CDZ Is anything being done to improve race relations?

As someone who sees PLENTY of room for improvement on BOTH ends of this issue, I'm finding myself getting more and more frustrated (and, full disclosure, confused) about it.

With regards to "race relations" and/or "a national conversation on race", I'm seeing neither. What I am seeing is precisely the same kinds of behaviors on both ends of the issue: Continued airing/droning of grievances and efforts to gain any advantage over the other side, from voting laws to statue removal (?).

I'm starting this thread in the CDZ because I'd really like to see if we can have a (relatively) civil and (far more importantly) interesting conversation here.

So: Is anything being done to actually improve race relations? If so, how's that working out?
I don't know of anything. About the best the left have is to teach in our schools that white people are privileged and that social injustice is rampant and that all white people are racists. If they succeed at that then white people will learn from an early age the error of their ways.
As someone who sees PLENTY of room for improvement on BOTH ends of this issue, I'm finding myself getting more and more frustrated (and, full disclosure, confused) about it.

With regards to "race relations" and/or "a national conversation on race", I'm seeing neither. What I am seeing is precisely the same kinds of behaviors on both ends of the issue: Continued airing/droning of grievances and efforts to gain any advantage over the other side, from voting laws to statue removal (?).

I'm starting this thread in the CDZ because I'd really like to see if we can have a (relatively) civil and (far more importantly) interesting conversation here.

So: Is anything being done to actually improve race relations? If so, how's that working out?

BLM is the dumbest name. And they got to violent for most decent people, white or black) to support.
The government ain't gonna make things any better. All the laws on the books now do not divided people.
We doing all that on our own. Race baiters, race hustlers and the media ain't gonna stop spreading racism until it gets to the point that there's no profit in it.

I call out racist on social media. Report them. And stopped watching MSM. What else can a person do?

Racist supporting violence on social media. And trying to do it for profit. I can't imagine why she's still allowed to post video's. Luckily she don't have much of a following. But all it takes is getting her message to the right person. And the next thing you know, she's viral as a racist. Or a good BLM supporter.

I am the only person working on a process for alleviating the racial and other stratification problems that we endure. In essence, it is a peace treaty. In detail, it is a government charter system designed to better organize the government services, including the institutions that are supposed to deliberate social issues and promulgate resolutions.

The subsisting system, obviously, cannot handle the diversity that the population has evolved to; although, the non-whites believe it is capable, because they are unwittingly intimidated by white man's ability to organize people to advance their own. Non-whites falsely believe that the solution is more non-whites in more seats of deliberation to decide on resolutions composed by white men.

It begins with a general plan of an improved separation of government entities theory, that should inspire the people most inclined, talented, and skilled, to order its details. The general plan is advanced at multiple local municipal venues, and those venues compete to advance their plans at their state levels.

Three things of immediate importance will happen at these conventions. The conventions will be (1) test runs of the anticipated government legislatures to build a (2) reliable government charter. Also at the convention, there will be a dedicated (3) deliberation of the social stratification issues.

More delusions of grandeur? :abgg2q.jpg:
There is no one else, and you cannot describe a better solution than a peace treaty - a constitutional convention that gathers the diversity of people that the previous generations could not gather. To reorder the inadequate government that was established in compromise with antiquated information and racist slave owners.
Your explanations for your delusions are comical!:abgg2q.jpg:
As someone who sees PLENTY of room for improvement on BOTH ends of this issue, I'm finding myself getting more and more frustrated (and, full disclosure, confused) about it.

With regards to "race relations" and/or "a national conversation on race", I'm seeing neither. What I am seeing is precisely the same kinds of behaviors on both ends of the issue: Continued airing/droning of grievances and efforts to gain any advantage over the other side, from voting laws to statue removal (?).

I'm starting this thread in the CDZ because I'd really like to see if we can have a (relatively) civil and (far more importantly) interesting conversation here.

So: Is anything being done to actually improve race relations? If so, how's that working out?

Improved race relations start with you and me. Its a choice.
That is really sweet, but how is that going to happen when government representatives have to campaign on the promises to fight for their constituents, which is relative to the representatives' political party affiliation, and cannot possibly represent the diversity of the geographical districts they are constituent to?
None of that makes any sense whatsoever. It is like you threw down some words, trying to sound profound and all you accomplished was to make yourself appear more delusional.
"Groups," "Parties," or "Politicians" don't do it. Individuals do. That is the point. It's not something that is going to change by order of central planning or social engineering. Of course those on the left can't conceive of any other way of looking at the world, so they keep agonizing over "what can the government do for us"? THAT is missing the point.
There are far too many conservatives on this forum that are racist bastards, and are proud of their ignorance.
yeah, i'm the "one," bitch. I figured out the root of the problem an the correction.

Think about it - what are we ultimately doing here? Solving problems or trolling each other???

What the fuck do you have to prove that you are leading us to a better society???
You need to make yourself familiar with the CDZ rules before you disappear.
There are far too many conservatives on this forum that are racist bastards, and are proud of their ignorance.
The left is universally racist. It's in their history for 200+ years and nothing they have done in government since has changed any of it. Even today, leftists who pretend to not be racists, who pretend to support things like school choice for inner city schools, vote for people like Joe Biden who turned over education policy to the teachers' unions who lead the fight to stop Federal funding for charter schools.

Leftists, including every single one of them on this board who voted for Biden, voted to kill more black babies than the number of black babies born.

Quit trying to pretend it is the right who hate black people. The left, the Democrats, and you, are the ones who hate black people.
I've read most of the posts in this thread - skipping a few.of the longest posts because they're too painful to read on a phone.

What I've seen is what I see here every day - and what I hear on talk radio and on TV news.

Most of us think we (and those who agree with us) are correct in our views, and that we alone know how to solve the problems under discussion.

And we think that other individuals and groups who do not agree with us are wrong, and are the source of all the problems.

So we point fingers, insult each other, accuse others of being racists, and we continue talking in circles and accomplishing nothing.

I agree with an earlier poster who said most progress will be made through one to one interactions. Getting to know others as individuals, while avoiding all contact with troublemakers and worthless thugs.

Imo, BLM, CRT whores, Jesse Jackson type whiners, rioters and looters are doing incredible damage and vastly increasing the racial divisions at every level of our society.

I think we're in for a long, rough ride. Seatbelts should be used. And a whispered prayer might help.
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The progressives are teaching children to hate using their CRT indoctrination.
When these kids become adults this country will be torn apart by left wing hate and violence even worse than it is being done now.
^^^ This. Quoted for truth.

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