Investigations into trump and Graham's efforts to overturn Georgia 2020 election results go forward

Not much discussion of the topic…please get back on topic.
Threads about Trump are appropriate and warranted.

He's the head of the GOP.

He makes political endorsements.

And he's a former president subject to a criminal investigation.
I don't think that is quite correct. The GOP is a party that stands for conservative views and values police and law and order. It's members have been silenced by the repub party. The repub party is a trump cult group. There is a difference and in 2022, the difference will slap the idiots in the face.
I don't think that is quite correct. The GOP is a party that stands for conservative views and values police and law and order. It's members have been silenced by the repub party. The repub party is a trump cult group. There is a difference and in 2022, the difference will slap the idiots in the face.
Progs have thousands of cult politicians. Thousands of media people. You know your ph uked up when a gay man like Don Lemon speaks out against traditional nuclear families demeaning and calling them names. this is why the future of our nation is done. No matter what you do. The only hope is to restore the family before the worst happens. And it will be done after the decline is complete I guarantee that.
I didn't know where this "marxist" nonsense came from until I channel-surfed and found a guy on Fox named Levin who was talking shit and had a big poster behind him apparently advertising a book called "American Marxism." He is raking in the big bucks from the mental midgets.
Everyone who opposes Trumpism and the big lie is a Marrxist and a Fascist which they stupidly conflate .They are just not that bright.
Where does it say in the constitution that the Joint Chief of Staff cannot communicate with a foreign counterpart?
Are 2 Sec 1, first line. The Power of the Executive vest in a President.

The General can’t warn a foreign nation of an attack without being authorized to by the president
Except that is not what he did.
of course not because there was no attack! or order!

the allegation is however that he was willing to do so.

That might not be a crime, but certainly highlights a willingness to violate the law and frankly commit a coup…and if true should resign

The investigation is still in the early stages. But really, how can trump or Miss Lindsey deny that they tried to get officials to claim voter fraud or find votes for trump? trump, particularly placed pressure on many officials. They have the audio recordings, they have multiple statements from Georgia officials. trump and Miss Lindsey broke Georgia law when they interfered with the official elections results. Period....

This is the MO for trump. If I break the law out in front of everyone, then there should be no problem. We have never seen a politician who so blatantly breaks norms, traditions, and even law....and walks away thinking he is above the law.

Trump tried again yesterday Sept 17th.. He sent Raffensperger a letter asking him to decertify the election results.
Trump tried again yesterday Sept 17th.. He sent Raffensperger a letter asking him to decertify the election results.
Speaking of derangement syndrome? This guy is certain to bust an artery trying to remain in power. He goes to sleep thinking about his loss and he wakes up thinking about his loss. The poor guy is being eating alive with his loss. If he had only admitted that he loss and walk away with dignity, he would not be reliving it day after day. My heart bleeds for him....:laughing0301:
Speaking of derangement syndrome? This guy is certain to bust an artery trying to remain in power. He goes to sleep thinking about his loss and he wakes up thinking about his loss. The poor guy is being eating alive with his loss. If he had only admitted that he loss and walk away with dignity, he would not be reliving it day after day. My heart bleeds for him....:laughing0301:

Trump wants revenge.. Remember, its always someone else's fault. Poor old Trump.
Foreign policy is falling apart. Vax regs don't seem to be working but for the first time in history the winning party will authorize an investigation into the losing party's election efforts. It's M.O. for democrats who insist on behaving as if they lost the election.

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