Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

The queers claim marriage has nothing to do with children.
And it doesn't.

Then why should incest be an issue for marriage?
Because the law has stated that incest is illegal. Just as the law used to say gay sex is illegal. Just as the law currently says murder is illegal. INCEST IS ILLEGAL Get over it. If you want to make INCEST legal start your fight to make it legal, and get the fuck off gays accusing them of promoting incest. It's a dumb ass argument.

You do realize that the law prohibiting incestuous marriage were the result of marriage being between members of opposing sexes only. You knew that right?

Now, after the federal laws are forced upon the population, the laws prohibiting same sex sibling marriage are no longer applicable. They become just another "tradition" your side threw away.

You realize that, Right.

What legal argument is there to stop teo members of the same sex, even closely related, from the rights and benefits of marriage?

Let's see if you have guts enough to answer, or will you join Seawytch and Skylar in there bigoted avoidance of the question.
There were a number of issues regarding harm done by incest. Yes, you are correct to say that one of those issues was harm done to the progeny through increased risk of birth defects. There were other issues as well. Being gay has nothing to do with incest. There are laws against incest, with or without marriage licenses to screw your child. It's not right for a number of reasons. None of those reasons have anything to do with being gay.

You are incorrect to say "laws prohibiting same sex sibling marriage are no longer applicable." This statement that you keep making has no basis in fact. NONE.

If you want to study up on the harms of incest go ahead, those harms have nothing to do with gay marriage.
Come on people. We have some real problems in this country

18 trillion in debt
half the country on some form of govt handout
deficit spending every year
no confidence in congress or the president
the mid east burning
radical islam killing thousands because or religion
more americans in poverty than ever before
hundreds of trillions in unfunded liabilities
racial violence in our cities

and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread. I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

We have much more important issues to deal with than whether two gays or lesbians can call their union a marriage.


The reason that the normalization of Sexual Deviancy is as 'popular' as it is, IS... because deep down inside, people understand that it's a catastrophe waiting to happen.

To "Let it Go" ... is to concede to it. And there is NO UPSIDE TO THAT.

Understand that THE SPECIES OF REASONING, that rationalizes that Sexual Deviancy is normal and worthy of the pretense ... IS THE SAME SPECIES OF REASONING that spends 18 trillion dollars IN DEBT to buy votes... that supports a political cult disguised as a Religion, which EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY MURDERS HOMOSEXUALS, WOMEN, THE POOR, THE ELDERLY, THE PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED and even "THE CHILDREN"; even as that species of reasoning, claims to have NO TOLERANCE FOR RELIGION: AND PEOPLE WHO EVEN THINK ABOUT DEFUNDING SACROSANCT PROGRAMS DESIGNED TO MAKE THE LIVES OF THOSE LESS FORTUNE MINORITY SOULS ... Better.

For Pete's SAKE! Enough of this "Social Conservative BAD!" Fiscal Conservative GOOD!" Bullshit.

The principles are THE SAME. There is NO SEPARATING the principles that govern viable social policy and viable fiscal policy.

And the notion that abandoning social policy; scuttling such so as to appease those scuttling the nation's fiscal policy: is FOOLISH!


Try this... stop trying to divide up the fight.

THE FIGHT... is against the Ideological Left. ON EVERY SHITTY IDEA.


Stop with the idiotic pretense that "THEY'RE AMERICANS TOO!" They're not Americans.

They're Radicals... and when you're fighting Radicals... BECOME RADICAL or lose.

Want to know what they're doing: BUY THEIR BOOK!

* RULE 1: “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood. (These are two things of which there is a plentiful supply. Government and corporations always have a difficult time appealing to people, and usually do so almost exclusively with economic arguments.)
* RULE 2: “Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone. (Organizations under attack wonder why radicals don’t address the “real” issues. This is why. They avoid things with which they have no knowledge.)
* RULE 3: “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. (This happens all the time. Watch how many organizations under attack are blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address.)
* RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. (This is a serious rule. The besieged entity’s very credibility and reputation is at stake, because if activists catch it lying or not living up to its commitments, they can continue to chip away at the damage.)
* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)
* RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones. (Radical activists, in this sense, are no different that any other human being. We all avoid “un-fun” activities, and but we revel at and enjoy the ones that work and bring results.)
* RULE 7: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news. (Even radical activists get bored. So to keep them excited and involved, organizers are constantly coming up with new tactics.)
* RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.)
* RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist. (Perception is reality. Large organizations always prepare a worst-case scenario, something that may be furthest from the activists’ minds. The upshot is that the organization will expend enormous time and energy, creating in its own collective mind the direst of conclusions. The possibilities can easily poison the mind and result in demoralization.)
* RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog. (Unions used this tactic. Peaceful [albeit loud] demonstrations during the heyday of unions in the early to mid-20th Century incurred management’s wrath, often in the form of violence that eventually brought public sympathy to their side.)
* RULE 11: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem. (Old saw: If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. Activist organizations have an agenda, and their strategy is to hold a place at the table, to be given a forum to wield their power. So, they have to have a compromise solution.)
* RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

