Is Agism the best way for Diehard Trumpers to savage the President?

They're as hypersensitive as the man they adore, and they're very hurt about the horrible way he was treated -- don't worry about his OWN behaviors that brought that on, of course -- so they're just going to attack at every opportunity. The age / "dementia" thing is just low-hanging fruit.

It's already become boring, and before long it will just be noise. Add it to the pile, let them stew in their misery and paranoid fantasies.
It's already noise. No one is listening to these circus barkers.
Biden had reminder notes on what to say and he also had pictures with names of the reporters. You're only lying to yourself.
Maybe the poster doesn't know what ageism is's not Xiden's age that folks are concerned about....Trump isn't a young man's Xiden's mental health...
The meme to parrot has been issued to the carping MAGAheads: The President is OLD!

In contrast to their sprightly septuagenarian golf cart jockey, President Biden appears to be in touch with reality - such as who is POTUS, a common test of cognition that the fizzled casino operator and faded reality-tv performer fails. He's within spitting distance of claiming that he's Napoleon.


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Perhaps, their petty agism might be replaced by less pathetic sniveling. There is always the option of getting at Biden by smearing members of his family, but perhaps such scurrility is not the way to go.

As a last resort, one might question his
policies. Thus far, they seem quite popular with the Americans who elected him, but the nation's recovery won't be without legitimate issues.

Republican senators who’ve met with Biden say the 78-year-old president is just fine, with one describing him as “sharp as a tack.”
Biden’s fitness for office, a longtime fixation among conservatives, is dominating conversations on the right as Trump openly sows doubts about the health of the man who defeated him. One Republican senator recently texted an acquaintance his private suspicions that Biden, the oldest president in history, is mentally unwell. In on-the-record interviews, however, seven GOP senators who’ve met with Biden lately described him as cogent and well-versed on the issues they discussed. And none echoed the warnings many pro-Trump Republicans have issued about Biden amid the chatter about his stair-stepping acumen.
“In the two meetings I was in with the president, he was as sharp as a tack,” Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) said in an interview.
Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.), who joined Capito at a February meeting with Biden on Covid relief, said he didn’t see anything amiss: “I visited with him in the Oval Office, and he seemed well-prepared and well-briefed for the meeting.”...
Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), a medical doctor, said Biden “listened very attentively and appropriately” during their recent in-person meeting. Asked whether he disagrees with the assessment of some fellow Republicans airing more worries, Cassidy replied: “I just comment on what I see.”
Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), who also joined February’s Oval Office meeting with Biden, echoed that sentiment. And a third Republican senator at that two-hour sitdown went even further.
“My experience in that one setting was that the president performed well,” said Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.). During his conversation with the 10 Republican senators who visited the White House, Moran recalled, the president didn’t rely on his staff or the vice president for information.
It's a sure indication they can't find anything else to attack.
The meme to parrot has been issued to the carping MAGAheads: The President is OLD!

In contrast to their sprightly septuagenarian golf cart jockey, President Biden appears to be in touch with reality - such as who is POTUS, a common test of cognition that the fizzled casino operator and faded reality-tv performer fails. He's within spitting distance of claiming that he's Napoleon.


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Perhaps, their petty agism might be replaced by less pathetic sniveling. There is always the option of getting at Biden by smearing members of his family, but perhaps such scurrility is not the way to go.

As a last resort, one might question his
policies. Thus far, they seem quite popular with the Americans who elected him, but the nation's recovery won't be without legitimate issues.

Republican senators who’ve met with Biden say the 78-year-old president is just fine, with one describing him as “sharp as a tack.”
Biden’s fitness for office, a longtime fixation among conservatives, is dominating conversations on the right as Trump openly sows doubts about the health of the man who defeated him. One Republican senator recently texted an acquaintance his private suspicions that Biden, the oldest president in history, is mentally unwell. In on-the-record interviews, however, seven GOP senators who’ve met with Biden lately described him as cogent and well-versed on the issues they discussed. And none echoed the warnings many pro-Trump Republicans have issued about Biden amid the chatter about his stair-stepping acumen.
“In the two meetings I was in with the president, he was as sharp as a tack,” Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) said in an interview.
Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.), who joined Capito at a February meeting with Biden on Covid relief, said he didn’t see anything amiss: “I visited with him in the Oval Office, and he seemed well-prepared and well-briefed for the meeting.”...
Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), a medical doctor, said Biden “listened very attentively and appropriately” during their recent in-person meeting. Asked whether he disagrees with the assessment of some fellow Republicans airing more worries, Cassidy replied: “I just comment on what I see.”
Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), who also joined February’s Oval Office meeting with Biden, echoed that sentiment. And a third Republican senator at that two-hour sitdown went even further.
“My experience in that one setting was that the president performed well,” said Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.). During his conversation with the 10 Republican senators who visited the White House, Moran recalled, the president didn’t rely on his staff or the vice president for information.
They're as hypersensitive as the man they adore, and they're very hurt about the horrible way he was treated -- don't worry about his OWN behaviors that brought that on, of course -- so they're just going to attack at every opportunity. The age / "dementia" thing is just low-hanging fruit.

