Is Cruz a fascist in the image of Stalin and Mussolini?

Says a vile person who does exactly what he accuses others of doing. Go to his posting activities in Correll's profile and review his last 100 posts.

Says the person that won't tell us what "religious authority" he was claiming Cruz would subject the legislature to.
I have explained it very simply above in the thread.

That you disagree is immaterial, Correll; you are wrong, as usual.

So you now think that a theocrat like Cruz is qualified to be president.

Attack me all you want. I made my point about you very clearly in the other tread tonight and you backed down.

Maybe you are as ignorant about Cruz as you are about Trump and the current status of American politics, Correll.

Here is some reading for you.

  1. Ted Cruz's Father Suggested His Son Is 'Anointed' to Bring ...
    US Senator Ted Cruz speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill October 16, 2013 in Washington, DC ... Describing the anointing of kings, pastor Cruz spoke of, ...

  2. Is Ted Cruz a theocrat? - Quora
    Is Ted Cruz a theocrat? Update Cancel. ... to replace the present United States government with a theocracy. He has had his son, Ted, anointed in a religious ...

  3. Cruz Clearly The Theocratic Jesus Candidate. The ...
    Cruz Clearly The Theocratic Jesus Candidate. The Anointed One Of The Religious Extremists. (Original post)

  4. Does Ted Cruz Think He’s the Messiah? - The Daily Beast
    Does Ted Cruz Think He’s the ... anointed to take ... dominionist meaning of one believes that America was once a Christian quasi-theocracy.

  5. The Left Must Accept that Ted Cruz is the...
    God is about to begin his “rule and reign” and the anointed Ted Cruz will oversee a big ... When Ted Cruz heads down to join other Religious Right leaders ...

  6. Ted Cruz' father indicates Ted anointed king as...
    Ted Cruz' father indicates Ted anointed king as ... fact that Ted Cruz was subsequently blessed and anointed by ... how a strident theocratic minority is ...

  7. Ted Cruz, Dominionism and Jesus | JONATHAN TURLEY
    Oct 11, 2013 · I am familiar with what a Theocracy is and dominionism seems cast in much the same light. ... Rafael Cruz Declares Son Ted Cruz ‘The Anointed One ...

  8. Ted Cruz's Father Preaches That His Son Is An...
    Cruz spoke of “Kings who are anointed to go ... republic form of government into a theocracy. ... His Son Is An "Anointed King" Who Will Bring The "End Time ...

  9. | The Theocratic Politics of Raphael Cruz
Wow, JakeStarkey has found some far left sites that confirm his conspiracy theory. lol.

Here's some quotes from one of JakeStarkey's sites:

1. [from Cruz's dad] “You know, Ted, you have been gifted above any man that I know and God has destined you for greatness.”

The horror! Cruz's dad thinks his son is wonderful.

2. [also from Cruz's dad] “The Bible tells us that we are the salt of the earth and light of the world… Doesn’t that suggest that our influence should touch every area of society—our families, the media, sports, arts and entertainment, education, business, and government?”

Would it be horrible if Hollywood perverts and other limousine liberals had less influence? Don't Christians have the same right as everyone to influence the government? The SCLC and many abolitionists were Christians who tried to influence the government. Should they have been stopped?

3. "Now, everything I’ve said so far is about Rafael Cruz, not Ted Cruz."

So a cheap attack based on guilt by association.
Wild-eyed conspiracy theorists who wail about an imminent American Theocracy are good for a laugh.

Sociologist Peter Berger compared America to a nation of Indians ruled by Swedes, given that India is supposedly the most religious nation and Sweden the most secular.

In reality the U.S. is no theocracy. The real danger is our secular elites who are too often anti-religious bigots.


1) Abortion - The U.S. has some of the most extreme pro-abortion laws in the world - far more pro-abortion than many European countries for example.

When Is a Ban on Abortions ‘Extreme’?

And thousands of late term unborn babies are tortured to death every year: Like Gosnell, Abortion Doctors Fine With Killing Late-Term Babies

Torture is the right word.

Doctors on Fetal Pain

2) Homosexuality - Secular regimes have opposed the homosexual lifestyle more than any Republican.

Quote about Castro's Cuba: LGBT persons were imprisoned frequently, particularly effeminate males, without charge or trial, and confined to forced labor camps.


Numerous societies, both religious and secular, have failed to celebrate the gay lifestyle. Why? Perhaps because homosexual coupling doesn't produce life, but all too often a painful death. Homosexuality has also been connected to pedophilia for thousands of years.

