is the only way they could have given them back. True?
What I read, was they did not have them, and anything not on the search warrant would be given back. You go a mainstream link?
Trump gets mad. That is the news story? Seriously? Wholly crap, how big of a story is it if Biden gets mad?

Must be a slow news day or the Trump obsessed regressives are just needing to dig deeper today.
Obviously "loyalty" is at the top of his list of priorities, so I'd guess that having someone flip on him would set him off the most. It's difficult to tell, as insulated, deluded and self-centered as he is, if he fully comprehends what's happening.

Pretty interesting that an insider was responsible for the FBI search. I'll bet that one is driving him nuts.
Not the 1st loyal-now-leaker that's "driving him nuts"
The [Republican] Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

ABC reports, "Sens. Mark Warner, D-Va., and Marco Rubio, R-Fla., the chair and vice chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, respectively, have sent a private letter to top intelligence officials and the Justice Department asking for more information from last week's unprecedented FBI search at Mar-a-Lago.

"The letter, sent Sunday to Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines and Attorney General Merrick Garland, specifically seeks the classified documents that were seized and an analysis of any national security threat posed by the mishandling of the information.

"The request comes after it was revealed that 11 sets of classified information were seized from former President Donald Trump's Florida resort, including confidential, secret, and top-secret documents."

"The Senate Intelligence Committee is charged with overseeing counterintelligence matters, including the handling and mishandling of classified information, which appears to be at the core of the search of Mar a Lago," said Rachel Cohen, a spokesperson for Warner.

Recalling that Vladimir Putin wanted this man to become our next President in 2016, Trump has offered many lies and threats concerning the legal FBI search of his Mar-a-Lago home, but he has never explained why he removed classified documents from the White House.
He could make lots of money off them. That's why he stole them.
Trump gets mad. That is the news story? Seriously? Wholly crap, how big of a story is it if Biden gets mad?

Must be a slow news day or the Trump obsessed regressives are just needing to dig deeper today.
I think the world has plenty on Trump. We really don't need more.

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