Iowa Caucus Thread

Karma Sucks!

Ran a crooked Inquiry in the House.

Cheated by changing your own rules for candidates to let Bloomberg in and keep Tulsi out!

Cant run a caucus, cannot run a fair impeachment, Cannot Run Our Country

This is The result of democrat run education coming back to bite them! They reward on color and wokeness. Not being able to count, or Critically think.. Well deserved.. they think they are so elite and smart... but republicans were done at 7 pm lol
Republicans in Iowa had record turnout and promptly reports the results.

The stupid Democrats had mediocre turnout and screwed the reporting up.

The Democrats want to be in charge of the government.


It is not hard to count the votes when there is only one person to vote for

This is a serious problem that really needs to be addressed before November when the general election takes place because in my opinion, this is the only reason and the only way that Democrats win elections anymore. They have to cheat to win.

Judicial Watch announced that eight Iowa counties have more voter registrations than their eligible voting-age population. According to Judicial Watch’s analysis of data released by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) in 2019 and the most recent U.S. Census Bureau’s five-year American Community Survey, eight Iowa counties are on the list of 378 counties nationwide that have more voter registrations than citizens living there who are old enough to vote, i.e., counties where registration rates exceed 100%. These 378 counties combined had about 2.5 million registrations over the 100%-registered mark. In Iowa, there are at least 18,658 “extra names” on the voting rolls in the eight counties at issue.

BJ - Lock Them UP
Republicans in Iowa had record turnout and promptly reports the results.

The stupid Democrats had mediocre turnout and screwed the reporting up.

The Democrats want to be in charge of the government.


It is not hard to count the votes when there is only one person to vote for
Hahahahahahahaha! Yeah that's it....too many to you libs are just plain delusional....

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Republicans have a record 30 thousand votes in 4 hours ago, it’s almost 12 and dems can’t get the results in lol

This is the end of the democratic party

well when there is actually a contest that others do have a change then it is complicated

when you do not have a contest then it a rubber stamp but hey last year Ted Cruz beat him but Ted didn't become the president


he got less votes that he did last year

The turnout this year was horrible as compared to last year

Half the people from 2016 stayed home
Wow. An uncontested race got less attention. .

No kidding...

Next crazy thing would be finding out that a 49er's practice got less coverage than the Super Bowl.

Nice reporting, Einstien.
They paid 63 thousand dollars for this app ( for progressives) , that money probably went to the female gender because they are so woke, lol
Democrats make the Keystone Kops look organized.

Results for Iowa caucuses delayed as state Democratic Party finds 'inconsistencies'

"The app is the issue, and the hotline is smoked," said Joe Galasso, a volunteer in charge of new registrations for Waukee Precinct 2, in Dallas County. A source familiar with the process said the backup phone line was "a disaster."

Another source was more blunt: "The app is f---ing up," said a senior aide to one of the campaigns, who asked not to be identified. "Can't trust the numbers coming in."

Testing something to see if it works is beyond their IQ.

Yeah, this was about as bad a night as they could have had.
Again, gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

We have met the enemy, and he is us.
I appreciate your concern for my safety but that stat is misleading

ask this family if guns in the home are a bad thing:

That’s why I use 9mm hollow points. They’re not leaving the house in this life.

That woman had a .38 Special which got the job done

but she did shoot the obama voter 5 times before he saw things her way

So I prefer a 12 gage shotgun if possible

A 12 gage shotgun with high velocity 00 buckshot can go through 21 panels of sheet rock. Low velocity 19 panels. Make sure you don't kill everybody in your house.

Use birdshot

its just as deadly against intruders without as much penitration

Actually mini shells with buckshot are better but good luck to get them to cycle in a semi auto or pump shotgun.
Republicans in Iowa had record turnout and promptly reports the results.

The stupid Democrats had mediocre turnout and screwed the reporting up.

The Democrats want to be in charge of the government.


It is not hard to count the votes when there is only one person to vote for
Hahahahahahahaha! Yeah that's it....too many to you libs are just plain delusional....

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

Your reading comprehension still sucks.
Joe Biden is not only a moron but one of the most boring people in history.
I’ve been more excited picking out cucumbers.

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