Iran boasts of rocket aid to Palestinians, Hezbollah

Jew haters love idiots with mental problems. They are easily manipulated to join the chorus

Sorry kids, you overplayed your antisemitism card and it no longer works.

But your psychosis still exsists:uhoh3:
They don't come saner than I am. Kkind of the problem in a world that is filled with insane humans, such as yourself.

Does your therapist tell you that?...the boosting of ones self esteem plays a big part in the recovery of people like you. It helps with the personal misery you have. Everyone needs a scapegoat yours just happens to be Jews.... join the crowed psycho:cuckoo:
I hate all religions, and all Zionists. The Jews I can deal with, as long as they live in peace, in Palestine and elsewhere.
Iran boasts of rocket aid to Palestinians Hezbollah The Times of Israel

Good. It's long overdue that the Jewish Nazis were once again in the sea.

Oh goody, we have Heinz from Dr. Mengele's section in Auschwitz now posting.
Israel is the pox on the cancer that is mankind. It should never have been re-established. The Jews have homes, all over the world. Israel is the worst thing for the Jews, and it's unbiblical. No religion needs a homeland, not a single one.

Oh, Heinzie, you are just repeating what all the rest of the Jew haters have said in the past. So many hate sites where you anti-Semites pick up stuff like this. Now, remember, Heinzie, since you hate the Jews so much, if you ever need any medical marvel coming out of Israel which will save your life, please pass it up. You don't want to be helped by a Jew, now do you?
Iran boasts of rocket aid to Palestinians Hezbollah The Times of Israel

Good. It's long overdue that the Jewish Nazis were once again in the sea.

Oh goody, we have Heinz from Dr. Mengele's section in Auschwitz now posting.
Israel is the pox on the cancer that is mankind. It should never have been re-established. The Jews have homes, all over the world. Israel is the worst thing for the Jews, and it's unbiblical. No religion needs a homeland, not a single one.

Oh, Heinzie, you are just repeating what all the rest of the Jew haters have said in the past. So many hate sites where you anti-Semites pick up stuff like this. Now, remember, Heinzie, since you hate the Jews so much, if you ever need any medical marvel coming out of Israel which will save your life, please pass it up. You don't want to be helped by a Jew, now do you?
Your antisemitism card doesn't play little Zionist. People are on to you, and the Jews suffer because of it.
Tell us Sally, is this man an anti-Semite?

He thinks of Israel the same way that I do, so, how can that be, he's Jewish?
Iran boasts of rocket aid to Palestinians Hezbollah The Times of Israel

Good. It's long overdue that the Jewish Nazis were once again in the sea.

Oh goody, we have Heinz from Dr. Mengele's section in Auschwitz now posting.
Israel is the pox on the cancer that is mankind. It should never have been re-established. The Jews have homes, all over the world. Israel is the worst thing for the Jews, and it's unbiblical. No religion needs a homeland, not a single one.

Oh, Heinzie, you are just repeating what all the rest of the Jew haters have said in the past. So many hate sites where you anti-Semites pick up stuff like this. Now, remember, Heinzie, since you hate the Jews so much, if you ever need any medical marvel coming out of Israel which will save your life, please pass it up. You don't want to be helped by a Jew, now do you?
Your antisemitism card doesn't play little Zionist. People are on to you, and the Jews suffer because of it.

But, Mr. Skinhead, don't you think the readers can pick up on you. It's not the Arabs you care about (I bet you have not sent in a cent to any relief organization to help the refugees). These forums are only a place for you to vomit out your hatred against the Jews. Where were you when the poor Yazidis were being discussed? Where were you when perilous journies were taken by refugees, with many lost at sea were discussed? Where were you when ancient relics that can never be replaced were destroyed and discussed here. Were you hiding or so busy that if it didn't involve the Jews, you just weren't interested?
Tell us Sally, is this man an anti-Semite?

He thinks of Israel the same way that I do, so, how can that be, he's Jewish?

Thanks for showing us that you read the hate sites where these are some of their favorite Jews. If people like you didn't read the hate sites, none of us would have even heard of these Jews unless we happened to live in their neighborhood in Brooklyn. Now, be a good fellow and grow a bushy beard. This way they can drag you along with them on their next visit to their crazy friends in Iran.
Tell us Sally, is this man an anti-Semite?

He thinks of Israel the same way that I do, so, how can that be, he's Jewish?

