Is Congressional Oversight Overrated?

What will happen to Congressional Subpoenas issued by Congress against the Trump admin?

  • 1. Trump will claim "Executive Priviledge" and tell Congress to pound sand

    Votes: 8 88.9%
  • 2. Trump will ignore the subpoenas to get "Contempt of Congress" medals like Eric Holder

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • 3. Trump will comply with all Congressional Subpoenas

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
What Is Congressional Oversight in US Government?
I keep hearing the dems whining about their "Constitutional" responsibility for "Congressional Oversight" of the Executive branch. The dems seem to think that they have supervisory power and can direct the Executive branch activities however they choose. After reading the above link and the book by Jason Chaffetz it became apparent that Congress has no real enforcement capability. They can cut the budgets of agencies, but have no real "cops" to make things happen. For example, Chaffetz could not make Eric Holder do anything regarding "Fast & Furious"
ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia and Holder was held "In Contempt of Congress".

But what about those Congressional Subpoenas??
Don’t Be Fooled: Seven Myths About Congressional Oversight | Government Contracts & Investigations Blog
Congressional subpoenas DO NOT work like other subpoenas – A lot of lawyers who have never practiced before Congress assume subpoenas issued by the legislative branch work the same way as subpoenas issued in other legal proceedings. The truth is Congressional subpoenas are a very different animal. Perhaps most importantly, they are far more difficult to enforce, and the enforcement process takes a very long time. As observers saw a few years ago with Operation Fast and Furious, in order to enforce a Congressional subpoena, the Committee must first pass a resolution of enforcement, holding the subpoena recipient in Contempt of Congress. Second, the full House (or Senate) must pass the resolution. Third, it must be referred to a prosecutor (typically the US Attorney for the District of Columbia) who must choose to seek enforcement in the courts. Alternatively, as happened with Fast and Furious, the House (or Senate) can sue on its own to enforce its subpoena. The process typically takes years and does not always succeed in compelling the production of the testimony or documents at issue."

So as said above, it takes years to really enforce a Congressional subpoena, and congress simply doesn't have the time to waste. So it's very easy to run out the clock on Congress' "Oversight". So lets take a poll on what happens with those nasty subpoenas issued to the Trump admin.
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We've got a too-big bureaucracy that for damn sure needs oversight on, but the problem is the politicization is so far over the top as to be ineffective and inefficient, if not downright criminal. IMHO, it was ridiculous what Congress let the Obama Admin get away with, too bad they weren't as conscientious as they are now with the Trumpers.
What will happen to Congressional Subpoenas issued by Congress against the Trump admin?

I don't know if most of you are fresh out of a terrible high school and very young, or just have been walking around in a marijuana and cocaine induced stupor your entire lives, but a whole lot of people in the Executive branch have gone to prison and/or lost their jobs because of Congressional oversight.

Perhaps it is your opinions of your own intelligence which are over-rated.

Congressional oversight is one of the means by which we prevent ourselves from being ruled by a dictator. If you are parroting a dictator-wannabe's scoffing of oversight, you might want to take a good look at that.

There is a reason there is a high bar for impeachment, but that tool is far from over-rated. It is a bedrock of our freedoms.
Congressional oversight is nothing more than political grandstanding. Always has been, always will be.
Tell that to Nixon.

I often feel we owe Nixon a big ass apology. The shit that politicians have gotten away with since his days make Watergate look like amateur hour.
No, Nixon is still up there near the top of criminal presidents.

Most Americans today have no clue of all the crimes committed by his Administration. They only know of the bugging of the Watergate hotel, but the list of crimes against Americans was far more massive than that.
The funny thing about Nixon is that the break-in that brought him down wasn't necessary. McGovern didn't have a chance at winning.
The funny thing about Nixon is that the break-in that brought him down wasn't necessary. McGovern didn't have a chance at winning.
The break-in was actually the second break-in. They did a shitty job installing the surveillance equipment the first time and had to go back to fix it. Idiots.

As for McGovern, the whole reason he was the Democratic candidate in the first place is because the Nixon campaign sabotaged the Muskie campaign. Nixon was afraid he would lose to Muskie. He wanted to run against McGovern. So his people ratfucked Muskie.

The infamous "Canuck letter".
Elijah Cummings is arguing that Trump can't claim Executive Privilege after McGahn already testified. The DOJ told the dems the subpoenas are not going to be honored. Cummings said that was "obstruction". Looks like Trump is kicking sand in their faces to get impeached?!
Elijah Cummings is arguing that Trump can't claim Executive Privilege after McGahn already testified. The DOJ told the dems the subpoenas are not going to be honored. Cummings said that was "obstruction". Looks like Trump is kicking sand in their faces to get impeached?!

