Iran MPs: Hamas visit to Saudi Arabia a 'mistake'


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Sure looks like Iran is unhappy with Hamas visiting Iran's enemy.

Iran MPs: Hamas visit to Saudi Arabia a 'mistake'

Support for Palestinian groups has been one of the unchanging principles of the Islamic Republic since the 1979 revolution. Iran’s support for various Palestinian groups and figures has ebbed and flowed with the changing political realities of the region but has never dropped off completely. In his latest speech, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the final say on the country’s foreign policy, said that even with a nuclear deal, Iran’s support of “resistance groups” would continue.

While Iran has been a strong supporter of the Palestinian group Hamas, a trip by its leaders to Saudi Arabia has drawn warnings from Iranian politicians.
Author Arash KaramiPosted July 21, 2015
However, it is no secret by now that since the unrest in Syria began in 2011, relations between Hamas and Iran have deteriorated. Iran pushed the Sunni militant group to politically back its ally President Bashar al-Assad, while Hamas was on the defensive, denying accusations of supporting Assad’s armed opposition. Relations between Hamas and Iran have not recovered since Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal left his longtime base in Damascus in 2012 for Qatar, one of the main sponsors of Assad’s armed opposition.

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Iran MPs Hamas visit to Saudi Arabia a mistake - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

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