Interpol approves membership for State of Palestine over Israeli objections

Those who have killed millions around the world call Hamas terrorists.

You gotta love it.
You sound upset at America, maybe you should move the Gaza hole and support your beloved IslamoNazi terrorists.
I am not upset about America. It is just the third grade name calling lackeys in our government that are an embarrassment.

Remember, they had Nelson Mandela in the terrorist list until about 2008.
Start providing real support for Hamas and you'll see it isn't only "name calling" when you land in federal prison.
I am not defending Hamas. I am defending the truth. You implied, above, that Hamas was like ISIS. A typical piece of Israeli bullshit.

I posted a video that you do not even have to watch. The cover photo is a Gaza woman in "western" clothes and no hijab interviewing a Hamas leader and he does not even blink.

Try that with ISIS.

Well, that’s strange. Your cut and paste YouTube videos are the last place I would visit for anything truthful.

Otherwise, I don’t see a great deal of difference separating ISIS from Hamas or either of the aforementioned from any other of the Islamic terrorist franchises girdling the globe.
Of course you don't even when it is right in front of your face.

Two women talk about Gaza. Start @ 10:25

You sound upset at America, maybe you should move the Gaza hole and support your beloved IslamoNazi terrorists.
I am not upset about America. It is just the third grade name calling lackeys in our government that are an embarrassment.

Remember, they had Nelson Mandela in the terrorist list until about 2008.
Start providing real support for Hamas and you'll see it isn't only "name calling" when you land in federal prison.
I am not defending Hamas. I am defending the truth. You implied, above, that Hamas was like ISIS. A typical piece of Israeli bullshit.

I posted a video that you do not even have to watch. The cover photo is a Gaza woman in "western" clothes and no hijab interviewing a Hamas leader and he does not even blink.

Try that with ISIS.

Well, that’s strange. Your cut and paste YouTube videos are the last place I would visit for anything truthful.

Otherwise, I don’t see a great deal of difference separating ISIS from Hamas or either of the aforementioned from any other of the Islamic terrorist franchises girdling the globe.
Of course you don't even when it is right in front of your face.

Two women talk about Gaza. Start @ 10:25

Well, here again, these silly, canned YouTube videos play to a specific audience not willing to look past Pallywood style productions.

The facts are: Hamas must walk a fine line between appeasing it’s Western welfare donors, its more excitable Islamic terrorist franchisees and an Israeli military that won’t stand for a lot of islamo-nonsense when it comes to Islamic terrorist attacks. Hamas has learned the hard way that Islamic terrorist fun and games are only tolerated by Israel for so long before a major beat down ensues. Remember 2014?

Similar to acts by ISIS and various other Islamic terrorist franchises, HAMAS has verifiably used noncombatants -- men, women, and children -- as shields for its attacks. Hamas has sited rockets and launchers as well as other armaments in heavily populated residential areas, mosques, hospitals and schools - United Nations welfare agency funded schools. Hamas has continually waged war with those weapons aimed at targets in Israel, well aware that when Israel is required to retaliate, you credulous apologists for Islamic terrorism will bleat on about those “poor, oppressed Pal’Istanians”.

Really, sweetie, your Pom Pom flailing for Hamas, ie: ISIS-lite, is just creepy.
Interpol allows terrorist group to join the police ... a true milestone.

The Palestine is a terrorist group?

Hamas their leadership is listed as a terrorist organization by the US, Western Europe, and most of the civilized world. Keep up, Achmed.

Most of the civilized world thinks the Palestinian people are terrorists, huh? Only in those super-civilized places where Trump is routinely referred to as a Nazi.
No retard, the US govt., European govt.'s, Canada, Japan, etc. have designated Hamas the leadership of the Palestinians as TERRORIST.

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) are foreign organizations that are designated by the Secretary of State in accordance with section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended. FTO designations play a critical role in our fight against terrorism and are an effective means of curtailing support for terrorist activities and pressuring groups to get out of the terrorism business.

Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Date Designated



Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)


Aum Shinrikyo (AUM)


Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA)


Gama’a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group) (IG)


From the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

"Japan is concerned that the Gaza Strip remains under severe humanitarian conditions. The resolution of the Gaza issue should lead to the resumption of the Middle East Peace negotiations and stabilization of the entire Middle East region. In order to end the reoccurance of armed conflict and ceasefire between Palestinian groups including Hamas and Israel, it is essential to achieve effective governance by the Palestinian Authority in Gaza, a durable ceasefire agreement, and establishment of an international mechanism supported by the international community."

Japan’s Position on the Peace in the Middle East
If you have to lie to support your position, you automatically lose, weakling. No wonder you people hate free speech. Your position depends on lies, ignorance, and brutality. Disgusting.
The Palestine is a terrorist group?

Hamas their leadership is listed as a terrorist organization by the US, Western Europe, and most of the civilized world. Keep up, Achmed.

Palestinian Civil Police Force does not operate in Gaza
And yet Hamas is the duly elected leadership of the Palestinian people. How does it feel that the Palestinian people were so stupid and bloodthirsty that they elected a bunch of IslamoNazis like ISIS as their leaders?
Hamas operate in Gaza, not in the west bank. The Palestinian civil Police operate in conjunction with israel in the west bank
Hamas won the elections for all Palestinians and now rules half the people. A terrorist people ruled by a terrorist organization. How fitting.

You just exposed yourself, halfwit. You don't really believe Hamas is an actual, definable terrorist organization with structure and purpose to accomplish which it employs indiscriminate killing of civilians. You equate it with the Palestinian people, which you call "a terrorist people". That's the language of a rabid dog barking and snarling stupidly in the dark. It's the language of absurdity. It's a language completely indifferent to justice and circumspection. Your language is driven by pure irrational hatred. If you had a soul, you would feel shame.
Interpol allows terrorist group to join the police ... a true milestone.

The Palestine is a terrorist group?

Hamas their leadership is listed as a terrorist organization by the US, Western Europe, and most of the civilized world. Keep up, Achmed.
Palestinian Civil Police Force does not operate in Gaza
And yet Hamas is the duly elected leadership of the Palestinian people. How does it feel that the Palestinian people were so stupid and bloodthirsty that they elected a bunch of IslamoNazis like ISIS as their leaders?
A Jew complaining about bloodthirstiness is like AIPAC complaining about foreign meddling in American politics. There is a reason Jews came up with the word "chutzpah".
Similar to acts by ISIS and various other Islamic terrorist franchises, HAMAS has verifiably used noncombatants -- men, women, and children -- as shields for its attacks. Hamas has sited rockets and launchers as well as other armaments in heavily populated residential areas, mosques, hospitals and schools - United Nations welfare agency funded schools. Hamas has continually waged war with those weapons aimed at targets in Israel, well aware that when Israel is required to retaliate, you credulous apologists for Islamic terrorism will bleat on about those “poor, oppressed Pal’Istanians”.
Wow, so many Israeli bullshit talking points in one post.

Good girl. :clap::clap::clap:
Similar to acts by ISIS and various other Islamic terrorist franchises, HAMAS has verifiably used noncombatants -- men, women, and children -- as shields for its attacks. Hamas has sited rockets and launchers as well as other armaments in heavily populated residential areas, mosques, hospitals and schools - United Nations welfare agency funded schools. Hamas has continually waged war with those weapons aimed at targets in Israel, well aware that when Israel is required to retaliate, you credulous apologists for Islamic terrorism will bleat on about those “poor, oppressed Pal’Istanians”.
Wow, so many Israeli bullshit talking points in one post.

Good girl. :clap::clap::clap:

See how easy that was? Only two short paragraphs and you’re reduced to spamming with your usual silly slogans.
Hamas their leadership is listed as a terrorist organization by the US, Western Europe, and most of the civilized world. Keep up, Achmed.
Those who have killed millions around the world call Hamas terrorists.

