Is Cruz a fascist in the image of Stalin and Mussolini?

Ted Cruz is more than a SBC. He is a Christian dominionist anointed by his father to be a ruler of America.


BTW you aware some pastors have announced Trump as well?
Of course it isn't. I used Mormonism as an example. Do you want to talk about Joseph Smith anointed as a king, priest, and president of the whole world? Do you want to talk about Brigham Young and the Utah Territorial legislature that did not cast one dissenting vote until 1868.

That is what Cruz wants to emulate in America.
Sites that absolutely reveal the darkness of some far right religionists are hate sites. I am sure bad guys and gals say that about their enemies all the time.

The fact is that Cruz and certain of his religionist followers want the government to defer to what they call 'biblical' guidance and principles.

'Anointing' means chosen, which means the people have nothing to do with the Chosen.

tinydancer, I hope you are above the 144.

Honesty? Self restraint? Hard work? Inccorupt living? Actually being a good example as a husband and parent?

These principles are bad because?
Ted Cruz is more than a SBC. He is a Christian dominionist anointed by his father to be a ruler of America.


BTW you aware some pastors have announced Trump as well?
Of course it isn't. I used Mormonism as an example. Do you want to talk about Joseph Smith anointed as a king, priest, and president of the whole world? Do you want to talk about Brigham Young and the Utah Territorial legislature that did not cast one dissenting vote until 1868.

That is what Cruz wants to emulate in America.

I have no desire to discuss matters you don't understand.

Nor would I expect you to understand why people with a common cause would have similar minds on a subject.
BTW how can you be fascist and limit government?
Religio-fascistic government may be limited or not. That is not the purpose. The purpose is Unity. The fact is that the religious leaders take the place of Party to control government, politics, society, and government.
Of course it isn't. I used Mormonism as an example. Do you want to talk about Joseph Smith anointed as a king, priest, and president of the whole world? Do you want to talk about Brigham Young and the Utah Territorial legislature that did not cast one dissenting vote until 1868.

That is what Cruz wants to emulate in America.
I have no desire to discuss matters you don't understand. Nor would I expect you to understand why people with a common cause would have similar minds on a subject.
I understand Mormonism and government from Illinois to Utah Territory in the 19th century far better than you. Of course you don't want to talk about it. The entire purpose of LDS-dominated governance in the 19th century was to create Unity, the religious leaders directing the activities of the people in all facets of their lives.
He's an extremely radical candidate that supports total war with mexico, iran, china, and eastern europe.

He thinks that if we plant more trees we can stop climate change.... this guy is a real life nut case!

both those claims are downright lies and downright stupid.
He's an extremely radical candidate that supports total war with mexico, iran, china, and eastern europe.

He thinks that if we plant more trees we can stop climate change.... this guy is a real life nut case!

both those claims are downright lies and downright stupid.
You've seen the exact same claims before. Many times. They are made about every republican. They have the script and change names as necessary.
Sites that absolutely reveal the darkness of some far right religionists are hate sites. I am sure bad guys and gals say that about their enemies all the time.

The fact is that Cruz and certain of his religionist followers want the government to defer to what they call 'biblical' guidance and principles.

'Anointing' means chosen, which means the people have nothing to do with the Chosen.

tinydancer, I hope you are above the 144.

Well it seems we are getting into interesting territory here Jake. My oh my.
Sites that absolutely reveal the darkness of some far right religionists are hate sites. I am sure bad guys and gals say that about their enemies all the time.

The fact is that Cruz and certain of his religionist followers want the government to defer to what they call 'biblical' guidance and principles.

'Anointing' means chosen, which means the people have nothing to do with the Chosen.

tinydancer, I hope you are above the 144.

Well it seems we are getting into interesting territory here Jake. My oh my.
Yeah, the 144 syndrome and the 'wardings' against evil spirits (Palin) and priesthood blessings for heavenly guidance (Romney) and the 'anointing' of Cruz by his dad are very interesting phenomena. They are also very American in the culture of the religious right.
Of course it isn't. I used Mormonism as an example. Do you want to talk about Joseph Smith anointed as a king, priest, and president of the whole world? Do you want to talk about Brigham Young and the Utah Territorial legislature that did not cast one dissenting vote until 1868.

That is what Cruz wants to emulate in America.
I have no desire to discuss matters you don't understand. Nor would I expect you to understand why people with a common cause would have similar minds on a subject.
I understand Mormonism and government from Illinois to Utah Territory in the 19th century far better than you. Of course you don't want to talk about it. The entire purpose of LDS-dominated governance in the 19th century was to create Unity, the religious leaders directing the activities of the people in all facets of their lives.

Jake if they think themselves so powerful boy oh boy here we go then. They brought Elders to my house but they were afraid to step inside. Brought several up. One from Tennessee. Cripes. Well lets get it out there. I was living in a house that was possessed. I put this out there a long time ago. Meister was still a mod.

These so called religious leaders were afraid to face what was in our house.

Not even an Elder would face what my husband and I were facing daily. The things real estate agents don't tell you. :) I have to be really careful not to name names but the haunting. Well lets just say my old house is actually connected to the haunting registry. Now haunting is a nice way of saying living with demons with your morning coffee. I shouldn't say they were all bad.