And just think, whomever follows Trump, be it in 2 years or 6 will ignore Congress even more than Trump does, because that is the way things work, they always get worse with the next one in line.

You guys are cool with the POTUS telling Congress to pound sand now, but when the tables are reversed and it is a Dem POTUS telling a Repub Congress the same thing you all will be wailing about the end of the world.

Our entire system as it was set up by the founders is being flushed down the drain.
Elijah Cummings is arguing that Trump can't claim Executive Privilege after McGahn already testified. The DOJ told the dems the subpoenas are not going to be honored. Cummings said that was "obstruction". Looks like Trump is kicking sand in their faces to get impeached?!

And just think, whomever follows Trump, be it in 2 years or 6 will ignore Congress even more than Trump does, because that is the way things work, they always get worse with the next one in line.

You guys are cool with the POTUS telling Congress to pound sand now, but when the tables are reversed and it is a Dem POTUS telling a Repub Congress the same thing you all will be wailing about the end of the world.

Our entire system as it was set up by the founders is being flushed down the drain.

WRONG. Eric Holder set the standard for getting "Contempt of Congress" medals for "Fast and Furious"
ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia

Chaffetz could not get anything from Holder. It was in his book. He spent half his book whining that congress had no enforcement mechanism.
Elijah Cummings is arguing that Trump can't claim Executive Privilege after McGahn already testified. The DOJ told the dems the subpoenas are not going to be honored. Cummings said that was "obstruction". Looks like Trump is kicking sand in their faces to get impeached?!

And just think, whomever follows Trump, be it in 2 years or 6 will ignore Congress even more than Trump does, because that is the way things work, they always get worse with the next one in line.

You guys are cool with the POTUS telling Congress to pound sand now, but when the tables are reversed and it is a Dem POTUS telling a Repub Congress the same thing you all will be wailing about the end of the world.

Our entire system as it was set up by the founders is being flushed down the drain.

WRONG. Eric Holder set the standard for getting "Contempt of Congress" medals for "Fast and Furious"
ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia

Chaffetz could not get anything from Holder. It was in his book. He spent half his book whining that congress had no enforcement mechanism.

And now Trump is doing it on an even higher level...thank you for proving my point for me
Elijah Cummings is arguing that Trump can't claim Executive Privilege after McGahn already testified. The DOJ told the dems the subpoenas are not going to be honored. Cummings said that was "obstruction". Looks like Trump is kicking sand in their faces to get impeached?!

And just think, whomever follows Trump, be it in 2 years or 6 will ignore Congress even more than Trump does, because that is the way things work, they always get worse with the next one in line.

You guys are cool with the POTUS telling Congress to pound sand now, but when the tables are reversed and it is a Dem POTUS telling a Repub Congress the same thing you all will be wailing about the end of the world.

Our entire system as it was set up by the founders is being flushed down the drain.

WRONG. Eric Holder set the standard for getting "Contempt of Congress" medals for "Fast and Furious"
ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia

Chaffetz could not get anything from Holder. It was in his book. He spent half his book whining that congress had no enforcement mechanism.

The Obama Admin made it an art form to stonewall Congress, from subpoenas to documents, to whatever. I don't see where the Dems have anything to bitch about, particularly since they don't have anything of substance to offer as a reason to believe an investigation is necessary.
President Trump is Fighting Back Against House Subpoenas

Good for him! If he lets the witch hunt go unanswered, he’s bowing to the radical left and their amazingly hatred-filled stooges.

Trump’s comments came as the White House made it clear that it plans to broadly defy requests for information from Capitol Hill, moving the two branches of government closer to a constitutional collision.

On Tuesday, two White House officials said the administration plans to fight a subpoena issued by the House Judiciary Committee for former White House counsel Donald McGahn by asserting executive privilege over his testimony.

Separately, the administration directed a former White House official not to comply with a subpoena from the House Oversight Committee, prompting the panel to move to hold him in contempt. And the Treasury Department defied a second demand from House Democrats to turn over six years of President Trump’s tax returns.

Much more @ Trump says he is opposed to White House aides testifying to Congress, deepening power struggle with Hill
Good for Trump...stonewalling the dems.
He showed Mueller his "open kimono" and now the dems are insisting on a rectal exam...

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