Is anyone going to watch the "virtual" DNC convention tomorrow?

None of them have anything to say that I am the slightest bit interested in.

That said, I'll watch Kasich give his "Hi, I'm really a Democrat" speech if I'm not engaged elsewhere..
I might watch to see how they handle Biden in his current state of confusion. Other than that it sounds like they will be rolling out the same tired old Democrats trying to inject some interest in the disastrous Biden-Harris ticket.
If it's anything like Tom Hanks SNL effort I won't be tuning in.

I caught a few minutes of this disaster and I can see why Hanks left the states and became a Greek Citizen.
I might watch to see how they handle Biden in his current state of confusion. Other than that it sounds like they will be rolling out the same tired old Democrats trying to inject some interest in the disastrous Biden-Harris ticket.
You won't see much of Biden.
You will see them spend 99.999% trashing Trump and the rest will be trashing America.
Not the least bit interested in watching it, I know whats going to be said already....Orange Man Bad, liberals and progressives good...White Men are bad and are all racists and Get rid of all Police
I might watch to see how they handle Biden in his current state of confusion. Other than that it sounds like they will be rolling out the same tired old Democrats trying to inject some interest in the disastrous Biden-Harris ticket.

The DNC has been working feverishly over the past week to get Biden's speech together and smooth out his gaffes, so when they air it on TV it sounds professional. I have a good deal of confidence in their technological abilities.

The Pandemic was a stroke of luck for the D's, can you imagine Sleepy Joe doing a public speech and having it broadcast live on global TV? He was a gaffe machine before he went senile. It was the pandemic that made the plan to get everyone to drop out and give it to Bite Me a viable one. They got the excuse to do the convention as a rehearsed television program and keep the candidate out of the public view.
They will spend most of the time trashing Trump while providing no plan or vision for US economic prosperity. How is trashing Trump and calling everyone who does not agree with them “racist” going to attract swing voters / independents?
It will be the most watched event in TV history. Much bigger than the meager audience that Trump will draw
It will be the most watched event in TV history. Much bigger than the meager audience that Trump will draw

Were it possible, I would bet you a large sum of money that it will not be. The first hour will collect the still curious, then it will die, with a vague resurrection for Biden's "speech".

Americans have a low tolerance of ennui.
It will be the most watched event in TV history. Much bigger than the meager audience that Trump will draw

I don't see what's so compelling about watching Sleepy Joe. With myself, I plan to listen to the synopsis of the rehearsed and edited speeches when correspondents for the Excellence in Broadcasting Network give their analysis.
Americans have a low tolerance of ennui.

I think the DNC knows this, and is doing all they can to clean up the Biden speech and make the Vice President look dynamic. Will it be enough? I don't really know. But as we speak, the technical staff is doing all they can to revamp both the visual and audio parts of the Sleepy Joe speech and they have a lot of tools available.
Will you watch it tonight?
How will they control Biden's gaffs?
Will the main topics be Social Justice or their intense hatred for Trump?

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