It's already become boring, and before long it will just be noise. Add it to the pile, let them stew in their misery and paranoid fantasies.

I don't know if y'all are really as blind as you portray yourself to be or as dense as you really seem.

But you people are out of your ever lovin minds.
Sleepy Joe is currently enjoying unprecedented approval rates, and that fact alone is driving Republicans (namely Trumpers) up the wall.
47% with a 51% disapproval.....soon his strongly disapprove will pass his approval.
Don't give a shit if he is 10 years old. He's a mental vegetable. And he is destroying our country. Anyone in the world that wants a piece of the free American pie can just waltz right in and help themselves.
This idiot is bringing the gangs and drug smugglers and human smugglers, and the diseased to our country and sending our money to their countries!
President Biden's performance yesterday speaks for itself, it doesn't need your defense.

BTW, the lies were overwhelming.

IMHO, if the D's cared about the Constitution, they'd impeach him for him Lie that he spent 120 years in the Senate.

That's the crime of Obstruction.
Show me the law that states what he said is against the law.
Don't give a shit if he is 10 years old. He's a mental vegetable. And he is destroying our country. Anyone in the world that wants a piece of the free American pie can just waltz right in and help themselves.
This idiot is bringing the gangs and drug smugglers and human smugglers, and the diseased to our country and sending our money to their countries!
You mean they didn't come here during Trump?
The meme to parrot has been issued to the carping MAGAheads: The President is OLD!

In contrast to their sprightly septuagenarian golf cart jockey, President Biden appears to be in touch with reality - such as who is POTUS, a common test of cognition that the fizzled casino operator and faded reality-tv performer fails. He's within spitting distance of claiming that he's Napoleon.


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Perhaps, their petty agism might be replaced by less pathetic sniveling. There is always the option of getting at Biden by smearing members of his family, but perhaps such scurrility is not the way to go.

As a last resort, one might question his
policies. Thus far, they seem quite popular with the Americans who elected him, but the nation's recovery won't be without legitimate issues.

Republican senators who’ve met with Biden say the 78-year-old president is just fine, with one describing him as “sharp as a tack.”
Biden’s fitness for office, a longtime fixation among conservatives, is dominating conversations on the right as Trump openly sows doubts about the health of the man who defeated him. One Republican senator recently texted an acquaintance his private suspicions that Biden, the oldest president in history, is mentally unwell. In on-the-record interviews, however, seven GOP senators who’ve met with Biden lately described him as cogent and well-versed on the issues they discussed. And none echoed the warnings many pro-Trump Republicans have issued about Biden amid the chatter about his stair-stepping acumen.
“In the two meetings I was in with the president, he was as sharp as a tack,” Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) said in an interview.
Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.), who joined Capito at a February meeting with Biden on Covid relief, said he didn’t see anything amiss: “I visited with him in the Oval Office, and he seemed well-prepared and well-briefed for the meeting.”...
Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), a medical doctor, said Biden “listened very attentively and appropriately” during their recent in-person meeting. Asked whether he disagrees with the assessment of some fellow Republicans airing more worries, Cassidy replied: “I just comment on what I see.”
Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), who also joined February’s Oval Office meeting with Biden, echoed that sentiment. And a third Republican senator at that two-hour sitdown went even further.
“My experience in that one setting was that the president performed well,” said Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.). During his conversation with the 10 Republican senators who visited the White House, Moran recalled, the president didn’t rely on his staff or the vice president for information.
Age isn't the issue. The guy needs removed from office. You Left Tards show how stupid you are by voting for a brain dead moron who has zero accomplishments in 50 years and his Handlers had to hide from the public during the campaign.

So take your propaganda and shove it up your mask.
The meme to parrot has been issued to the carping MAGAheads: The President is OLD!

In contrast to their sprightly septuagenarian golf cart jockey, President Biden appears to be in touch with reality - such as who is POTUS, a common test of cognition that the fizzled casino operator and faded reality-tv performer fails. He's within spitting distance of claiming that he's Napoleon.


View attachment 472509

Perhaps, their petty agism might be replaced by less pathetic sniveling. There is always the option of getting at Biden by smearing members of his family, but perhaps such scurrility is not the way to go.

As a last resort, one might question his
policies. Thus far, they seem quite popular with the Americans who elected him, but the nation's recovery won't be without legitimate issues.