Anyone recognize those 'Rules For Radicals'?


I have news for you... WE ARE WINNING THE SOCIAL FIGHT.


So... No. Can't join this one.
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Then you look pretty stupid citing the Founding Fathers as support for gay marriage.

Not at all.

"As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors." ~ Thomas Jefferson

I somehow don't think TJ was aware the the Supreme Court would actually consider rendering a ruling that opened the door to same sex sibling marriage.


You mean when they ruled on Loving in the 60s?

"I somehow don't think" is the most honest post ever by POP23.

And not including the entire sentence makes you what?

Ohhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyy

Two things: Glib and factual.
Not at all.

"As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors." ~ Thomas Jefferson

I somehow don't think TJ was aware the the Supreme Court would actually consider rendering a ruling that opened the door to same sex sibling marriage.


You mean when they ruled on Loving in the 60s?

"I somehow don't think" is the most honest post ever by POP23.

And not including the entire sentence makes you what?

Ohhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyy

Two things: Glib and factual.

Q. Does anyone read anything posted by Keys?
no one ever said it would. parent/child marriage when both are over the age of majority is not rape, but it could become legal if gay marriage becomes legal.

deny it all you want, but we are on a legal slippery slope.

They always bring up that straw man because they have no valid arguments against it. If you look at all the arguments supporting gay marriage, they are all based on one logical fallacy or another.

there is no logical fallacy in supporting equal rights and if there is it is lodged in your tiny little retarded brain. Only those who claim liberty as their cause take away the rights of others - to marry, to form unions, to vote.

Have you or any other member of the Crazy Right Wing rewritten the DoI, and eliminated this phrase:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

You realize you just made another argument for same sex sibling marriage, right? You're not stoopid enough to think you didn't.

Well, stranger things have occurred, but I'll let the Supreme Court decide if the specific scenario you posted ever comes to their plate. As it stands, two brothers or two sisters have every right to sign a contract, and as consenting adults engage in sexual activity; thus, this entire silly debate is all about a word: Marriage.

[Obviously there are medial reasons not to allow a brother and sister, or members of the opposite gender within consanguinity marry; most states outlaw it.]

This is one more faux crisis created by the Crazy Right Wing and stoopid people which exemplifies the abject dishonesty inherent in self described conservatives. The GOP tent, now owned by the far right isn't very big and Libertarians aren't so much in support of liberty for those who aren't white, male, Christian and extremists.

Oh my god!

You just made a case for........


I don't point this out to be captious, and only do so when someone calls others "stoopid":

Q. Does anyone read anything posted by Keys?


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted, scamp.

(Reader, no doubt you recognized old ARFR #12, in the concession that WEE-CATCHER offered up there?

* RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

I say it here and it comes out THERE! ... Adorable.)
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No, time won't prove that being gay is the same as raping a child.

No one is talking about raping a child, moron.
Incorrect. Pop is talking about pedophilia.. marrying pre-pubescent children etc.

You must be of legal age to marry.

I sure hope you ain't a chick, youre far to easy.
Make up your mind dumb ass. You fucking argued that letting gays get married is the same as letting old men like you marry little children.

Quote where I said that!
I already did.
No, time won't prove that being gay is the same as raping a child.

No one is talking about raping a child, moron.
Incorrect. Pop is talking about pedophilia.. marrying pre-pubescent children etc.

You must be of legal age to marry.

