Is anyone blaming Trump for the Delta variant?

It’s not just rightwingers who have refused the vaccine.

I blame Trump for spreading the variant - HELL yes for sure. He called it a Dem hoax. He dithered, downplayed, denied and said it would magically disappear. He eschewed face masks and refused to wear one himself. His loyal subjects fell right in line and spread stupid conspiracy theories about efficacious and safe vaccines.

The variant spread was enabled primarily by stupid people who followed Dear Leader straight off a cliff. They attended his irresponsible super-spreader rallies, spread the virus and they died. History will not be kind.

President Donald Trump’s campaign rallies led to more than 30,000 coronavirus cases, according to a new paper postedby researchers at Stanford.​
Researchers looked at 18 Trump rallies held between June 20 and Sept. 22 and analyzed Covid-19 data the weeks following each event. They compared the counties where the events were held to other counties that had a similar trajectory of confirmed Covid-19 cases prior to the rally date. Out of the 18 rallies analyzed, only three were indoors, according to the research.​
The researchers found that the rallies ultimately resulted in more than 30,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19. They also concluded that the rallies likely led to more than 700 deaths, though not necessarily among attendees.​

You blame Trump for sitting on his hands, but when it comes to Biden you say "What can he do?"
And then list the things he has done. Oops, you overlooked that. How odd, considering it was the direct answer to the question you asked. Wanna try again?
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I blame Trump for spreading the variant - HELL yes for sure.
You're an idiot.

The variant was first identified in India in December. It didn't become a prominent concern until well into Biden's presidency.

Trump had nothing to do with it. If your IQ was any higher than room temperature you'd understand that...

The variant spread was enabled primarily by stupid people who followed Dear Leader straight off a cliff. They attended his irresponsible super-spreader rallies, spread the virus and they died. History will not be kind.

President Donald Trump’s campaign rallies led to more than 30,000 coronavirus cases, according to a new paper postedby researchers at Stanford.

The variant hadn't even been identified when he was holding campaign rallies, you stupid fuck...

Researchers looked at 18 Trump rallies held between June 20 and Sept. 22 and analyzed Covid-19 data the weeks following each event. They compared the counties where the events were held to other counties that had a similar trajectory of confirmed Covid-19 cases prior to the rally date. Out of the 18 rallies analyzed, only three were indoors, according to the research.

Again, this has nothing to do with the variant, which is the actual topic of discussion. You know Trump had nothing to do with that, though, so you'll just blather on with your nonsense in the hopes that nobody sees that you're completely full of shit...
You're an idiot.

The variant was first identified in India in December. It didn't become a prominent concern until well into Biden's presidency.

Trump had nothing to do with it. If your IQ was any higher than room temperature you'd understand that...

The variant hadn't even been identified when he was holding campaign rallies, you stupid fuck...

Again, this has nothing to do with the variant, which is the actual topic of discussion. You know Trump had nothing to do with that, though, so you'll just blather on with your nonsense in the hopes that nobody sees that you're completely full of shit...

I said I blame him for SPREADING it, not for creating it you insufferable dolt. :rolleyes-41:
But when a new variant is created by anti-mask/ anti-vax southern Goobers, then yes, we'll call it the Trump Variant.
I blame Trump for spreading the variant - HELL yes for sure. He called it a Dem hoax. He dithered, downplayed, denied and said it would magically disappear. He eschewed face masks and refused to wear one himself. His loyal subjects fell right in line and spread stupid conspiracy theories about efficacious and safe vaccines.

The variant spread was enabled primarily by stupid people who followed Dear Leader straight off a cliff. They attended his irresponsible super-spreader rallies, spread the virus and they died. History will not be kind.