Thanks for showing us that you read the hate sites where these are some of their favorite Jews. If people like you didn't read the hate sites, none of us would have even heard of these Jews unless we happened to live in their neighborhood in Brooklyn. Now, be a good fellow and grow a bushy beard. This way they can drag you along with them on their next visit to their crazy friends in Iran.
Answer the question little Zionist. Are these Jews Anti-Semites, yes or no?

anti zionist jews - Google Search

"Neturei Karta believes that the exile of the Jews can only end with the arrival of the Messiah, and that human attempts to establish Jewish sovereignty over the Land of Israel are sinful. In Neturei Karta's view, Zionism is a presumptuous affront against God. Among their arguments against Zionism was a Talmudic discussion about portions of the Bible regarding a pact known as the Three Oaths made between God, the Jewish people, and the nations of the world, when the Jews were sent into exile. One provision of the pact was that the Jews would not rebel against the non-Jewish world that gave them sanctuary; a second was that they would not immigrate en masse to the Land of Israel. In return the gentile nations promised not to persecute the Jews. By rebelling against this pact, they argued, the Jewish People were engaging in rebellion against God."

Neturei Karta - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Last edited:
Tell us Sally, is this man an anti-Semite?

He thinks of Israel the same way that I do, so, how can that be, he's Jewish?

Thanks for showing us that you read the hate sites where these are some of their favorite Jews. If people like you didn't read the hate sites, none of us would have even heard of these Jews unless we happened to live in their neighborhood in Brooklyn. Now, be a good fellow and grow a bushy beard. This way they can drag you along with them on their next visit to their crazy friends in Iran.
Answer the question little Zionist. Are these Jews Anti-Semites, yes or no?

anti zionist jews - Google Search


Neturei Karta - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

They are misguided Jews. Wikipedia can put anything they want to so I wouldn't even bother reading what they have to say. I have a great idea. After you grow the bushy beard and on your way to Iran with these Jews, ask them why some of them live in Israel when they feel that Israel shouldn't be a state until the Messiah arrives. Do you think you can do that little thing for us? It would be interesting to hear their answer.

You want to know something funny, folks. There was once a Muslim woman from a Southern state in India now living here in the States who would also use these Jews. Now we know that she didn't learn about these Jews in her madrassa so she must have been an avid reader of the hate sites just like Mr. Pantyhose.
Tell us Sally, is this man an anti-Semite?

He thinks of Israel the same way that I do, so, how can that be, he's Jewish?

Thanks for showing us that you read the hate sites where these are some of their favorite Jews. If people like you didn't read the hate sites, none of us would have even heard of these Jews unless we happened to live in their neighborhood in Brooklyn. Now, be a good fellow and grow a bushy beard. This way they can drag you along with them on their next visit to their crazy friends in Iran.
Answer the question little Zionist. Are these Jews Anti-Semites, yes or no?

anti zionist jews - Google Search


Neturei Karta - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

They are misguided Jews.
Yes, or no?

Neturei Karta opposed the establishment of and retain all opposition to the existence of the so-called "State of Israel"!

Neturei-Karta is the Aramaic term for "Guardians of the City. The name Neturei-Karta originates from an incident in which R. Yehudah Ha-Nassi (Rabbi Judah the Prince) sent R. Hiyya and R. Ashi on a pastoral tour of inspection. In one town they asked to see the "guardians of the city" and the city guard was paraded before them. They said that these were not the guardians of the city but its destroyers, which prompted the citizens to ask who, then, could be considered the guardians. The rabbis answered, "The scribes and the scholars," referring them to Tehillim (Psalms) Chap. 127. (Jerusalem Talmud, Tractate Hagiga. 76c).

The name was given to a group of Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem who refused (and still refuse) to recognize the existence or authority of the so-called "State of Israel" and made (and still make) a point of publicly demonstrating their position, the position of the Torah and authentic unadulterated Judaism."

Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism
Tell us Sally, is this man an anti-Semite?

He thinks of Israel the same way that I do, so, how can that be, he's Jewish?

Thanks for showing us that you read the hate sites where these are some of their favorite Jews. If people like you didn't read the hate sites, none of us would have even heard of these Jews unless we happened to live in their neighborhood in Brooklyn. Now, be a good fellow and grow a bushy beard. This way they can drag you along with them on their next visit to their crazy friends in Iran.
Answer the question little Zionist. Are these Jews Anti-Semites, yes or no?

anti zionist jews - Google Search


Neturei Karta - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

They are misguided Jews.
Yes, or no?

