IRS's Own Internal Investigation Ended 6 Months Before Election, Hidden From Congress


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
It looks like the IRS knew about the targeting all along:

In a startling exchange Wednesday during the IRS hearings before the House Oversight and Reform Committee, America learned that the IRS knew in May of 2012 that its employees were targeting conservative organization with paralyzing harassment and Kafka-esque audits. Although the IRS knew this, they did not report this information to Congress.

"While a tremendous amount of attention is centered about the Inspector General's report, or investigation, the committee has learned from Ms. Paz that she in fact participated in an IRS internal investigation that concluded in May of 2012 - May 3 of 2012 - and found essentially the same thing that Mr. George found more than a year later," Committee Chair Issa said.

"Think about it," Issa continued. "For more than a year, the IRS knew that it had inappropriately targeted groups of Americans based on their political beliefs, and without mentioning it, and in fact without honestly answering questions that were the result of this internal investigation."

Issa then turned his attention to Treasury Inspector General J. Russell George. George's IRS audit wasn't completed until the middle of this month, but backed by statute, Issa told George that he had a legal obligation to inform Congress of what he was finding in the process of completing his audit.

George responded that it wouldn’t be proper to inform Congress before the IRS had an opportunity to put their input into his report.​

IRS internal Investigation Ended 6 Months Before Election, Hidden From Congress
And yet the president didn't know and was not informed? Yep, right, whatever they want to say provided it is not the truth, just a case of rouges running around in control of the government while the president remained on the campaign trail, like five years of being on the campaign trail and he still hasn't accepted the responsibility of leadership? If this is the best the left has then were fucked. So this is the true meaning of hope and change?
Is anyone surprised? The President and approximately half the voters in the US are corrupt. We are on the edge of becoming a banana republic.
Due to the impact this revelation would have had on the election, and hiding it almost certainly getting Obama elected illegitimately I would think the 2012 election should be null & void and a special run off election between Obama and Romney should take place.

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