Iowa Republican ready to take up arms against her country

We have a more important document called the Constitution that gives you control over your government
Your first amendment rights are more powerful than your second

The constitution has been rendered irrelevant by 250 years of "slick" lawyers "interpreting"..and "re interpreting" it so they can twist it for their own purposes.

The next 3 phases of american history will be collapse, partitioning and reconstruction.
We'll do it our can do it your way. Good luck in your new nation.
Spoken like a true anarchist
We have a more important document called the Constitution that gives you control over your government
Your first amendment rights are more powerful than your second

The constitution has been rendered irrelevant by 250 years of "slick" lawyers "interpreting"..and "re interpreting" it so they can twist it for their own purposes.

The next 3 phases of american history will be collapse, partitioning and reconstruction.
We'll do it our can do it your way. Good luck in your new nation.
Spoken like a true anarchist

You have a compulsion to label everyone you disagree with, I notice.

The way to reform government is at the ballot box.

If and only if universal voter rights are respected. Otherwise, we can expect real fraud.
do you mean legal voter rights or the illegal voters democrats are recruiting to stuff the ballot boxes?

Allegations are easy to make, evidence is required to prove them. Evidence exists that some targeted voters will be hampered by efforts of the once and no more GOP to restrict voting hours, restrict the number of polling places, increase the distance of polling places from the potential voters home and the effort to require acceptable ID's, some of which will cost money and that is a poll tax.

If a person does not have proper ID they must be allowed to vote, and if there is reasonable suspicion that fraud was committed they should be prosecuted. Any effort to deny the voter the right to vote is a violation of their civil rights, and likewise anyone who denies them of their right to vote should be prosecuted.

Every honest person knows the GOP's concern for voter fraud is a ploy to restrict likely Democratic voters; only liars and cheats argue differently and only morons believe them.
turning a blind eye to reality doesn't change it. but hey, remember you libturds 8 yrs of unsubstantiated allegations when bush was president? or your last 6 years of blaming bush with no facts? so when will on of you spin doctor liberals actually name a specific piece of legislation from the bush administration that is responsible for destroying the economy and housing market as you claim? can't name one can you?
We have a more important document called the Constitution that gives you control over your government
Your first amendment rights are more powerful than your second

The constitution has been rendered irrelevant by 250 years of "slick" lawyers "interpreting"..and "re interpreting" it so they can twist it for their own purposes.

The next 3 phases of american history will be collapse, partitioning and reconstruction.
We'll do it our can do it your way. Good luck in your new nation.
Spoken like a true anarchist

Sounds more like a true abolishionist.


She is not taking up arms against her country. She is taking up arms against the slavery being imposed by the agents of the welfare/warfare police state .


She is running to become one of those agents
If she does become one of the agents she replaced then people will also replace her.


That is the way it is supposed to work

Doesn't take guns does it?
RW... I don't see any problem with her statements. Over analyzing a little, aren't we? She is definitely a patriot.
Civil rights protestors were Patriots and they did not resort to guns
She is just pandering to TeaTards and Gun Nuts....that is not Patriotism
So when the lefts hero FDR turned law abiding US citizens into criminals and put then in camps,that was just ok. Or when the Feds put a round in Randy Weaver wifes head that was just ok and they should just get a lawyer.

When your dead there is no fixing it ever.
The way to reform government is at the ballot box.
When was the last time anyone voted themselves out from under a oppressive government? The people that started this country new a thing or two about that,hence the 2nd,like it or not.

South Africa

Our framers had enough sense to create a system that is flexible enough to respond to the majority and rigid enough to not cast aside our core values on the whim of the majority.

Just because you lost at the ballot box (twice) is not an excuse to start shooting.

I have to laugh at all the neo-confederates and such who are always trying to legally justify treason.

Quit trying to lipstick up that pig. If you have the courage of your convictions, then whip out that shootin' irons and take your chances. If you win, you'll be remembered as heroes. If you lose, you'll be buried in a traitor's grave. Quit whining and either poop or get off the pot.
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