I sure hope you ain't a chick, youre far to easy.
Make up your mind dumb ass. You fucking argued that letting gays get married is the same as letting old men like you marry little children.
No he didn't, moron. Like all the gay marriage apologists, you can't debate the issue honestly,
You're a lying POS. You've always been a lying POS. And you always will be a lying POS.
The queers claim marriage has nothing to do with children.
And it doesn't.

Then why should incest be an issue for marriage?
Because the law has stated that incest is illegal. Just as the law used to say gay sex is illegal. Just as the law currently says murder is illegal. INCEST IS ILLEGAL Get over it. If you want to make INCEST legal start your fight to make it legal, and get the fuck off gays accusing them of promoting incest. It's a dumb ass argument.

You do realize that the law prohibiting incestuous marriage were the result of marriage being between members of opposing sexes only. You knew that right?

Now, after the federal laws are forced upon the population, the laws prohibiting same sex sibling marriage are no longer applicable. They become just another "tradition" your side threw away.

You realize that, Right.

What legal argument is there to stop teo members of the same sex, even closely related, from the rights and benefits of marriage?

Let's see if you have guts enough to answer, or will you join Seawytch and Skylar in there bigoted avoidance of the question.
There were a number of issues regarding harm done by incest. Yes, you are correct to say that one of those issues was harm done to the progeny through increased risk of birth defects. There were other issues as well. Being gay has nothing to do with incest. There are laws against incest, with or without marriage licenses to screw your child. It's not right for a number of reasons. None of those reasons have anything to do with being gay.

You are incorrect to say "laws prohibiting same sex sibling marriage are no longer applicable." This statement that you keep making has no basis in fact. NONE.

If you want to study up on the harms of incest go ahead, those harms have nothing to do with gay marriage.

No, please, be my guest, show me the physical or mental harm done by siblings marrying.

Let's start with same sex heterosexual males marrying so they can have a reduced tax load, multi car insurance reductions and, since one has very low cost health insurance with spousal benefits HOW THIS COUPLE IS BEING HARMED, physically or emotionally.

We will proceed with the rest as this discussion progresses.

Don't you love the irony?
No one is talking about raping a child, moron.
Incorrect. Pop is talking about pedophilia.. marrying pre-pubescent children etc.

You must be of legal age to marry.

I sure hope you ain't a chick, youre far to easy.
Make up your mind dumb ass. You fucking argued that letting gays get married is the same as letting old men like you marry little children.
No he didn't, moron. Like all the gay marriage apologists, you can't debate the issue honestly,
You're a lying POS. You've always been a lying POS. And you always will be a lying POS.

Have you produced the quote you attributed to me yet cowboy?

Guess it takes s lying POS to know one, or are you the pot calling the kettle black?
No one is talking about raping a child, moron.
Incorrect. Pop is talking about pedophilia.. marrying pre-pubescent children etc.

You must be of legal age to marry.

I sure hope you ain't a chick, youre far to easy.
Make up your mind dumb ass. You fucking argued that letting gays get married is the same as letting old men like you marry little children.

Quote where I said that!
I already did.

They always bring up that straw man because they have no valid arguments against it. If you look at all the arguments supporting gay marriage, they are all based on one logical fallacy or another.

there is no logical fallacy in supporting equal rights and if there is it is lodged in your tiny little retarded brain. Only those who claim liberty as their cause take away the rights of others - to marry, to form unions, to vote.

Have you or any other member of the Crazy Right Wing rewritten the DoI, and eliminated this phrase:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

You realize you just made another argument for same sex sibling marriage, right? You're not stoopid enough to think you didn't.

Well, stranger things have occurred, but I'll let the Supreme Court decide if the specific scenario you posted ever comes to their plate. As it stands, two brothers or two sisters have every right to sign a contract, and as consenting adults engage in sexual activity; thus, this entire silly debate is all about a word: Marriage.

[Obviously there are medial reasons not to allow a brother and sister, or members of the opposite gender within consanguinity marry; most states outlaw it.]

This is one more faux crisis created by the Crazy Right Wing and stoopid people which exemplifies the abject dishonesty inherent in self described conservatives. The GOP tent, now owned by the far right isn't very big and Libertarians aren't so much in support of liberty for those who aren't white, male, Christian and extremists.

Oh my god!

You just made a case for........


I don't point this out to be captious, and only do so when someone calls others "stoopid":


Good lord, you lose the point then complain about the English.

Geek much?
The queers claim marriage has nothing to do with children.
And it doesn't.

