Is America ready for a scientific and secular president?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Not a militant atheist but someone who simply says he is not into religion and finds science much more interesting. A president who says humanity's ultimate goal is to become an interstellar civilization. A moralizer who condemns the Chinese genocide of the Uyghurs. A moralizer who denounces the crass materialism of Trump.

Do we need someone like John Glenn?
John Glenn: Defender of Both Faith and Evolution | National Center for Science Education
Not a militant atheist but someone who simply says he is not into religion and finds science much more interesting. A president who says humanity's ultimate goal is to become an interstellar civilization. A moralizer who condemns the Chinese genocide of the Uyghurs. A moralizer who denounces the crass materialism of Trump.

Do we need someone like John Glenn?
John Glenn: Defender of Both Faith and Evolution | National Center for Science Education

If such a man put a lot of daylight between him and the anti-Christian bigotry of the Left, I think he could be contender.
Not a militant atheist but someone who simply says he is not into religion and finds science much more interesting. A president who says humanity's ultimate goal is to become an interstellar civilization. A moralizer who condemns the Chinese genocide of the Uyghurs. A moralizer who denounces the crass materialism of Trump.

Do we need someone like John Glenn?
John Glenn: Defender of Both Faith and Evolution | National Center for Science Education
You would think that after decades of indoctrination from the media and academia that God does not exist as life has no meaning except to serve the state, that teaching evolution in schools is more important than teaching kids shooting up schools about morality, and that only through government can they achieve a social justice utopia that we would already have such a President.

Say, since schools have closed I bet they could gather up the first graders again to go protest guns and global warming. Large groups can crowd together to go save the planet!
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Sen Glenn died a long time ago, and when he did run for President he was schlonged by Fritz Mondale in the primaries.
He also carried Clinton's water during the hearings into selling missile technology to the ChiComs for campaign cash, so he could get a ride on the space shuttle.

Sold his cachet as a Murican hero to be just another in a long line of sellout scumbuckets.
Not a militant atheist but someone who simply says he is not into religion and finds science much more interesting.

Are the two mutually exclusive?
Judging by what's trying to be passed off as "science" these days, they're one and the same.

Very true. If you believe in something you don't understand because someone told you it was true, that is no different from a superstition.
Sen Glenn died a long time ago, and when he did run for President he was schlonged by Fritz Mondale in the primaries.

Oh yea... I remember that.

They had to delay the release of the movie "The Right Stuff" because there was a scene of Glenn masturbating (in the name of science) and they didn't think that would be appropriate for a Presidential candidate.
Not a militant atheist but someone who simply says he is not into religion and finds science much more interesting.

Are the two mutually exclusive?
Judging by what's trying to be passed off as "science" these days, they're one and the same.
You have "scientists" like Fauci tell us to not wear a mask and then to wear a mask but is NEVER denounced as a liar or someone who did not know what the hell he was talking about. Then they blame Trump for mentioning Hydroxychloriquine that is being used around the world with success by other "scientists" that he does not know what he is talking about and is stupid or that he is a liar. But Fauci is praised as the informed, trustful, man of science as he poo poos the use of such drugs that ARE being used by other doctors around the world. My guess is that the two reasons the drug is not being used in the US, but is around the world, is that Trump mentioned it and it is cheap. The Pharmacological corporations are pushing more expensive treatments.

So it all becomes a beauty contest as to who is the real scientist and man of reason. And with the Left wing media, one side will always win those contests.
Not a militant atheist but someone who simply says he is not into religion and finds science much more interesting. A president who says humanity's ultimate goal is to become an interstellar civilization. A moralizer who condemns the Chinese genocide of the Uyghurs. A moralizer who denounces the crass materialism of Trump.

Do we need someone like John Glenn?
John Glenn: Defender of Both Faith and Evolution | National Center for Science Education
What a male chauvinistic pig.
What makes you think it has to be a man?


Not a militant atheist but someone who simply says he is not into religion and finds science much more interesting. A president who says humanity's ultimate goal is to become an interstellar civilization. A moralizer who condemns the Chinese genocide of the Uyghurs. A moralizer who denounces the crass materialism of Trump.

Do we need someone like John Glenn?
John Glenn: Defender of Both Faith and Evolution | National Center for Science Education

B. Hussein was certainly secular ..... with his belief in the False moon deity ...

But, that dumbass was as about as scientific as Bill Nye.
I'll be voting for one as my senator.
My guess is that you will always vote for the guy who wants to:

1. Raise taxes

2. Claim that they have a monopoly on science and reason.

3. And wants to further empower government to "save" us all over again in a never ending quest

Then you will move because you can't stand the taxes, the homelessness, and looting and rioting, and move to a red state where you will vote for the same people that destroyed your former state.
If such a man put a lot of daylight between him and the anti-Christian bigotry of the Left, I think he could be contender.
There is no one in the democrat party who can answer that call
I'll be voting for one as my senator.
My guess is that you will always vote for the guy who wants to:

1. Raise taxes

2. Claim that they have a monopoly on science and reason.

3. And wants to further empower government to "save" us all over again in a never ending quest

Then you will move because you can't stand the taxes, the homelessness, and looting and rioting, and move to a red state where you will vote for the same people that destroyed your former state.

Rinse, repeat.... always repeat.
Food for thought, scientists who have the gonads to challenge common beliefs in science, such as the universe not being static, that the continental plates move on an ocean of Magma, that the universe does not revolve around the sun, that the stars are mostly made of helium and hydrogen, etc. were all laughed at and belittled.

Leftists tend to take the same approach to science as they do politics. As long as they in the majority, they must be right.
Not a militant atheist but someone who simply says he is not into religion and finds science much more interesting. A president who says humanity's ultimate goal is to become an interstellar civilization. A moralizer who condemns the Chinese genocide of the Uyghurs. A moralizer who denounces the crass materialism of Trump.


Most American voters will not trust an atheist. Most Americans do not consider capitalism 'immoral.' ALL Americans know that a presidential term is not 500 years.

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