I said they are misguided Jews because as a Bible scholar (whose grandfatber is a pastor) said that there is nothing in the Bible which states that Israel can't be established until the Messiah comes. However, they are also hypocrites because they don't mind living in Israel and collecting the benefits Israel gives them. Now, Mr. Pantyhose, you really are starting to bore me because you are regurgitating the same nonsense from the hate sites which Jew haters have dug up time and time again throughout the years. If you can't tell us anything new that is happening in the Middle East, which even a dope like you knows is made up of many countries, then why don't you slither back into the woodwork like a good cockroach. It's silly to continue wasting time with you when there are more interesting things to read.
Tell us Sally, is this man an anti-Semite?

He thinks of Israel the same way that I do, so, how can that be, he's Jewish?

Thanks for showing us that you read the hate sites where these are some of their favorite Jews. If people like you didn't read the hate sites, none of us would have even heard of these Jews unless we happened to live in their neighborhood in Brooklyn. Now, be a good fellow and grow a bushy beard. This way they can drag you along with them on their next visit to their crazy friends in Iran.
Answer the question little Zionist. Are these Jews Anti-Semites, yes or no?

anti zionist jews - Google Search


Neturei Karta - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

They are misguided Jews.
Yes, or no?

I said they are misguided Jews ...
Yes or no? You pretend to be a Christian who speaks the truth, so, let your yes be yes and your no be no eh?

Neturei Karta opposed the establishment of and retain all opposition to the existence of the so-called "State of Israel"!

Neturei-Karta is the Aramaic term for "Guardians of the City. The name Neturei-Karta originates from an incident in which R. Yehudah Ha-Nassi (Rabbi Judah the Prince) sent R. Hiyya and R. Ashi on a pastoral tour of inspection. In one town they asked to see the "guardians of the city" and the city guard was paraded before them. They said that these were not the guardians of the city but its destroyers, which prompted the citizens to ask who, then, could be considered the guardians. The rabbis answered, "The scribes and the scholars," referring them to Tehillim (Psalms) Chap. 127. (Jerusalem Talmud, Tractate Hagiga. 76c).

The name was given to a group of Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem who refused (and still refuse) to recognize the existence or authority of the so-called "State of Israel" and made (and still make) a point of publicly demonstrating their position, the position of the Torah and authentic unadulterated Judaism."

Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism
Tell us Sally, is this man an anti-Semite?

He thinks of Israel the same way that I do, so, how can that be, he's Jewish?

Thanks for showing us that you read the hate sites where these are some of their favorite Jews. If people like you didn't read the hate sites, none of us would have even heard of these Jews unless we happened to live in their neighborhood in Brooklyn. Now, be a good fellow and grow a bushy beard. This way they can drag you along with them on their next visit to their crazy friends in Iran.
Answer the question little Zionist. Are these Jews Anti-Semites, yes or no?

anti zionist jews - Google Search

"Neturei Karta believes that the exile of the Jews can only end with the arrival of the Messiah, and that human attempts to establish Jewish sovereignty over the Land of Israel are sinful. In Neturei Karta's view, Zionism is a presumptuous affront against God. Among their arguments against Zionism was a Talmudic discussion about portions of the Bible regarding a pact known as the Three Oaths made between God, the Jewish people, and the nations of the world, when the Jews were sent into exile. One provision of the pact was that the Jews would not rebel against the non-Jewish world that gave them sanctuary; a second was that they would not immigrate en masse to the Land of Israel. In return the gentile nations promised not to persecute the Jews. By rebelling against this pact, they argued, the Jewish People were engaging in rebellion against God."

Neturei Karta - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Some Jews are comfortable kissing the ring of genocidal manics. Some Jews are happy being subservient and at the mercy of others. It's been that way since the Exodus. They'll be judged for that. as will the leftist supporters of Barrack Obama.

  • Thanks
Reactions: Ava
Tell us Sally, is this man an anti-Semite?

He thinks of Israel the same way that I do, so, how can that be, he's Jewish?

