Zone1 Is Christianity just an outlier sect of Judaism?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Jesus did not even start Christianity that was Paul (Saul). Did Jesus simply promote Judaism with a different flavor? Promote his own personal perspective which differed radically at times from Judaism practiced at the time (not keeping the Sabbath, eating what he wants etc.)? There is still debate as to Jesuses role, was he the son of G_d, a prophet or G_d himself? The more I delve deeper between both religions the more I am also confused. Are we worshiping a man, even if he were a prophet; but forgetting about G_d? Jews do not pray to Moses, but Christians pray to Jesus. Unless Jesus is Go_d himself....
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No. Judaism and Christianity are diametrically opposed. One accepts Jesus Christ as Savior. The other rejects Jesus Christ, wholly.

Many confuse the Old Covenant Israelites who followed the Laws of God (or tried) with modern day Talumdism or Judaism. Although modern Talmudism may borrow from the Old Covenant religion, it's really a very different animal in actual practice. The Old Covenant was a shadow of things to come and embraced the idea of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Talmudism rejects Christ.
Actually Christianity is the main sect of Judaism. It is older than all of the current forms of 'Judaism' and the only one really based on the Torah. Rabbinical Judaism, Orthodox Judaism. Hasidim, etc. are all counterfeits that came along after Christianity, and are just bizarre racist cults with no relation to the Mosaic religion of pre-Ezra times. They can't even agree on who is a Jew and who isn't. lol

For Christians it is easy, since they aren't a racist cult trying to set themselves up as a special race.

For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

This is much closer to the religion of Abraham and Moses days, and of course verifies the obvious fact that universalism is implicit in monotheism. Jews weren't 'chosen' as a race, but a tribe of many peoples, not just Hebrews. Lots of peoples left with the followers of Moses in the Exodus, for instance, not just Hebrew tribes.
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Jesus did not even start Christianity that was Paul (Saul). Did Jesus simply promote Judaism with a different flavor? Promote his own personal perspective which differed radically at times from Judaism practiced at the time (not keeping the Sabbath, eating what he wants etc.)? There is still debate as to Jesuses role, was he the son of G_d, a prophet or G_d himself? The more I delve deeper between both religions the more I am also confused. Are we worshiping a man, even if he were a prophet; but forgetting about G_d? Jews do not pray to Moses, but christians pray to Jesus. Unless Jesus is Go_d himself....
Judaism is the religion of Jesus, Christianity is the religion about Jesus.

Paul didn't start Christianity, but he, as others like him, brought Christianity to the pagan world and enabled it to grow and flower there. If not for Paul, Christianity today would be a tiny within Judaism, if it survived at all. Jews generally rejected Jesus as a Messiah.
Jesus did not even start Christianity that was Paul (Saul). Did Jesus simply promote Judaism with a different flavor? Promote his own personal perspective which differed radically at times from Judaism practiced at the time (not keeping the Sabbath, eating what he wants etc.)? There is still debate as to Jesuses role, was he the son of G_d, a prophet or G_d himself? The more I delve deeper between both religions the more I am also confused. Are we worshiping a man, even if he were a prophet; but forgetting about G_d? Jews do not pray to Moses, but christians pray to Jesus. Unless Jesus is Go_d himself....
Jesus was the seed of Christianity. Paul simply reaped what was sown; he was a messenger.

Christians believe Jesus is one with God, the very powerful Word of God. Can one worship our creator God while separating Him from His word and/or His spirit? God is One, and Jews--understandably--are vehemently against worshiping two. The Christian perspective is God is One, He is Whole--and therefore worship of a fraction of Him is not enough. He is Creator. He is Word. He is Spirit. This is His totality. We worship the whole, not two. The difference between Judaism and Christianity is one believes the Word can become man. Jews hold no such belief, as they believe God is without limit, whereas a human has limits. Would God limit Himself? Is it even possible for Him to limit Himself?

It is easy to see the dilemma. As God is beyond our understanding, it is my opinion each should choose the path that draws one closer to God. If Jesus is a distraction? It was never his intent to distract from the Father, but (and he said this to his Apostles) to show us the Father.
Christianity is the metaphysical extension of Judaism, the logical progression. Even the name of Jesus proclaims this. Yahweh was the neutral term for the Hebrew deity, "Yahweh saves" (the meaning of the name Jesus) is the active, merciful, out reaching quality of the deity. It isn't a mere matter of laws, it is a matter of love.
Judaism and Christianity are not similar at all, some basics being:

1. First, of course, is the idea that Yeshua Ben Yosef was the son of Gd, or Gd personified of whatever. Jews don’t believe this because that was never the description of the Messiah. There is no evidence that Jesus claimed himself to be son of Gd, since a practicing Jew wouldn’t have said it.

2. In Christianity, it’s all about what you BELIEVE (basically, belief in Jesus); in Judaism, it’s about how you BEHAVE. (I learned this even as a pre-schooler from my parents: that it didn’t matter what I thought….it mattered how I acted). You MUST believe in Jesus to be a Christian; but you don’t have to believe in Gd to be a Jew.

3. Along those lines, the way to the World to Come is not through faith, but through mitzvot and behavior. That is why Christians don’t think those of other religions can get to Heaven, but that Jews do.

4. There is also no concept of Original Sin in Judaism, so Jews don’t need someone to “save” them. Jews save themselves by their mitzvot, repentance for wrongdoing, and of course asking forgiving of those wronges.

More learned Jews than I can add to this list, but it’s Shabbat and the most observant will not be on the board. Check back tomorrow.
Jesus did not even start Christianity that was Paul (Saul). Did Jesus simply promote Judaism with a different flavor? Promote his own personal perspective which differed radically at times from Judaism practiced at the time (not keeping the Sabbath, eating what he wants etc.)? There is still debate as to Jesuses role, was he the son of G_d, a prophet or G_d himself? The more I delve deeper between both religions the more I am also confused. Are we worshiping a man, even if he were a prophet; but forgetting about G_d? Jews do not pray to Moses, but Christians pray to Jesus. Unless Jesus is Go_d himself....
No, it is a cult.

Judaism and Christianity are not similar at all, some basics being:

1. First, of course, is the idea that Yeshua Ben Yosef was the son of Gd, or Gd personified of whatever. Jews don’t believe this because that was never the description of the Messiah. There is no evidence that Jesus claimed himself to be son of Gd, since a practicing Jew wouldn’t have said it.

2. In Christianity, it’s all about what you BELIEVE (basically, belief in Jesus); in Judaism, it’s about how you BEHAVE. (I learned this even as a pre-schooler from my parents: that it didn’t matter what I thought….it mattered how I acted). You MUST believe in Jesus to be a Christian; but you don’t have to believe in Gd to be a Jew.

3. Along those lines, the way to the World to Come is not through faith, but through mitzvot and behavior. That is why Christians don’t think those of other religions can get to Heaven, but that Jews do.

4. There is also no concept of Original Sin in Judaism, so Jews don’t need someone to “save” them. Jews save themselves by their mitzvot, repentance for wrongdoing, and of course asking forgiving of those wronges.

More learned Jews than I can add to this list, but it’s Shabbat and the most observant will not be on the board. Check back tomorrow.
Yes, I thought of it being Saturday after I posted.
I wouldn't go that far at all. Maybe in some respects, but not that extreme a dichotomy. They even share the same Commandments.
Even the commandments have different meanings to each persuasion. Judaism is negative, Christianity positive.

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