Is Alvin Bragg answerable to Congress?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Congress wants to talk to him about his pursuit of an indictment of Donald Trump. He complained that the request that he appear before Congress is "an unprecedented inquiry into a local pending prosecution.

He's wrong on several counts. It is his digging up of a seven year old federal case and trying to cut and paste some kind of hybrid federal and state crime that is unprecedented. Many of the actions taken against Trump have been unprecedented, along with the usual sneer and smear we are used to from Democrats.

Sorry, my dude!

You cant prosecute a former president who doesn't reside in your state shortly after he declares his candidacy for president and not expect congress to notice. You chose to run with the big dogs, so it is laughable to play the "I'm just a local boy fighting local crime" card.
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Congress wants to talk to him about his pursuit of an indictment of Donald Trump. He complained that the request that he appear before Congress is "an unprecedented inquiry into a local pending prosecution.

He's wrong on several counts. It is his digging up of a seven year old federal case and trying to cut and paste some kind of hybrid federal and state crime that is unprecedented. Many of the actions taken against Trump have been unprecedented, along with the usual sneer and smear we are used to from Democrats.

Sorry, my dude!

You cant prosecute a former president who doesn't reside in your state shortly after he declares his candidacy for president and not expect Congress not to notice. You chose to run with the big dogs, so it is laughable to play the "I'm just a local boy fighting local crime" card.
Congress wants to talk to him about his pursuit of an indictment of Donald Trump. He complained that the request that he appear before Congress is "an unprecedented inquiry into a local pending prosecution.

He's wrong on several counts. It is his digging up of a seven year old federal case and trying to cut and paste some kind of hybrid federal and state crime that is unprecedented. Many of the actions taken against Trump have been unprecedented, along with the usual sneer and smear we are used to from Democrats.

Sorry, my dude!

You cant prosecute a former president who doesn't reside in your state shortly after he declares his candidacy for president and not expect Congress not to notice. You chose to run with the big dogs, so it is laughable to play the "I'm just a local boy fighting local crime" card.
Bragg is correct. Manhattan is HIS jurisdiction. He has no obligation to answer to Congress.

You cant prosecute a former president who doesn't reside in your state
He certainly can....the alleged offense took place within his jurisdiction. It's his job.

after he declares his candidacy for president

Entirely irrelevant.
Bragg is correct. Manhattan is HIS jurisdiction. He has no obligation to answer to Congress.
They have subpoena power but he is welcome to take the 5th. I don't need to be a lawyer to advise to do that.
He certainly can....the alleged offense took place within his jurisdiction. It's his job.
He should focus on criminals that are killing, robbing, and raping Manhattenites right now, not some vague statement that an entry "was made" and allegations by a serial perjurer.

He has no case at all on Trump and he will never indict him.
Entirely irrelevant.
Other than being the motivation for the prosecution, you mean?
Congress wants to talk to him about his pursuit of an indictment of Donald Trump. He complained that the request that he appear before Congress is "an unprecedented inquiry into a local pending prosecution.

He's wrong on several counts. It is his digging up of a seven year old federal case and trying to cut and paste some kind of hybrid federal and state crime that is unprecedented. Many of the actions taken against Trump have been unprecedented, along with the usual sneer and smear we are used to from Democrats.

Sorry, my dude!

You cant prosecute a former president who doesn't reside in your state shortly after he declares his candidacy for president and not expect congress to notice. You chose to run with the big dogs, so it is laughable to play the "I'm just a local boy fighting local crime" card.
Yes He IS!

He is engaged in political prosecution. This is a violation of not only Trumps rights but the Constitution itself. Congress has the right to investigate it for the purpose of enacting laws to prevent the behaviors. They can also refer him for criminal prosecution.
They have subpoena power but he is welcome to take the 5th. I don't need to be a lawyer to advise to do that.

He should focus on criminals that are killing, robbing, and raping Manhattenites right now, not some vague statement that an entry "was made" and allegations by a serial perjurer.

He has no case at all on Trump and he will never indict him.

Other than being the motivation for the prosecution, you mean?
I don't care how you convince yourself that your gibberish isn't gibberish.

Your delusions impose no obligation on anyone.

Unless there is a constitutional violation, Congress has no business in a local prosecution. matter how desperately you want to believe that.

Congress has the right and duty to investigate anything it wants when it comes to the violation of constitutional rights. A small po dunk case, that violates the constitution, is definitely within its purview and for the purpose of enacting laws to prevent it from happening again.

No matter how fast you try and run from these facts they will run you down...

Congress has the right and duty to investigate anything it wants when it comes to the violation of constitutional rights. A small po dunk case, that violates the constitution, is definitely within its purview and for the purpose of enacting laws to prevent it from happening again.

No matter how fast you try and run from these facts they will run you down...
I covered that already.

What constitutional violation has been asserted, and by whom?
I covered that already.

What constitutional violation has been asserted, and by whom?
There are two issues. 1. That a local Prosecutor, with no statutory authority to bring federal charges is trying to do so. Charges that have been declined for prosecution at a federal level. 2. The statutory limitations on the two local charges has expired as they were misdemeanors. These actions both Violate Trumps right to equal treatment under the law as defined in the Constitution. The over-reach into federal crimes by a local prosecutor is unlawful. The contortions that you go through to make any of this legal are mind-bending.

Then we add the fact that Bragg withheld exculpatory evidence from the Grand Jury... over 600 pages worth...

He has crossed the line several times and should be disbarred at the very least. Congressional Oversight is indeed warranted, and laws passed to keep it from ever happening again.
There are two issues. 1. That a local Prosecutor, with no statutory authority to bring federal charges is trying to do so. Charges that have been declined for prosecution at a federal level. 2. The statutory limitations on the two local charges has expired as they were misdemeanors. These actions both Violate Trumps right to equal treatment under the law as defined in the Constitution. The over-reach into federal crimes by a local prosecutor is unlawful. The contortions that you go through to make any of this legal are mind-bending.

Then we add the fact that Bragg withheld exculpatory evidence from the Grand Jury... over 600 pages worth...

He has crossed the line several times and should be disbarred at the very least. Congressional Oversight is indeed warranted, and laws passed to keep it from ever happening again.
I don't care about the unsupported assertions of sock puppets..

If you read this somewhere, link it.

If you heard it, admit it.

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