Republican senators who’ve met with Biden say the 78-year-old president is just fine, with one describing him as “sharp as a tack.”
Biden’s fitness for office, a longtime fixation among conservatives, is dominating conversations on the right as Trump openly sows doubts about the health of the man who defeated him. One Republican senator recently texted an acquaintance his private suspicions that Biden, the oldest president in history, is mentally unwell. In on-the-record interviews, however, seven GOP senators who’ve met with Biden lately described him as cogent and well-versed on the issues they discussed. And none echoed the warnings many pro-Trump Republicans have issued about Biden amid the chatter about his stair-stepping acumen.
“In the two meetings I was in with the president, he was as sharp as a tack,” Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) said in an interview.
Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.), who joined Capito at a February meeting with Biden on Covid relief, said he didn’t see anything amiss: “I visited with him in the Oval Office, and he seemed well-prepared and well-briefed for the meeting.”...
Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), a medical doctor, said Biden “listened very attentively and appropriately” during their recent in-person meeting. Asked whether he disagrees with the assessment of some fellow Republicans airing more worries, Cassidy replied: “I just comment on what I see.”
Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), who also joined February’s Oval Office meeting with Biden, echoed that sentiment. And a third Republican senator at that two-hour sitdown went even further.
“My experience in that one setting was that the president performed well,” said Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.). During his conversation with the 10 Republican senators who visited the White House, Moran recalled, the president didn’t rely on his staff or the vice president for information.
They're as hypersensitive as the man they adore, and they're very hurt about the horrible way he was treated -- don't worry about his OWN behaviors that brought that on, of course -- so they're just going to attack at every opportunity. The age / "dementia" thing is just low-hanging fruit.

It's already become boring, and before long it will just be noise. Add it to the pile, let them stew in their misery and paranoid fantasies.

I don't know if y'all are really as blind as you portray yourself to be or as dense as you really seem.

But you people are out of your ever lovin minds.
Well, we all know that obedient Trumpsters are extra smart and gots da troof 'n stuff.

So you got me there.
The meme to parrot has been issued to the carping MAGAheads: The President is OLD!

In contrast to their sprightly septuagenarian golf cart jockey, President Biden appears to be in touch with reality - such as who is POTUS, a common test of cognition that the fizzled casino operator and faded reality-tv performer fails. He's within spitting distance of claiming that he's Napoleon.


View attachment 472509

Perhaps, their petty agism might be replaced by less pathetic sniveling. There is always the option of getting at Biden by smearing members of his family, but perhaps such scurrility is not the way to go.

As a last resort, one might question his
policies. Thus far, they seem quite popular with the Americans who elected him, but the nation's recovery won't be without legitimate issues.

Republican senators who’ve met with Biden say the 78-year-old president is just fine, with one describing him as “sharp as a tack.”
Biden’s fitness for office, a longtime fixation among conservatives, is dominating conversations on the right as Trump openly sows doubts about the health of the man who defeated him. One Republican senator recently texted an acquaintance his private suspicions that Biden, the oldest president in history, is mentally unwell. In on-the-record interviews, however, seven GOP senators who’ve met with Biden lately described him as cogent and well-versed on the issues they discussed. And none echoed the warnings many pro-Trump Republicans have issued about Biden amid the chatter about his stair-stepping acumen.
“In the two meetings I was in with the president, he was as sharp as a tack,” Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) said in an interview.
Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.), who joined Capito at a February meeting with Biden on Covid relief, said he didn’t see anything amiss: “I visited with him in the Oval Office, and he seemed well-prepared and well-briefed for the meeting.”...
Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), a medical doctor, said Biden “listened very attentively and appropriately” during their recent in-person meeting. Asked whether he disagrees with the assessment of some fellow Republicans airing more worries, Cassidy replied: “I just comment on what I see.”
Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), who also joined February’s Oval Office meeting with Biden, echoed that sentiment. And a third Republican senator at that two-hour sitdown went even further.
“My experience in that one setting was that the president performed well,” said Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.). During his conversation with the 10 Republican senators who visited the White House, Moran recalled, the president didn’t rely on his staff or the vice president for information.
They're as hypersensitive as the man they adore, and they're very hurt about the horrible way he was treated -- don't worry about his OWN behaviors that brought that on, of course -- so they're just going to attack at every opportunity. The age / "dementia" thing is just low-hanging fruit.

It's already become boring, and before long it will just be noise. Add it to the pile, let them stew in their misery and paranoid fantasies.

I don't know if y'all are really as blind as you portray yourself to be or as dense as you really seem.

But you people are out of your ever lovin minds.
Well, we all know that obedient Trumpsters are extra smart and gots da troof 'n stuff.

So you got me there.
Unless it's a Kraken sized lie about the election.
President Biden's performance yesterday speaks for itself, it doesn't need your defense.

He really was that good, wasn't he?

Hence the Trump cult group meltdown.

First, they know their lies were exposed.

Second, they know just how bad MessiahTrump looks in comparison in Biden.

Biden kicked your butts again, losers. Deal with it. After all, it's going to keep happening. And everyone will keep laughing at your butthurt sore-loser act.

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