You gotta love it.
You sound upset at America, maybe you should move the Gaza hole and support your beloved IslamoNazi terrorists.
I am not upset about America. It is just the third grade name calling lackeys in our government that are an embarrassment.

Remember, they had Nelson Mandela in the terrorist list until about 2008.
Start providing real support for Hamas and you'll see it isn't only "name calling" when you land in federal prison.
I am not defending Hamas. I am defending the truth. You implied, above, that Hamas was like ISIS. A typical piece of Israeli bullshit.

I posted a video that you do not even have to watch. The cover photo is a Gaza woman in "western" clothes and no hijab interviewing a Hamas leader and he does not even blink.

Try that with ISIS.
Oh you aren't defending Hamas?! Coulda fooled me, cause that's all you've done ever since I know you. You've called them the legitimate elected leadership a thousand times, and I've pointed out that this so called leadership have been designated as a bunch of terrorist animals. But if you think supporting them is "child's play" go ahead and see what happens when you do for real.
Similar to acts by ISIS and various other Islamic terrorist franchises, HAMAS has verifiably used noncombatants -- men, women, and children -- as shields for its attacks. Hamas has sited rockets and launchers as well as other armaments in heavily populated residential areas, mosques, hospitals and schools - United Nations welfare agency funded schools. Hamas has continually waged war with those weapons aimed at targets in Israel, well aware that when Israel is required to retaliate, you credulous apologists for Islamic terrorism will bleat on about those “poor, oppressed Pal’Istanians”.
Wow, so many Israeli bullshit talking points in one post.

Good girl. :clap::clap::clap:
Said the guy who spams Hamas terrorist talking points.
Interpol allows terrorist group to join the police ... a true milestone.

The Palestine is a terrorist group?

Hamas their leadership is listed as a terrorist organization by the US, Western Europe, and most of the civilized world. Keep up, Achmed.

Most of the civilized world thinks the Palestinian people are terrorists, huh? Only in those super-civilized places where Trump is routinely referred to as a Nazi.
No retard, the US govt., European govt.'s, Canada, Japan, etc. have designated Hamas the leadership of the Palestinians as TERRORIST.

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) are foreign organizations that are designated by the Secretary of State in accordance with section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended. FTO designations play a critical role in our fight against terrorism and are an effective means of curtailing support for terrorist activities and pressuring groups to get out of the terrorism business.

Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Date Designated



Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)


Aum Shinrikyo (AUM)


Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA)


Gama’a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group) (IG)


From the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

"Japan is concerned that the Gaza Strip remains under severe humanitarian conditions. The resolution of the Gaza issue should lead to the resumption of the Middle East Peace negotiations and stabilization of the entire Middle East region. In order to end the reoccurance of armed conflict and ceasefire between Palestinian groups including Hamas and Israel, it is essential to achieve effective governance by the Palestinian Authority in Gaza, a durable ceasefire agreement, and establishment of an international mechanism supported by the international community."

Japan’s Position on the Peace in the Middle East
If you have to lie to support your position, you automatically lose, weakling. No wonder you people hate free speech. Your position depends on lies, ignorance, and brutality. Disgusting.
And yet DUMBASS, Japan has designated Hamas as a terrorist organization!
Interpol allows terrorist group to join the police ... a true milestone.

The Palestine is a terrorist group?

Hamas their leadership is listed as a terrorist organization by the US, Western Europe, and most of the civilized world. Keep up, Achmed.
Palestinian Civil Police Force does not operate in Gaza
And yet Hamas is the duly elected leadership of the Palestinian people. How does it feel that the Palestinian people were so stupid and bloodthirsty that they elected a bunch of IslamoNazis like ISIS as their leaders?
A Jew complaining about bloodthirstiness is like AIPAC complaining about foreign meddling in American politics. There is a reason Jews came up with the word "chutzpah".
So you think you Islamonazi or neo Nazi dirtbags that call for death to all Jews or the destruction of Israel and then carry it out, are angels?
Those who have killed millions around the world call Hamas terrorists.