Thanks for showing us that you read the hate sites where these are some of their favorite Jews. If people like you didn't read the hate sites, none of us would have even heard of these Jews unless we happened to live in their neighborhood in Brooklyn. Now, be a good fellow and grow a bushy beard. This way they can drag you along with them on their next visit to their crazy friends in Iran.
Answer the question little Zionist. Are these Jews Anti-Semites, yes or no?

anti zionist jews - Google Search

"Neturei Karta believes that the exile of the Jews can only end with the arrival of the Messiah, and that human attempts to establish Jewish sovereignty over the Land of Israel are sinful. In Neturei Karta's view, Zionism is a presumptuous affront against God. Among their arguments against Zionism was a Talmudic discussion about portions of the Bible regarding a pact known as the Three Oaths made between God, the Jewish people, and the nations of the world, when the Jews were sent into exile. One provision of the pact was that the Jews would not rebel against the non-Jewish world that gave them sanctuary; a second was that they would not immigrate en masse to the Land of Israel. In return the gentile nations promised not to persecute the Jews. By rebelling against this pact, they argued, the Jewish People were engaging in rebellion against God."

Neturei Karta - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Some Jews are comfortable kissing the ring of genocidal manics. Some Jews are happy being subservient and at the mercy of others. It's been that way since the Exodus. They'll be judged for that. as will the leftist supporters of Barrack Obama.

So, are those Jews Anti-Semites?
Tell us Sally, is this man an anti-Semite?

He thinks of Israel the same way that I do, so, how can that be, he's Jewish?

Thanks for showing us that you read the hate sites where these are some of their favorite Jews. If people like you didn't read the hate sites, none of us would have even heard of these Jews unless we happened to live in their neighborhood in Brooklyn. Now, be a good fellow and grow a bushy beard. This way they can drag you along with them on their next visit to their crazy friends in Iran.
Answer the question little Zionist. Are these Jews Anti-Semites, yes or no?

anti zionist jews - Google Search

"Neturei Karta believes that the exile of the Jews can only end with the arrival of the Messiah, and that human attempts to establish Jewish sovereignty over the Land of Israel are sinful. In Neturei Karta's view, Zionism is a presumptuous affront against God. Among their arguments against Zionism was a Talmudic discussion about portions of the Bible regarding a pact known as the Three Oaths made between God, the Jewish people, and the nations of the world, when the Jews were sent into exile. One provision of the pact was that the Jews would not rebel against the non-Jewish world that gave them sanctuary; a second was that they would not immigrate en masse to the Land of Israel. In return the gentile nations promised not to persecute the Jews. By rebelling against this pact, they argued, the Jewish People were engaging in rebellion against God."

Neturei Karta - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Some Jews are comfortable kissing the ring of genocidal manics. Some Jews are happy being subservient and at the mercy of others. It's been that way since the Exodus. They'll be judged for that. as will the leftist supporters of Barrack Obama.

So, are those Jews Anti-Semites?

Not sure that I've ever used that term and I've already commented. Do you have a comprehension problem?
  • Thanks
Reactions: Ava
Tell us Sally, is this man an anti-Semite?

He thinks of Israel the same way that I do, so, how can that be, he's Jewish?

Thanks for showing us that you read the hate sites where these are some of their favorite Jews. If people like you didn't read the hate sites, none of us would have even heard of these Jews unless we happened to live in their neighborhood in Brooklyn. Now, be a good fellow and grow a bushy beard. This way they can drag you along with them on their next visit to their crazy friends in Iran.
Answer the question little Zionist. Are these Jews Anti-Semites, yes or no?

anti zionist jews - Google Search

"Neturei Karta believes that the exile of the Jews can only end with the arrival of the Messiah, and that human attempts to establish Jewish sovereignty over the Land of Israel are sinful. In Neturei Karta's view, Zionism is a presumptuous affront against God. Among their arguments against Zionism was a Talmudic discussion about portions of the Bible regarding a pact known as the Three Oaths made between God, the Jewish people, and the nations of the world, when the Jews were sent into exile. One provision of the pact was that the Jews would not rebel against the non-Jewish world that gave them sanctuary; a second was that they would not immigrate en masse to the Land of Israel. In return the gentile nations promised not to persecute the Jews. By rebelling against this pact, they argued, the Jewish People were engaging in rebellion against God."

Neturei Karta - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Some Jews are comfortable kissing the ring of genocidal manics. Some Jews are happy being subservient and at the mercy of others. It's been that way since the Exodus. They'll be judged for that. as will the leftist supporters of Barrack Obama.

So, are those Jews Anti-Semites?

Not sure that I've ever used that term and I've already commented. Do you have a comprehension problem?

