Iowa Caucus Thread

Again, gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

We have met the enemy, and he is us.
And wife beaters are more likely to beat a family member, too.

What kind of point are you making?

That killing strangers is 43 times cooler than killing a family member?
President Donald Trump won the Iowa Republican caucuses on Monday night, as he faced no serious competitors in what was seen as a symbolic vote.

The Associated Press reported that even though the vote was seen as a symbolic vote that the Trump team showed their “organizational strength” and showed up in force.

“It’s unusual for Iowa to even be holding a GOP contest with an incumbent in the White House,” the AP added. “But GOP Chairman Jeff Kaufman said state officials were determined to keep the caucuses in place this year to maintain the state’s status as the first in the nation to cast its ballots.”

BJ- That's weird - I kept reading yesterday that only 36% of Republicans were behind Trump and that some Lincoln guy was going to get the nomination.
Republicans in Iowa had record turnout and promptly reports the results.

The stupid Democrats had mediocre turnout and screwed the reporting up.

The Democrats want to be in charge of the government.


It is not hard to count the votes when there is only one person to vote for
There were 3 Republicans to chose from, ignoramus.
Democrats make the Keystone Kops look organized.

Results for Iowa caucuses delayed as state Democratic Party finds 'inconsistencies'

"The app is the issue, and the hotline is smoked," said Joe Galasso, a volunteer in charge of new registrations for Waukee Precinct 2, in Dallas County. A source familiar with the process said the backup phone line was "a disaster."

Another source was more blunt: "The app is f---ing up," said a senior aide to one of the campaigns, who asked not to be identified. "Can't trust the numbers coming in."

Testing something to see if it works is beyond their IQ.

We need an investigation launched into if Russia had hacked the servers again causing the greatness of the Democratic Party to dull once again!:19:

We all know it has to be Marsha... I mean Russia damn it!!:aargh:

Putin is putting the fix in for Trump again!!!:777:

( How many will understand I an mocking the Democrats? )
Republicans in Iowa had record turnout and promptly reports the results.

The stupid Democrats had mediocre turnout and screwed the reporting up.

The Democrats want to be in charge of the government.


It is not hard to count the votes when there is only one person to vote for
Hahahahahahahaha! Yeah that's it....too many to you libs are just plain delusional....

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Your reading comprehension still sucks.
Aw, it'll be ok....don't listen to the rest of the country laughing at you.....poor wittle snowflake.

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Must not have had a way to screw over Batshit Bernie again readily at hand ....They certainly couldn't trot out the highly improbable lost-every-coin-toss lie again.



Iowa caucus chaos: Democratic race in disarray as results delayed – live coverage
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Republicans in Iowa had record turnout and promptly reports the results.

The stupid Democrats had mediocre turnout and screwed the reporting up.

The Democrats want to be in charge of the government.


It is not hard to count the votes when there is only one person to vote for
Hahahahahahahaha! Yeah that's it....too many to you libs are just plain delusional....

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Your reading comprehension still sucks.
Aw, it'll be ok....don't listen to the rest of the country laughing at you.....poor wittle snowflake.

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pretty sure the rest of the country does not know who I am.

you are a strange one, that is for sure.
I knew there was a God and the great state of Iowa, proved it last night, thank you, thank you thank you, Iowa.
Millions of dollars later, Bernie and Pete topping the ticket, two losers for our side mind you, as are all of these die hard socialist candidates....all left Iowa not knowing who was the clear winner. Combined that with Iowa using an unproven APP, that may or may not have been compromised by Russian intervention and with the DNC and voters saying enough of allowing this one hick down with 4 blacks in it, determine our nominee....I mean you couldn't ask for a better outcome....again, thank you God, you do work in mysterious ways and Iowa proved it.!!
Iowa also proved that maybe just maybe all states should use paper ballots and hand count this election year and the hell with all this electronic shit....the blessings from Iowa are just unending and all good!!
Here we go again with Democrats tampering with our elections. They'll do everything they can to create confusion which will allow them to sneak the old, white, midget billionaire in there. But I think their plan for Bloomie is only for 4 years. Their wet dream candidate 4 years from now is AOC. Can you imagine looking forward to having that dipshit represent your party? Things are really bad in D land.
This is an example of generations destroyed by the democratic education system, they reward everybody.. everybody gets an award!
Mofos can’t count!
I bet there’s black woman telling whites to gtfotw lol and they have them locked in a room, with BLM counting lol
Can you imagine!? Look at this insane Impeachment hearing! Trump will sell Alaska to Russia! Lol no crime, fake witnesses!

dems need to be couped

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