President Donald Trump’s campaign rallies led to more than 30,000 coronavirus cases, according to a new paper postedby researchers at Stanford.​
Researchers looked at 18 Trump rallies held between June 20 and Sept. 22 and analyzed Covid-19 data the weeks following each event. They compared the counties where the events were held to other counties that had a similar trajectory of confirmed Covid-19 cases prior to the rally date. Out of the 18 rallies analyzed, only three were indoors, according to the research.​
The researchers found that the rallies ultimately resulted in more than 30,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19. They also concluded that the rallies likely led to more than 700 deaths, though not necessarily among attendees.​

Trump’s management or mismanagement of COVID reaching the United States from China is a worthy discussion. Every leader worldwide inherited this from China and had to deal with it. Trump went over the top calling the virus a hoax. At the same time, Democrats were against Trump closing the borders as an initial response. Both were mistakes. Trump should have stopped short of calling it a hoax but balanced it with that there is a plan to manage this and get through it without jeopardizing the economy. Democrats should have backed his plan to close the border immediately and not politicize it.

I don’t buy that Trump rallies resulted in COVID spreading AND protests in the streets DID NOT spread COVID. Yes, many protestors wore masks but go look at any video and you will see as many as third not wearing masks and all were not adhering to the social distance standards of 6 feet apart. This gets not only ignored but tolerated by Trump critics.
I said I blame him for SPREADING it, not for creating it you insufferable dolt. :rolleyes-41:

No shit, fuckstick.

How did he facilitate it spreading?

According to NBC News, the first case of the Indian (or "Delta") variant was first found in the United States in northern California.

In March.

First confirmed case of Indian coronavirus variant in U.S. found in California

Trump was long gone by March.

You dipshit leftists need to re-educate yourself on what "worldwide pandemic" means. Trump had absolutely nothing to do with the spread of the variant...

But when a new variant is created by anti-mask/ anti-vax southern Goobers, then yes, we'll call it the Trump Variant.
Your ignorance and stupidity shine with the light of a thousand suns.

The variant, so far as we know, was first discovered in India, and it's first case here in the state was found in uber-liberal northern California. It had exactly nothing to do with anyone wanting or not wanting to get the vaccine...
No shit, fuckstick.

How did he facilitate it spreading?

According to NBC News, the first case of the Indian (or "Delta") variant was first found in the United States in northern California.

In March.

First confirmed case of Indian coronavirus variant in U.S. found in California

Trump was long gone by March.

You dipshit leftists need to re-educate yourself on what "worldwide pandemic" means. Trump had absolutely nothing to do with the spread of the variant...

Your ignorance and stupidity shine with the light of a thousand suns.

The variant, so far as we know, was first discovered in India, and it's first case here in the state was found in uber-liberal northern California. It had exactly nothing to do with anyone wanting or not wanting to get the vaccine...

Infection and death are trailing indicators fuckstick.

And again, kindly stop claiming I said Rump Dumpster "created it".

Mask up and get the jab assclown!
How did he facilitate it spreading?
His irresponsible, unethical behavior and words while leading a cult. His words and behavior mattered. Had he come out on day one and said and done the minimum of what we shpuld expect from a non-mentally challenged adult, things would have been very different..

You seem confused about something:

The things Biden has said and done are about the MINIMUM we should expect from an adult with a baseline of ethics and intelligence. Thats the prpblem with Trump: he is a failed, garbage human.
Infection and death are trailing indicators fuckstick.

And again, kindly stop claiming I said Rump Dumpster "created it".

Mask up and get the jab assclown!
I see... you're one of those "can't put two and two together" kind of guys.


I never said you claimed he created it. I said it was first discovered in India, and first discovered in the United States in March.

How in the fuck does Trump facilitate the spread of the Delta variant when the first case of it in the United States is only discovered two months after he leaves office?
His irresponsible, unethical behavior and words while leading a cult. His words and behavior mattered. Had he come out on day one and said and done the minimum of what we shpuld expect from a non-mentally challenged adult, things would have been very different..