I don't want a comment, I want an answer, yes or no?
Thanks for showing us that you read the hate sites where these are some of their favorite Jews. If people like you didn't read the hate sites, none of us would have even heard of these Jews unless we happened to live in their neighborhood in Brooklyn. Now, be a good fellow and grow a bushy beard. This way they can drag you along with them on their next visit to their crazy friends in Iran.
Answer the question little Zionist. Are these Jews Anti-Semites, yes or no?

anti zionist jews - Google Search

"Neturei Karta believes that the exile of the Jews can only end with the arrival of the Messiah, and that human attempts to establish Jewish sovereignty over the Land of Israel are sinful. In Neturei Karta's view, Zionism is a presumptuous affront against God. Among their arguments against Zionism was a Talmudic discussion about portions of the Bible regarding a pact known as the Three Oaths made between God, the Jewish people, and the nations of the world, when the Jews were sent into exile. One provision of the pact was that the Jews would not rebel against the non-Jewish world that gave them sanctuary; a second was that they would not immigrate en masse to the Land of Israel. In return the gentile nations promised not to persecute the Jews. By rebelling against this pact, they argued, the Jewish People were engaging in rebellion against God."

Neturei Karta - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Some Jews are comfortable kissing the ring of genocidal manics. Some Jews are happy being subservient and at the mercy of others. It's been that way since the Exodus. They'll be judged for that. as will the leftist supporters of Barrack Obama.

So, are those Jews Anti-Semites?

Not sure that I've ever used that term and I've already commented. Do you have a comprehension problem?

I don't want a comment, I want an answer, yes or no?

You're too simple minded. as a result you have a comprehension problem
Answer the question little Zionist. Are these Jews Anti-Semites, yes or no?

anti zionist jews - Google Search

"Neturei Karta believes that the exile of the Jews can only end with the arrival of the Messiah, and that human attempts to establish Jewish sovereignty over the Land of Israel are sinful. In Neturei Karta's view, Zionism is a presumptuous affront against God. Among their arguments against Zionism was a Talmudic discussion about portions of the Bible regarding a pact known as the Three Oaths made between God, the Jewish people, and the nations of the world, when the Jews were sent into exile. One provision of the pact was that the Jews would not rebel against the non-Jewish world that gave them sanctuary; a second was that they would not immigrate en masse to the Land of Israel. In return the gentile nations promised not to persecute the Jews. By rebelling against this pact, they argued, the Jewish People were engaging in rebellion against God."

Neturei Karta - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Some Jews are comfortable kissing the ring of genocidal manics. Some Jews are happy being subservient and at the mercy of others. It's been that way since the Exodus. They'll be judged for that. as will the leftist supporters of Barrack Obama.

So, are those Jews Anti-Semites?

Not sure that I've ever used that term and I've already commented. Do you have a comprehension problem?

I don't want a comment, I want an answer, yes or no?

You're too simple minded. as a result you have a comprehension problem

You say you know what an Anti-Semite is, you call others that I'm sure, so prove it. Are these Jews Anti-Semites for being Anti-Zionist, yes or no?
Some Jews are comfortable kissing the ring of genocidal manics. Some Jews are happy being subservient and at the mercy of others. It's been that way since the Exodus. They'll be judged for that. as will the leftist supporters of Barrack Obama.

So, are those Jews Anti-Semites?

Not sure that I've ever used that term and I've already commented. Do you have a comprehension problem?

I don't want a comment, I want an answer, yes or no?

You're too simple minded. as a result you have a comprehension problem

You say you know what an Anti-Semite is, you call others that I'm sure, so prove it. Are these Jews Anti-Semites for being Anti-Zionist, yes or no?

"Anti Semite" as i said I never really used the term. there are however people like yourself who blame so many of the worlds problems on the Jews in Israel... it's a sickness I hope your getting the help you so desperately need:thup:
So, are those Jews Anti-Semites?

Not sure that I've ever used that term and I've already commented. Do you have a comprehension problem?
I don't want a comment, I want an answer, yes or no?
You're too simple minded. as a result you have a comprehension problem
You say you know what an Anti-Semite is, you call others that I'm sure, so prove it. Are these Jews Anti-Semites for being Anti-Zionist, yes or no?
"Anti Semite" as i said I never really used the term. there are however people like yourself who blame so many of the worlds problems on the Jews in Israel... it's a sickness I hope your getting the help you so desperately need:thup:
Humanity is a cancer, Zionists are the pox on the cancer. Clear now? And this is not a difficult question, are Anti-Semites and Anti-Zionists the same and what does the mean when a Jew is an Anti-Zionist?

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