You gotta love it.
You sound upset at America, maybe you should move the Gaza hole and support your beloved IslamoNazi terrorists.
I am not upset about America. It is just the third grade name calling lackeys in our government that are an embarrassment.

Remember, they had Nelson Mandela in the terrorist list until about 2008.
Start providing real support for Hamas and you'll see it isn't only "name calling" when you land in federal prison.
I am not defending Hamas. I am defending the truth. You implied, above, that Hamas was like ISIS. A typical piece of Israeli bullshit.

I posted a video that you do not even have to watch. The cover photo is a Gaza woman in "western" clothes and no hijab interviewing a Hamas leader and he does not even blink.

Try that with ISIS.
Oh you aren't defending Hamas?! Coulda fooled me, cause that's all you've done ever since I know you. You've called them the legitimate elected leadership a thousand times, and I've pointed out that this so called leadership have been designated as a bunch of terrorist animals. But if you think supporting them is "child's play" go ahead and see what happens when you do for real.
Terrorist animals, huh? I notice Jews use the "animal" epithet a lot. Very telling.

Really? Between Palestinians and Israelis, I'm indifferent. This whole planet is one big shit show. It's all the same to me. You on the other hand are some kind of pro-Israel zealot. Israelis can do no wrong. Palestinians are terrorist animals. If someone criticizes Israel you become this venom spewing clown. You are not only perfectly fine to see American blood spilled in Israel's wars, you become abusive if an American dares question the worth of dying in the Middle East. You become so unhinged, I wonder whether you are some prepubescent slacking when you should be doing your homework.

As an American, I know more of my fellow Americans have died at the hands of Israel than Palestine. I find it shocking that you defend Israel on that score. Unwaveringly. That makes you my enemy. And you did that. That's not some hocus-pocus anti-semitism demon-possession making you my enemy. YOU did that.
The Palestine is a terrorist group?

Hamas their leadership is listed as a terrorist organization by the US, Western Europe, and most of the civilized world. Keep up, Achmed.
Palestinian Civil Police Force does not operate in Gaza
And yet Hamas is the duly elected leadership of the Palestinian people. How does it feel that the Palestinian people were so stupid and bloodthirsty that they elected a bunch of IslamoNazis like ISIS as their leaders?
A Jew complaining about bloodthirstiness is like AIPAC complaining about foreign meddling in American politics. There is a reason Jews came up with the word "chutzpah".
So you think you Islamonazi or neo Nazi dirtbags that call for death to all Jews or the destruction of Israel and then carry it out, are angels?
You are the one name-calling here. And I've never said death to all Jews nor called for the destruction of Israel. That's in your own fevered adolescent paranoid delusions.
You sound upset at America, maybe you should move the Gaza hole and support your beloved IslamoNazi terrorists.
I am not upset about America. It is just the third grade name calling lackeys in our government that are an embarrassment.

Remember, they had Nelson Mandela in the terrorist list until about 2008.
Start providing real support for Hamas and you'll see it isn't only "name calling" when you land in federal prison.
I am not defending Hamas. I am defending the truth. You implied, above, that Hamas was like ISIS. A typical piece of Israeli bullshit.

I posted a video that you do not even have to watch. The cover photo is a Gaza woman in "western" clothes and no hijab interviewing a Hamas leader and he does not even blink.

Try that with ISIS.
Oh you aren't defending Hamas?! Coulda fooled me, cause that's all you've done ever since I know you. You've called them the legitimate elected leadership a thousand times, and I've pointed out that this so called leadership have been designated as a bunch of terrorist animals. But if you think supporting them is "child's play" go ahead and see what happens when you do for real.
Terrorist animals, huh? I notice Jews use the "animal" epithet a lot. Very telling.