I digress. The JW's who I dearly loved and I knew to be good souls were not allowed into the house. B told me they were ordered not to come in. She was a convert. Jake now I am no angel and I'm more than rough around the edges. But this experience we had in this house was a game changer in our lives. Now B&B were allowed to come to discuss the Word because of the peculiar circumstance of our lives in that house, well let's just say we know the Word intimately. And we were frequent guests at the Kingdom Hall. But my understanding of the Word was polar opposite of the structure of the JW's.

Oh heavens. I hope this makes sense because it seems like you've got a real grip on "religion". Faith is different. As time progressed and geeze louise it was weird it was like I was watching B&B become "Stepford Christians". Instead of sitting on our patio lively discussing the Word gradually B started telling us what the Elder said about the Word.

It was like we were losing them. It was like B&B had gone into almost a cult like I really don't know how to explain it but Jim Jones comes to mind.

Is this what it is like in the Mormon religion? Where it is all about the Church and the hierarchy of the Church members? And to govern as if they are being directed by the Lord? Is this where we are headed with Cruz?
tinydancer, great post! Your comment "Is this what it is like in the Mormon religion? Where it is all about the Church and the hierarchy of the Church members? And to govern as if they are being directed by the Lord? Is this where we are headed with Cruz?" hits it right on the head.

I like Mormons, I like how they live, I like how they treat each other (generally), but yes you have a priesthood leadership telling everyone else what God says for everyone else to do. Revelation goes through the leadership for the body of the church.

Cruz would love to do this, I think.

Your description of "haunting" as morning coffee with demons seems quite apt.
tinydancer, great post! Your comment "Is this what it is like in the Mormon religion? Where it is all about the Church and the hierarchy of the Church members? And to govern as if they are being directed by the Lord? Is this where we are headed with Cruz?" hits it right on the head.

I like Mormons, I like how they live, I like how they treat each other (generally), but yes you have a priesthood leadership telling everyone else what God says for everyone else to do. Revelation goes through the leadership for the body of the church.

Cruz would love to do this, I think.

Your description of "haunting" as morning coffee with demons seems quite apt.

The miracle of Mormonism isn't that we have a prophet who receives revelation. The miracle of Mormonism is that anyone can receive revelation for themselves. Someday I hope you understand that.

I also hope someday you study the link I've already provided on how priesthood works. Because you still don't understand it.

Why you seem to think Mormonism has any relevance to how a southern Baptist will govern according to the constitution is a mystery.
Mormon priesthood revelation and personal revelation works on the principle of dominion. The Church president receives revelation for the Church, the stake president for stake, the husband for the wife and children, and so forth and so on.

Avatar, I understand fully how priesthood revelation and authority works. That is how priesthood dominion dominated the Utah Legislature of decades and still does at times even today.
He's an extremely radical candidate that supports total war with mexico, iran, china, and eastern europe.

He thinks that if we plant more trees we can stop climate change.... this guy is a real life nut case!

Cruz is a hardline authoritarian first & foremost. So whatever politics he subscribes too will reek as a result.
No. However he is owned by the same folks who own Hillary Clinton. Just follow the money. Wherever the most Corporate Bank cash is flowing, is where you'll likely find the next U.S. President. Both Clinton and Cruz are mere emloyees of the Globalist Elite Banking Cartel.
tinydancer, great post! Your comment "Is this what it is like in the Mormon religion? Where it is all about the Church and the hierarchy of the Church members? And to govern as if they are being directed by the Lord? Is this where we are headed with Cruz?" hits it right on the head.

I like Mormons, I like how they live, I like how they treat each other (generally), but yes you have a priesthood leadership telling everyone else what God says for everyone else to do. Revelation goes through the leadership for the body of the church.

Cruz would love to do this, I think.

Your description of "haunting" as morning coffee with demons seems quite apt.

I have to think on this today. Thanks Jake. And to be clear on my end as well, I liked and respected so many. But I had to turn my back on the religion. I could not abide any faith that would only give communion to the anointed. Sorry as I can be, I have never read in any of the many versions of the Word that I needed to be part of a club to partake in communion.

This is now becoming very disturbing that Beck declared Cruz as an anointed one.
No. However he is owned by the same folks who own Hillary Clinton. Just follow the money. Wherever the most Corporate Bank cash is flowing, is where you'll likely find the next U.S. President. Both Clinton and Cruz are mere emloyees of the Globalist Elite Banking Cartel.

He's a great liar. You have to give him that. Running as an outsider when Goldman Sachs and CitiBank are your financiers is pretty awesome.

He's an extremely radical candidate that supports total war with mexico, iran, china, and eastern europe.

He thinks that if we plant more trees we can stop climate change.... this guy is a real life nut case!
This is brilliant. I say "Thank you thank you a million times thank you"

The worst of it is, the worst "you are Hitler" screamers are those who stifle opposing views and use thuggishness instead of political discourse are the read hitler wanna bes

No. However he is owned by the same folks who own Hillary Clinton. Just follow the money. Wherever the most Corporate Bank cash is flowing, is where you'll likely find the next U.S. President. Both Clinton and Cruz are mere emloyees of the Globalist Elite Banking Cartel.

Yes. Cruz is in fact a hard line authoritarian. And a darling of the tea party which makes him a bible thumper too.

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