Then why should incest be an issue for marriage?
Because the law has stated that incest is illegal. Just as the law used to say gay sex is illegal. Just as the law currently says murder is illegal. INCEST IS ILLEGAL Get over it. If you want to make INCEST legal start your fight to make it legal, and get the fuck off gays accusing them of promoting incest. It's a dumb ass argument.

You do realize that the law prohibiting incestuous marriage were the result of marriage being between members of opposing sexes only. You knew that right?

Now, after the federal laws are forced upon the population, the laws prohibiting same sex sibling marriage are no longer applicable. They become just another "tradition" your side threw away.

You realize that, Right.

What legal argument is there to stop teo members of the same sex, even closely related, from the rights and benefits of marriage?

Let's see if you have guts enough to answer, or will you join Seawytch and Skylar in there bigoted avoidance of the question.
There were a number of issues regarding harm done by incest. Yes, you are correct to say that one of those issues was harm done to the progeny through increased risk of birth defects. There were other issues as well. Being gay has nothing to do with incest. There are laws against incest, with or without marriage licenses to screw your child. It's not right for a number of reasons. None of those reasons have anything to do with being gay.

You are incorrect to say "laws prohibiting same sex sibling marriage are no longer applicable." This statement that you keep making has no basis in fact. NONE.

If you want to study up on the harms of incest go ahead, those harms have nothing to do with gay marriage.

According to the queers, marriage isn't about sex or reproduction, so those arguments are irrelevant.
Incorrect. Pop is talking about pedophilia.. marrying pre-pubescent children etc.

You must be of legal age to marry.

I sure hope you ain't a chick, youre far to easy.
Make up your mind dumb ass. You fucking argued that letting gays get married is the same as letting old men like you marry little children.
No he didn't, moron. Like all the gay marriage apologists, you can't debate the issue honestly,
You're a lying POS. You've always been a lying POS. And you always will be a lying POS.

Have you produced the quote you attributed to me yet cowboy?

Guess it takes s lying POS to know one, or are you the pot calling the kettle black?
I already quoted you. You're gonna have to go look at what I quoted. I'm not quoting the same post again scum bag.
No one is talking about raping a child, moron.
Incorrect. Pop is talking about pedophilia.. marrying pre-pubescent children etc.

You must be of legal age to marry.

I sure hope you ain't a chick, youre far to easy.
Make up your mind dumb ass. You fucking argued that letting gays get married is the same as letting old men like you marry little children.
No he didn't, moron. Like all the gay marriage apologists, you can't debate the issue honestly,
You're a lying POS. You've always been a lying POS. And you always will be a lying POS.

That's a sure sign that you're a lying POS.
And it doesn't.

Then why should incest be an issue for marriage?
Because the law has stated that incest is illegal. Just as the law used to say gay sex is illegal. Just as the law currently says murder is illegal. INCEST IS ILLEGAL Get over it. If you want to make INCEST legal start your fight to make it legal, and get the fuck off gays accusing them of promoting incest. It's a dumb ass argument.

You do realize that the law prohibiting incestuous marriage were the result of marriage being between members of opposing sexes only. You knew that right?

Now, after the federal laws are forced upon the population, the laws prohibiting same sex sibling marriage are no longer applicable. They become just another "tradition" your side threw away.

You realize that, Right.

What legal argument is there to stop teo members of the same sex, even closely related, from the rights and benefits of marriage?

Let's see if you have guts enough to answer, or will you join Seawytch and Skylar in there bigoted avoidance of the question.
There were a number of issues regarding harm done by incest. Yes, you are correct to say that one of those issues was harm done to the progeny through increased risk of birth defects. There were other issues as well. Being gay has nothing to do with incest. There are laws against incest, with or without marriage licenses to screw your child. It's not right for a number of reasons. None of those reasons have anything to do with being gay.

You are incorrect to say "laws prohibiting same sex sibling marriage are no longer applicable." This statement that you keep making has no basis in fact. NONE.

If you want to study up on the harms of incest go ahead, those harms have nothing to do with gay marriage.

According to the queers, marriage isn't about sex or reproduction, so those arguments are irrelevant.
no you lying POS. They said marriage isn't ONLY about sex AND reproduction, ya dumb ass piece of shit lying asshole.
And it doesn't.