Really? Between Palestinians and Israelis, I'm indifferent. This whole planet is one big shit show. It's all the same to me. You on the other hand are some kind of pro-Israel zealot. Israelis can do no wrong. Palestinians are terrorist animals. If someone criticizes Israel you become this venom spewing clown. You are not only perfectly fine to see American blood spilled in Israel's wars, you become abusive if an American dares question the worth of dying in the Middle East. You become so unhinged, I wonder whether you are some prepubescent slacking when you should be doing your homework.

As an American, I know more of my fellow Americans have died at the hands of Israel than Palestine. I find it shocking that you defend Israel on that score. Unwaveringly. That makes you my enemy. And you did that. That's not some hocus-pocus anti-semitism demon-possession making you my enemy. YOU did that.

Not one US soldier has fought in any of Israel's wars. However, we have tens of thousands of troops stationed in Europe, Japan, and Korean Peninsula, and are about to go to war with North Korea over our commitment to protect the South and Japan. I don't see dirtbag Nazis like you whining about that?

Besides, the President of France uses the word animals, Donald Trump uses the word animals, and so do many countries and their leaders after suffering terrorism at the hands of IslamoNazi animals. Let's call a spade a spade.
I am not upset about America. It is just the third grade name calling lackeys in our government that are an embarrassment.

Remember, they had Nelson Mandela in the terrorist list until about 2008.
Start providing real support for Hamas and you'll see it isn't only "name calling" when you land in federal prison.
I am not defending Hamas. I am defending the truth. You implied, above, that Hamas was like ISIS. A typical piece of Israeli bullshit.

I posted a video that you do not even have to watch. The cover photo is a Gaza woman in "western" clothes and no hijab interviewing a Hamas leader and he does not even blink.

Try that with ISIS.
Oh you aren't defending Hamas?! Coulda fooled me, cause that's all you've done ever since I know you. You've called them the legitimate elected leadership a thousand times, and I've pointed out that this so called leadership have been designated as a bunch of terrorist animals. But if you think supporting them is "child's play" go ahead and see what happens when you do for real.
Terrorist animals, huh? I notice Jews use the "animal" epithet a lot. Very telling.

Really? Between Palestinians and Israelis, I'm indifferent. This whole planet is one big shit show. It's all the same to me. You on the other hand are some kind of pro-Israel zealot. Israelis can do no wrong. Palestinians are terrorist animals. If someone criticizes Israel you become this venom spewing clown. You are not only perfectly fine to see American blood spilled in Israel's wars, you become abusive if an American dares question the worth of dying in the Middle East. You become so unhinged, I wonder whether you are some prepubescent slacking when you should be doing your homework.

As an American, I know more of my fellow Americans have died at the hands of Israel than Palestine. I find it shocking that you defend Israel on that score. Unwaveringly. That makes you my enemy. And you did that. That's not some hocus-pocus anti-semitism demon-possession making you my enemy. YOU did that.

Not one US soldier has fought in any of Israel's wars. However, we have tens of thousands of troops stationed in Europe, Japan, and Korean Peninsula, and are about to go to war with North Korea over our commitment to protect the South and Japan. I don't see dirtbag Nazis like you whining about that?

Besides, the President of France uses the word animals, Donald Trump uses the word animals, and so do many countries and their leaders after suffering terrorism at the hands of IslamoNazi animals. Let's call a spade a spade.
Well, let's see, there was some very one-sided fighting involving the USS Liberty, on which you, unbelievably, take Israels' side against your own country despite the clear evidence of Israel's unconscionable actions that day (the motherfuckers circled the crippled ship machine-gunning it with armor-piercing bullets for forty, forty!, minutes). Do you understand how depraved that is? What hell the Americans trapped in there went through? No Palestinian has ever done that to us.

Then there was the 2003 War for Israel. Palestinians didn't feed us the WMD lies. Israelis did.

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