Iowa Caucus Thread

What you mean is Bloomberg does not want little people to have protection from violent criminals that he has

He has guards with firearms around him 24/7/365

Again, gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

We have met the enemy, and he is us.
I appreciate your concern for my safety but that stat is misleading

ask this family if guns in the home are a bad thing:

That’s why I use 9mm hollow points. They’re not leaving the house in this life.

That woman had a .38 Special which got the job done

but she did shoot the obama voter 5 times before he saw things her way

So I prefer a 12 gage shotgun if possible
You guys better be concerned about bernie....his bernie bros try to murder people who get in their way....

Wow, man... then why are you bitching about Bloomberg, then? He's just a Wall Street Guy who doesn't want to share his streets with gun nuts.

Except for his gun nut body guards. I heard they're also allowed to have 32 ounce sodas.
What you mean is Bloomberg does not want little people to have protection from violent criminals that he has

He has guards with firearms around him 24/7/365

Again, gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

We have met the enemy, and he is us.
I appreciate your concern for my safety but that stat is misleading

ask this family if guns in the home are a bad thing:

That’s why I use 9mm hollow points. They’re not leaving the house in this life.

That woman had a .38 Special which got the job done

but she did shoot the obama voter 5 times before he saw things her way

So I prefer a 12 gage shotgun if possible

A 12 gage shotgun with high velocity 00 buckshot can go through 21 panels of sheet rock. Low velocity 19 panels. Make sure you don't kill everybody in your house.
So lovely ... :auiqs.jpg:

Bernie supporters think he's getting screwed again and Buttigieg declared victory without any results.

Sounds like pre-ordained to me.
What you mean is Bloomberg does not want little people to have protection from violent criminals that he has

He has guards with firearms around him 24/7/365

Again, gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

We have met the enemy, and he is us.
I appreciate your concern for my safety but that stat is misleading

ask this family if guns in the home are a bad thing:

That’s why I use 9mm hollow points. They’re not leaving the house in this life.

That woman had a .38 Special which got the job done

but she did shoot the obama voter 5 times before he saw things her way

So I prefer a 12 gage shotgun if possible

A 12 gage shotgun with high velocity 00 buckshot can go through 21 panels of sheet rock. Low velocity 19 panels. Make sure you don't kill everybody in your house.

Use birdshot

its just as deadly against intruders without as much penitration

Funny how many Right Wingers are "sooooo" concerned about Bernie.

Nobody is losing their heads over Bernie’s plans to Make Guillotines Great Again!!

Maybe they should “Concentrate” on running their failed IOWA Caucus instead of making plans to build Concentration Camps!

If you can’t run an impeachment correctly, can’t run a Caucus, why should we trust you to run the country?
Republicans in Iowa had record turnout and promptly reports the results.

The stupid Democrats had mediocre turnout and screwed the reporting up.

The Democrats want to be in charge of the government.


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