We are not free to refrain from celebrating the homosexual/transgender lifestyle.

New Mexico Court: Christian Photographer Cannot Refuse Gay-Marriage Ceremony

Gay marriage incompatible with religious freedom

Lawyer: Constitution Requires Taxpayers Pay for Wikileaker's Sex Change

3) Education - The government-funded educational establishment discriminates against religious parents, students, teachers.

Compromising Scholarship: Religious and Political Bias in American Higher Education

Defending Religious Liberty in America

Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
Bigoted lefties like Hispanics well enough when they are on government assistance and they like Blacks well enough when they stay on the government plantation and vote for democrats. The problem is when upity Hispanics like Cruz run for president and upity Blacks like Clarence Thomas and Dr. Carson show what it's like to escape the democrat party plantation. One thing bigoted lefties hate more than an upity Black is a Hispanic who makes it on his own.
He's an extremely radical candidate that supports total war with mexico, iran, china, and eastern europe.

He thinks that if we plant more trees we can stop climate change.... this guy is a real life nut case!

On a scale of one to you, he's a one
I still can't figure it. Why do Mormons have such power in America?
They have always tended to bloc, which led to federal persecution for that as much as polygamy.

Jake I don't get whats going on at all. My story is so wild with every JW and a fire in the hole almost perfect Jake you have no idea. I am above the 144 They say.
"Is Cruz a fascist in the image of Stalin and Mussolini?"

You really shouldn't create / start threads like this when it is obvious you are completely ignorant regarding history.
Maybe you are as ignorant about Cruz as you are about Trump and the current status of American politics, Correll.

Here is some reading for you.

  1. Ted Cruz's Father Suggested His Son Is 'Anointed' to Bring ...
    US Senator Ted Cruz speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill October 16, 2013 in Washington, DC ... Describing the anointing of kings, pastor Cruz spoke of, ...

  2. Is Ted Cruz a theocrat? - Quora
    Is Ted Cruz a theocrat? Update Cancel. ... to replace the present United States government with a theocracy. He has had his son, Ted, anointed in a religious ...

  3. Cruz Clearly The Theocratic Jesus Candidate. The ...
    Cruz Clearly The Theocratic Jesus Candidate. The Anointed One Of The Religious Extremists. (Original post)

  4. Does Ted Cruz Think He’s the Messiah? - The Daily Beast
    Does Ted Cruz Think He’s the ... anointed to take ... dominionist meaning of one believes that America was once a Christian quasi-theocracy.

  5. The Left Must Accept that Ted Cruz is the...
    God is about to begin his “rule and reign” and the anointed Ted Cruz will oversee a big ... When Ted Cruz heads down to join other Religious Right leaders ...

  6. Ted Cruz' father indicates Ted anointed king as...
    Ted Cruz' father indicates Ted anointed king as ... fact that Ted Cruz was subsequently blessed and anointed by ... how a strident theocratic minority is ...

  7. Ted Cruz, Dominionism and Jesus | JONATHAN TURLEY
    Oct 11, 2013 · I am familiar with what a Theocracy is and dominionism seems cast in much the same light. ... Rafael Cruz Declares Son Ted Cruz ‘The Anointed One ...

  8. Ted Cruz's Father Preaches That His Son Is An...
    Cruz spoke of “Kings who are anointed to go ... republic form of government into a theocracy. ... His Son Is An "Anointed King" Who Will Bring The "End Time ...

  9. | The Theocratic Politics of Raphael Cruz

For a self proclaimed republican you sure love those left wing hate sites.
I have explained it very simply above in the thread.

That you disagree is immaterial, Correll; you are wrong, as usual.

So you now think that a theocrat like Cruz is qualified to be president.

Attack me all you want. I made my point about you very clearly in the other tread tonight and you backed down.


My words from post #40, which you have just shown to be accurate.

"My request is a rhetorical question, because I believe that you have no real idea WTF you are talking about and just said it because it sounded negative and you wanted to say something negative about Cruz.

I asked what, if you were not just a dishonest propagandist, a completely reasonable and easy question.

But one that I know you will never answer.

Because you can't.

YOu will dodge, deflect and soon enough, move to personal attacks all in an attempt to hide the fact that you have nothing to back up your ridiculous accusations with."
Sites that absolutely reveal the darkness of some far right religionists are hate sites. I am sure bad guys and gals say that about their enemies all the time.

The fact is that Cruz and certain of his religionist followers want the government to defer to what they call 'biblical' guidance and principles.

'Anointing' means chosen, which means the people have nothing to do with the Chosen.

tinydancer, I hope you are above the 144.

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