Iran calls Obama's 10-year nuclear demand 'unacceptable' (deal goes bye-bye)


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Iran calls Obama's 10-year nuclear demand 'unacceptable'
Iran calls Obama s 10-year nuclear demand unacceptable - Yahoo News

MONTREUX, Switzerland (Reuters) - Iran on Tuesday rejected as "unacceptable" U.S. President Barack Obama's demand that it freeze sensitive nuclear activities for at least 10 years but said it would continue talks on a deal, Iran's semi-official Fars news agency reported.

Iran laid out the position as the U.S. and Iranian foreign ministers met for a second day of negotiations and as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a stinging critique of the agreement that they are trying to work out.

Iran's Mohammed Javad Zarif and the United States' John Kerry met a day after Obama told Reuters that Iran must commit to a verifiable halt of at least 10 years on sensitive nuclear work for a landmark atomic deal to be reached.

"Iran will not accept excessive and illogical demands," Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was quoted as saying by Fars.

"Obama’s stance ... is expressed in unacceptable and threatening phrases ... ," he reportedly said, adding that talks with Kerry in Switzerland would nonetheless carry on.

Wow, that failed fast.
The Iranians know that obama's their bitch and are putting the squeeze on him.
Those funny Iranians!

Laughing like hell as they pour salt into the wounds from the lashing Obama got today from an actual leader!

Damn clever of them to wait until it would really sting!
Nothing new here............Iran has no intentions of giving up it's nuclear program................So they play the chess game and continue on their way to a nuclear weapon.

So, are the sanctions back on after ditching the deal..............................

Well..............Obama they said up yours on the deal....................SANCTIONS?????????
Iran will be in panic mode if we get a conservative in office come 2017. just like when Reagan came into office in 1981.
Which is why Obama is pushing the Amnesty gig.................through the Homeland Security Deal....................

Pushing for 30 million new Democratic voters by 2016................

And BONER capitulated without so much as a fuss.

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