Iraq rejects Unity Government, there goes Iraq!


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
Nouri Al-Maliki Rejects John Kerry's Call for Unity Government
Iraq's Shiite prime minister appeared Wednesday to reject John Kerry’s call for an emergency unity government to help tackle the Sunni insurgency that has overrun key cities. Nouri al-Maliki rejected forming a "national salvation" government, which he said would go against the results of parliamentary elections held on April 30 in which his coalition won the most seats, The Associated Press reported.
Nouri Al-Maliki Rejects John Kerry's Call for Unity Government - NBC News

Considering the Iraqi's government marginalized the Sunni involvement in government which has help lead to the events now happening in Iraq, this was a very stupid move. I guess Al-Maliki thinks his army can win against the terrorist/insurgents. That, so far has been proven to be a fantasy. Taking in account how well the Iraqi Army did against the American invasion, when they dropped the guns and ran away tha Iraqi Army already has two strikes against it.
Anticipate the the fall of Iraq and a takeover of Iraq by the ISIS forces and a bloodbath to follow of the Shiites.
Maliki is an power hungry idiot who's decision making has led to the current state of affairs in Iraq and it's eventual demise.
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Nouri Al-Maliki Rejects John Kerry's Call for Unity Government
Iraq's Shiite prime minister appeared Wednesday to reject John Kerry’s call for an emergency unity government to help tackle the Sunni insurgency that has overrun key cities. Nouri al-Maliki rejected forming a "national salvation" government, which he said would go against the results of parliamentary elections held on April 30 in which his coalition won the most seats, The Associated Press reported.
Nouri Al-Maliki Rejects John Kerry's Call for Unity Government - NBC News

Considering the Iraqi's government marginalized the Sunni involvement in government which has help lead to the events now happening in Iraq, this was a very stupid move. I guess Al-Maliki thinks his army can win against the terrorist/insurgents. Tat, so far has been proven to be a fantasy. Taking in account how well the Iraqi Army did against the American invasion, when they dropped the guns and ran away tha Iraqi Army already has two strikes against it.
Anticipate the the fall of Iraq and a takeover of Iraq by the ISIS forces and a bloodbath to follow of the Shiites.
Maliki is an power hungry idiot who's decision making has led to the current state of affairs in Iraq and it's eventual demise.

The only group we owe anything to are the Kurds. Luckily they are competent fighters and we need only make sure they are supplied well with weapons and ammo.
Kerry is such a moron. What made him think Maliki would seriously consider forming a unity government, especially after Maliki purged the best commanders out of the Iraqi Army in the last two years, who happened to be Sunni?
This was so predictable, even a 5th grader could've figured it out!
Nouri Al-Maliki Rejects John Kerry's Call for Unity Government
Iraq's Shiite prime minister appeared Wednesday to reject John Kerry’s call for an emergency unity government to help tackle the Sunni insurgency that has overrun key cities. Nouri al-Maliki rejected forming a "national salvation" government, which he said would go against the results of parliamentary elections held on April 30 in which his coalition won the most seats, The Associated Press reported.
Nouri Al-Maliki Rejects John Kerry's Call for Unity Government - NBC News

Considering the Iraqi's government marginalized the Sunni involvement in government which has help lead to the events now happening in Iraq, this was a very stupid move. I guess Al-Maliki thinks his army can win against the terrorist/insurgents. Tat, so far has been proven to be a fantasy. Taking in account how well the Iraqi Army did against the American invasion, when they dropped the guns and ran away tha Iraqi Army already has two strikes against it.
Anticipate the the fall of Iraq and a takeover of Iraq by the ISIS forces and a bloodbath to follow of the Shiites.
Maliki is an power hungry idiot who's decision making has led to the current state of affairs in Iraq and it's eventual demise.

The only group we owe anything to are the Kurds. Luckily they are competent fighters and we need only make sure they are supplied well with weapons and ammo.

You'll notice that the ISIS wants nothing to do with the Kurds. they don't run away from a fight.
Kerry is such a moron. What made him think Maliki would seriously consider forming a unity government, especially after Maliki purged the best commanders out of the Iraqi Army in the last two years, who happened to be Sunni?
This was so predictable, even a 5th grader could've figured it out!

so true KIDD Kerry is as clueless regarding the "UMMAH" and its motivations
as was the idiot peanut man ----carter. Somehow BOTH jerks imagine themselves
GREAT SAGES------and both continue to impose their stupidity-------on underdeveloped
minds-----as if they were leftovers from the marijuana haze cults of the
Withdraw US support now.

US support??? well---just get our boys OUT OF THERE ------leave the
people of Iraq to do what the people of Iraq like to do-----to each other......
it might be a good idea to review immigration policies-----the chaldeans
are an endangered species------and the kurds should be declared
a WORLD HERITAGE PEOPLE We knock ourselves out creating
NATIONAL PARKS to save the elephants and gorillas-----whilst the entire
historic people of the hills of northern Iraq are discarded as if they were

I need a SAVE THE KURDS bumper sticker -----anyone???
Nouri Al-Maliki Rejects John Kerry's Call for Unity Government
Iraq's Shiite prime minister appeared Wednesday to reject John Kerry’s call for an emergency unity government to help tackle the Sunni insurgency that has overrun key cities. Nouri al-Maliki rejected forming a "national salvation" government, which he said would go against the results of parliamentary elections held on April 30 in which his coalition won the most seats, The Associated Press reported.
Nouri Al-Maliki Rejects John Kerry's Call for Unity Government - NBC News

Considering the Iraqi's government marginalized the Sunni involvement in government which has help lead to the events now happening in Iraq, this was a very stupid move. I guess Al-Maliki thinks his army can win against the terrorist/insurgents. That, so far has been proven to be a fantasy. Taking in account how well the Iraqi Army did against the American invasion, when they dropped the guns and ran away tha Iraqi Army already has two strikes against it.
Anticipate the the fall of Iraq and a takeover of Iraq by the ISIS forces and a bloodbath to follow of the Shiites.
Maliki is an power hungry idiot who's decision making has led to the current state of affairs in Iraq and it's eventual demise.

You forgot one thing, Iran.

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