Then why should incest be an issue for marriage?
Because the law has stated that incest is illegal. Just as the law used to say gay sex is illegal. Just as the law currently says murder is illegal. INCEST IS ILLEGAL Get over it. If you want to make INCEST legal start your fight to make it legal, and get the fuck off gays accusing them of promoting incest. It's a dumb ass argument.

You do realize that the law prohibiting incestuous marriage were the result of marriage being between members of opposing sexes only. You knew that right?

Now, after the federal laws are forced upon the population, the laws prohibiting same sex sibling marriage are no longer applicable. They become just another "tradition" your side threw away.

You realize that, Right.

What legal argument is there to stop teo members of the same sex, even closely related, from the rights and benefits of marriage?

Let's see if you have guts enough to answer, or will you join Seawytch and Skylar in there bigoted avoidance of the question.
There were a number of issues regarding harm done by incest. Yes, you are correct to say that one of those issues was harm done to the progeny through increased risk of birth defects. There were other issues as well. Being gay has nothing to do with incest. There are laws against incest, with or without marriage licenses to screw your child. It's not right for a number of reasons. None of those reasons have anything to do with being gay.

You are incorrect to say "laws prohibiting same sex sibling marriage are no longer applicable." This statement that you keep making has no basis in fact. NONE.

If you want to study up on the harms of incest go ahead, those harms have nothing to do with gay marriage.

No, please, be my guest, show me the physical or mental harm done by siblings marrying.

Let's start with same sex heterosexual males marrying so they can have a reduced tax load, multi car insurance reductions and, since one has very low cost health insurance with spousal benefits HOW THIS COUPLE IS BEING HARMED, physically or emotionally.

We will proceed with the rest as this discussion progresses.

Don't you love the irony?
Then why should incest be an issue for marriage?
Because the law has stated that incest is illegal. Just as the law used to say gay sex is illegal. Just as the law currently says murder is illegal. INCEST IS ILLEGAL Get over it. If you want to make INCEST legal start your fight to make it legal, and get the fuck off gays accusing them of promoting incest. It's a dumb ass argument.

You do realize that the law prohibiting incestuous marriage were the result of marriage being between members of opposing sexes only. You knew that right?

Now, after the federal laws are forced upon the population, the laws prohibiting same sex sibling marriage are no longer applicable. They become just another "tradition" your side threw away.

You realize that, Right.

What legal argument is there to stop teo members of the same sex, even closely related, from the rights and benefits of marriage?

Let's see if you have guts enough to answer, or will you join Seawytch and Skylar in there bigoted avoidance of the question.
There were a number of issues regarding harm done by incest. Yes, you are correct to say that one of those issues was harm done to the progeny through increased risk of birth defects. There were other issues as well. Being gay has nothing to do with incest. There are laws against incest, with or without marriage licenses to screw your child. It's not right for a number of reasons. None of those reasons have anything to do with being gay.

You are incorrect to say "laws prohibiting same sex sibling marriage are no longer applicable." This statement that you keep making has no basis in fact. NONE.

If you want to study up on the harms of incest go ahead, those harms have nothing to do with gay marriage.

According to the queers, marriage isn't about sex or reproduction, so those arguments are irrelevant.
no you lying POS. They said marriage isn't ONLY about sex AND reproduction, ya dumb ass piece of shit lying asshole.
Wrong, moron, they said reproduction has nothing to do with marriage. They said it dozens of times.
You must be of legal age to marry.

I sure hope you ain't a chick, youre far to easy.
Make up your mind dumb ass. You fucking argued that letting gays get married is the same as letting old men like you marry little children.
No he didn't, moron. Like all the gay marriage apologists, you can't debate the issue honestly,
You're a lying POS. You've always been a lying POS. And you always will be a lying POS.

Have you produced the quote you attributed to me yet cowboy?

Guess it takes s lying POS to know one, or are you the pot calling the kettle black?
I already quoted you. You're gonna have to go look at what I quoted. I'm not quoting the same post again scum bag.

Lol, lying POS and a runner!
Incorrect. Pop is talking about pedophilia.. marrying pre-pubescent children etc.

You must be of legal age to marry.

I sure hope you ain't a chick, youre far to easy.
Make up your mind dumb ass. You fucking argued that letting gays get married is the same as letting old men like you marry little children.

Quote where I said that!
I already did.


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