You seem confused about something:

The things Biden has said and done are about the MINIMUM we should expect from an adult with a baseline of ethics and intelligence. Thats the prpblem with Trump: he is a failed, garbage human.

You do realize we're discussing the variant, right?

Let me ask that another way: You do realize that we're talking about a strain of virus which wasn't even discovered in this country until two months AFTER Trump left office, right?
Trump’s management or mismanagement of COVID reaching the United States from China is a worthy discussion. Every leader worldwide inherited this from China and had to deal with it. Trump went over the top calling the virus a hoax. At the same time, Democrats were against Trump closing the borders as an initial response. Both were mistakes. Trump should have stopped short of calling it a hoax but balanced it with that there is a plan to manage this and get through it without jeopardizing the economy. Democrats should have backed his plan to close the border immediately and not politicize it.

I don’t buy that Trump rallies resulted in COVID spreading AND protests in the streets DID NOT spread COVID. Yes, many protestors wore masks but go look at any video and you will see as many as third not wearing masks and all were not adhering to the social distance standards of 6 feet apart. This gets not only ignored but tolerated by Trump critics.

I don't ignore that factor. However, the BLM rallies were outdoors and WAY more of those kids were masked than those at Rump Rallies.

The delta variant has zero to do with trump. I don't place any blame for this ungodly disaster virus. I do blame america in general for not being prepared for a pandemic. Been it first appeared it was blatantly apparent america was totally unprepared for something like this. That's pathetic for the wealthiest nation on earth. Not enough masks, ventilators, the list goes on. It was a debacle. Round 2 on the way. People around here are masking again despite NO mandate. Stores are choosing to require it
You do realize we're discussing the variant, right?

Let me ask that another way: You do realize that we're talking about a strain of virus which wasn't even discovered in this country until two months AFTER Trump left office, right?

Had Trumpy Bear evangelized masking and his awesome vaccines, Delta would have had very little path forward here in the States.
Had Trumpy Bear evangelized masking and his awesome vaccines, Delta would have had very little path forward here in the States.

Well, no.

And I say "no" because we know that hasn't worked, because that's exactly what Biden's been doing.

You're so wrapped in hatred for Trump that you're blind to facts. If you want to argue that he's to blame for the spread of Covid 19, go ahead and do that. I'll still think you're wrong, but opinions can differ. But facts are going to get in your way regarding the spread of the variant. Trump was already gone for two months when that first case was found...
I don't ignore that factor. However, the BLM rallies were outdoors and WAY more of those kids were masked than those at Rump Rallies.

Still, a contributing factor. Where’s the social distancing?
Well, no.

And I say "no" because we know that hasn't worked, because that's exactly what Biden's been doing.

You're so wrapped in hatred for Trump that you're blind to facts. If you want to argue that he's to blame for the spread of Covid 19, go ahead and do that. I'll still think you're wrong, but opinions can differ. But facts are going to get in your way regarding the spread of the variant. Trump was already gone for two months when that first case was found...

So your a denier. You deny that 90-95% of those currently in ERs across the country are unvaccinated. You deny that the least vaccinated states currently have the worst issues and most cases per 100,000 population. You deny that the states who's governors have the most aversion to masking are running out of ER beds.

So you blame it on Biden?

His irresponsible, unethical behavior and words while leading a cult. His words and behavior mattered. Had he come out on day one and said and done the minimum of what we shpuld expect from a non-mentally challenged adult, things would have been very different..

You seem confused about something:

The things Biden has said and done are about the MINIMUM we should expect from an adult with a baseline of ethics and intelligence. Thats the prpblem with Trump: he is a failed, garbage human.

How do you plan to make us get the Jab sally?
What he can do, within his power. Make sure unused vaccine is going to other countries before it expires. Mask and vaccine mandates for federal employees. Intervening in States lile Florida to support school systems that defy their idiot governors. Keeping americans informed on boosters.
Mandating testing for illegals.

Do me a favor -- don't insist that's beyond his power.

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