Interesting Vid by Q

I'll just put this down here to save the mods from moving it, which they would if I did it upstairs. :yapyapyapf:

Watch the vid. Explains alot that had me scratching my head with lots of "why" and "how come".

Interesting video, thanks for sharing. That said, I can't buy into much of what it purports. The narrator talks about neither capitalism nor socialism being to blame, which ruined the rest of the video for me. One hundred million and more innocent human beings were murdered by socio-communist regimes throughout the 20th century. Full stop on that one. The narrator also gives Islam a full pass for global criminality, which is farcical. I mean Christian regimes commit their fair share of clandestine genocide but Islamic ones have been proven villains on many occasions going back a ton of centuries.

Further, while Donald Trump was certainly a very unique political phenomenon, seems like he's about to voluntarily exit world stage left in oh, about thirteen days—despite his constant oaths to the American people to drain and prosecute the swamp. He's got about one rabbit left he can pull from his hat and that's the Insurrection Act. But he won't pull that dusty, ancient rabbit. Not a chance. No way. Why? Because there are no good guys left in the high halls of America. Everyone and everything is controlled, planned—foretold and predestined by the bad guys.

And finally, the video comes across to me as anti-Christian or at least starkly secular in its total omission of New Testament end times prophecies. In fact, according to the video, the narrator seems to be making Donald Trump out to be our last, our one and only true savior. Hint: he's not. He was pretty cool while he lasted but it would seem his time in power—in possession of the power to change America for the better—is set to expire, imminently.
I'll just put this down here to save the mods from moving it, which they would if I did it upstairs. :yapyapyapf:

Watch the vid. Explains alot that had me scratching my head with lots of "why" and "how come".

Alas, Q's fascist hopes and dreams have been dashed on the rocks of reality.

A magic 8 ball is a more reliable source of information.

As for the "great awakening", signs point to no.
I'll just put this down here to save the mods from moving it, which they would if I did it upstairs. :yapyapyapf:

Watch the vid. Explains alot that had me scratching my head with lots of "why" and "how come".

Interesting video, thanks for sharing. That said, I can't buy into much of what it purports. The narrator talks about neither capitalism nor socialism being to blame, which ruined the rest of the video for me. One hundred million and more innocent human beings were murdered by socio-communist regimes throughout the 20th century. Full stop on that one. The narrator also gives Islam a full pass for global criminality, which is farcical. I mean Christian regimes commit their fair share of clandestine genocide but Islamic ones have been proven villains on many occasions going back a ton of centuries.

Further, while Donald Trump was certainly a very unique political phenomenon, seems like he's about to voluntarily exit world stage left in oh, about thirteen days—despite his constant oaths to the American people to drain and prosecute the swamp. He's got about one rabbit left he can pull from his hat and that's the Insurrection Act. But he won't pull that dusty, ancient rabbit. Not a chance. No way. Why? Because there are no good guys left in the high halls of America. Everyone and everything is controlled, planned—foretold and predestined by the bad guys.

And finally, the video comes across to me as anti-Christian or at least starkly secular in its total omission of New Testament end times prophecies. In fact, according to the video, the narrator seems to be making Donald Trump out to be our last, our one and only true savior. Hint: he's not. He was pretty cool while he lasted but it would seem his time in power—in possession of the power to change America for the better—is set to expire, imminently.

Or....its a good thing to thwart Trump in a last ditch attempt to use the Insurrection Act to seize power and become a dictator. Which is why Trump wouldn't be able to do it.
I'll just put this down here to save the mods from moving it, which they would if I did it upstairs. :yapyapyapf:

Watch the vid. Explains alot that had me scratching my head with lots of "why" and "how come".

Interesting video, thanks for sharing. That said, I can't buy into much of what it purports. The narrator talks about neither capitalism nor socialism being to blame, which ruined the rest of the video for me. One hundred million and more innocent human beings were murdered by socio-communist regimes throughout the 20th century. Full stop on that one. The narrator also gives Islam a full pass for global criminality, which is farcical. I mean Christian regimes commit their fair share of clandestine genocide but Islamic ones have been proven villains on many occasions going back a ton of centuries.

Further, while Donald Trump was certainly a very unique political phenomenon, seems like he's about to voluntarily exit world stage left in oh, about thirteen days—despite his constant oaths to the American people to drain and prosecute the swamp. He's got about one rabbit left he can pull from his hat and that's the Insurrection Act. But he won't pull that dusty, ancient rabbit. Not a chance. No way. Why? Because there are no good guys left in the high halls of America. Everyone and everything is controlled, planned—foretold and predestined by the bad guys.

And finally, the video comes across to me as anti-Christian or at least starkly secular in its total omission of New Testament end times prophecies. In fact, according to the video, the narrator seems to be making Donald Trump out to be our last, our one and only true savior. Hint: he's not. He was pretty cool while he lasted but it would seem his time in power—in possession of the power to change America for the better—is set to expire, imminently.
No informative button. I miss it. Good post. Thank you.
Wow. I watched that months and months and months ago.

