Is Goldman Sachs Obama's Enron?


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Bush was highly criticized for receiving approximately $150K of inflation adjusted campaign contributions from Enron executives and employees.

Obama has received over $1M of equivalent contributions from Goldman Sachs.

But the mere $151,722.42 (inflation adjusted) in contributions from Enron-affiliated executives, employees, and PACs to Bush hardly add up to Obama's $1,007,370.85 (inflation adjusted) from Goldman-affiliated executives and employees. That's also not taking into account how much Goldman contributed to Obama cabinet member Hillary Clinton ($415,595.63 inflation adjusted), which was itself almost three times as much as Bush received as well.

It would be fair to say that the total amount the Obama administration has received from those affiliated with Goldman Sachs is ten times that of what Bush received from Enron.

Is Goldman Obama's Enron? No, it's worse (Updated) | Washington Examiner

There's also a very interesting twist: Goldman Sachs is actually advocating for the financial reform:

A powerful alumni network plus bundles of campaign cash mean Goldman will get what it wants -- and contrary to the media narrative, what Goldman wants is not laissez-faire.

Politico quoted a Goldman lobbyist Monday saying, "We're not against regulation. We're for regulation. We partner with regulators." At least three times in Goldman's conference call Tuesday, spokesmen trumpeted the firm's support for more federal control.

Goldman Sachs wants regulation, not laissez-faire | Washington Examiner

Actually, this isn't Obama's Enron - it's much, much worse. Bush allowed Enron executives to be prosecuted. Goldman Sachs has served up a low level 30 year old sacrificial lamb on the altars of getting the government to do its dirty work of rigging the rules in their favor.

The PR wing of the Obama empire (AKA the lamestream media) will never ever report on this like they did the Enron, Tyco and WorldCom scams.

After all, they swept Global Crossing under the rug pretty quickly when it was discovered that then DNC chair Terry McAuliffe was involved and made zillions.
Sadly, I agree. The GS situation is worse - and the MSM will cover it up.

(McAuliffe should be in jail.)
Bugs me that the main flack for Enron got a job at the NYT whose main job seems to have been making tin foil conspiracy articles about Bush and Enron for 8 years. Krugman worked for Enron and was stainless. Bush met Ken Lay a couple times, and Enron was his fault.
That's the way the Left Wing Press develops and spreads its narratives.
Look at how they defend Barry if you even bring it up.

The Dems carefully internally polled to find a new scapegoat to divert public interest in, and 'Wall street' care up as target #1. Now all their efforts are there, in the hope that the public will forget the dirty deals of Barrycare and teh Stimulous and view the government as 'avenging the little guys', a narritive they believe they can ride into novemeber.

Quite dishonest and extremly cynical.
Ken Lay adn Bush were long time friends

Was Ken Lay prosecuted? What happened to him?

And if you REALLY want to play the guilt by association game, how long has Obama known Bill Ayers?
Ken Lay adn Bush were long time friends
Was Ken Lay prosecuted? What happened to him?

And if you REALLY want to play the guilt by association game, how long has Obama known Bill Ayers?
Under the Bush administration Ken Lay was prosecuted, found guilty, and died.

Under the Obama administration not only do the criminals go free but they get paid.
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The point made by this thread is quite valid - Obama raked in millions from Wall Street - including nearly a million from Goldman Sachs alone. Bush received much much less from Enron, and did not appoint a member of Enron to head the United States Treasury.

Tim Geithner, as former head of the NY Fed, worked closely with the Goldman boys during all that garbage finance that took place in 2004-2006 that ultimately helped push the nation and world into a full on credit crisis. From an interview last summer...

Max Keiser: “Does the US Secretary of the Treasury work for the people or does he work for the banking system on Wall Street?”

Dr. Paul Craig Reports: “He works for Goldman Sachs.”

Tim Geithner, Employee of Goldman Sachs? | The Big Picture
The GS investigation will likely be pretty much just like Enron. Bush did not know kenny boy nor will Obama know any GS leaders either.
And the biggest crooks will wind up with a bunch of money.
The GS investigation will likely be pretty much just like Enron. Bush did not know kenny boy nor will Obama know any GS leaders either.
And the biggest crooks will wind up with a bunch of money.

No, they will not be remotely similar.

The Enron prosecution involved senior executives. GS has served up a low level 30 year old as a sacrifice - while lobbying the Obama Administration to get specific features in the reform legislation for their own benefit.

Nor did Bush appoint former Enron staff to the White House.
Ken Lay adn Bush were long time friends
Was Ken Lay prosecuted? What happened to him?

And if you REALLY want to play the guilt by association game, how long has Obama known Bill Ayers?
Under the Bush administration Ken Lay was prosecuted, found guilty, and died.

Under the Obama administration not only do the criminals go free but they get paid.

If hes so guilty why didnt Bush prosicute Ayers?

BTW Bush had nohting to do with wether LAY WAS PROSICUTED
Bugs me that the main flack for Enron got a job at the NYT whose main job seems to have been making tin foil conspiracy articles about Bush and Enron for 8 years. Krugman worked for Enron and was stainless. Bush met Ken Lay a couple times, and Enron was his fault.

I'm surprised you would post something so innocuous, when the Bush-Lay relationship was far more extensive than brief exchanges, for which there is a ton of proof.

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