I have been of the belief that the whole Q thing is a social media outreach by the campaign, with plausible deniability. Now that the campaign is over? It has pretty much gone silent, it is no longer being funded. The folks that were running it have abandoned their posts.

Here is the feed.

The last vid was deleted from YouTube, but this is it;

Some of it was based on truth, some on disinformation, some on misinformation, and some, just to manipulate folks emotionally.

Either way, you should never trust anyone except yourself, or someone you know in person. . . at least not unless you verify their identity.

. . . certainly not an anonymous poster on the internet. This was probably a good way for the Trump campaign to funnel and hide funds, sort of their "BLM" operation. Of course, theirs did not mobilize near the number of folks, nor cause any death. . . oh wait, that lady got killed today.

But, I don't see folks pooring into the streets. . . mostly b/c the left have the media and the spin I suppose.

Both campaigns were doing real shady crap this time around.

. . . sort of like last time.

Wow. I watched that months and months and months ago.

I have been of the belief that the whole Q thing is a social media outreach by the campaign, with plausible deniability. Now that the campaign is over? It has pretty much gone silent, it is no longer being funded. The folks that were running it have abandoned their posts.

Here is the feed.

The last vid was deleted from YouTube, but this is it;

Some of it was based on truth, some on disinformation, some on misinformation, and some, just to manipulate folks emotionally.

Either way, you should never trust anyone except yourself, or someone you know in person. . . at least not unless you verify their identity.

. . . certainly not an anonymous poster on the internet. This was probably a good way for the Trump campaign to funnel and hide funds, sort of their "BLM" operation. Of course, theirs did not mobilize near the number of folks, nor cause any death. . . oh wait, that lady got killed today.

But, I don't see folks pooring into the streets. . . mostly b/c the left have the media and the spin I suppose.

Both campaigns were doing real shady crap this time around.

. . . sort of like last time.


So it was accurate except when it wasn't.

You know what else is? Guessing.
Wow. I watched that months and months and months ago.

I have been of the belief that the whole Q thing is a social media outreach by the campaign, with plausible deniability. Now that the campaign is over? It has pretty much gone silent, it is no longer being funded. The folks that were running it have abandoned their posts.

Here is the feed.

The last vid was deleted from YouTube, but this is it;

Some of it was based on truth, some on disinformation, some on misinformation, and some, just to manipulate folks emotionally.

Either way, you should never trust anyone except yourself, or someone you know in person. . . at least not unless you verify their identity.

. . . certainly not an anonymous poster on the internet. This was probably a good way for the Trump campaign to funnel and hide funds, sort of their "BLM" operation. Of course, theirs did not mobilize near the number of folks, nor cause any death. . . oh wait, that lady got killed today.

But, I don't see folks pooring into the streets. . . mostly b/c the left have the media and the spin I suppose.

Both campaigns were doing real shady crap this time around.

. . . sort of like last time.


So it was accurate except when it wasn't.

You know what else is? Guessing.

If there were not parts that were based on reality. . . that never would have had the following that it mustered.

I never took it seriously, and of course, you didn't either.

With that said, there were, and are, some very really issues that were and are addressed by that movement that have not been addressed by the establishment. You have to go out of your way to look for it. But it is there.

The establishment continues to ignore them at it's peril.

I like you Skylar, don't try to gaslight and make fun of reality that doesn't suit your narrative.
Wow. I watched that months and months and months ago.

I have been of the belief that the whole Q thing is a social media outreach by the campaign, with plausible deniability. Now that the campaign is over? It has pretty much gone silent, it is no longer being funded. The folks that were running it have abandoned their posts.

Here is the feed.

The last vid was deleted from YouTube, but this is it;

Some of it was based on truth, some on disinformation, some on misinformation, and some, just to manipulate folks emotionally.

Either way, you should never trust anyone except yourself, or someone you know in person. . . at least not unless you verify their identity.

. . . certainly not an anonymous poster on the internet. This was probably a good way for the Trump campaign to funnel and hide funds, sort of their "BLM" operation. Of course, theirs did not mobilize near the number of folks, nor cause any death. . . oh wait, that lady got killed today.

But, I don't see folks pooring into the streets. . . mostly b/c the left have the media and the spin I suppose.

Both campaigns were doing real shady crap this time around.

. . . sort of like last time.


So it was accurate except when it wasn't.

You know what else is? Guessing.

If there were not parts that were based on reality. . . that never would have had the following that it mustered.

As the existence of a robust flat earth movement demonstrates rather elegantly, reality has jack shit to do with a following when you're dealing with conspiracy theorists.

I never took it seriously, and of course, you didn't either.

I checked the predictions with reality. I could have done better with a magic 8 ball.

All you're going to see is a new conspiracy to explain the failure of the old conspiracy. Its garden variety soothing of cognitive dissonance we've seen with every 'prediction' cult since When Prophecy Fails.

With that said, there were, and are, some very really issues that were and are addressed by that movement that have not been addressed by the establishment. You have to go out of your way to look for it. But it is there.

Tom Hanks supposedly being a leader of a satanic cannibalist pedophile cult bent on world domination needs addressing?

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