Interesting book I have read recently about doing God's will... not whining... etc

i think it is only fair to warn you of such things as this:

That organization is not a truly Christian one.

the true Christian religion of necessity has to go back to the time of Christ and the 12. Obviously Smith does not..

The Catholic Church (which does trace its popes back to St Peter) accepts the baptisms of Methodists, Lutherans and others. It does not accept LDS baptisms.. There is a reason for that...

But the most important thing I would like to say is that... again, you are in a false religion. You'd be better off to go to the ... I dunno... assemblies of God, who actually dislike Catholicism quite a bit but it would be better for you tobe there than lds
Already responded. Your claim is false.
you are free to believe whatever you choose.

and God gives u the freedom to end up in Hell...

freedom is not always the best thing...
I agree. You are free to believe whatever you want to choose. You can still believe in the Pope and Vatican 2. It will lead you down to hell for a while in spirit prison. Just be sure to listen intently to the missionaries in hell that are teaching and you will be elevated to Paradise. Freedom is always a great thing to have. Choose wisely...
I agree. You are free to believe whatever you want to choose. You can still believe in the Pope and Vatican 2. It will lead you down to hell for a while in spirit prison. Just be sure to listen intently to the missionaries in hell that are teaching and you will be elevated to Paradise. Freedom is always a great thing to have. Choose wisely...
this post shows you don't even bother reading my posts...(since you got something very wrong), therefore, why should I try to have a grown up conversation w/ you?

you are only interested, it seems, in hearing yourself talk... you don't know what I believe or how I live or think or anything much about me, yet you sit there and tell me wht I believe and think and live...

you need help... and since I can't give it... No one knows anything but you... guess i will take my worthless ass outa here
this post shows you don't even bother reading my posts...(since you got something very wrong), therefore, why should I try to have a grown up conversation w/ you?

you are only interested, it seems, in hearing yourself talk... you don't know what I believe or how I live or think or anything much about me, yet you sit there and tell me wht I believe and think and live...

you need help... and since I can't give it... No one knows anything but you... guess i will take my worthless ass outa here
I just parroted back what you wrote to me. So, I did read your post. But apparently you don't even know what you are posting.
I can't recall the name of this small book but it was about accepting God's will and not whining and losing your faith over every little thing that comes down the pike, every plan of yours that goes south on you.

It says that whatever happens to you is from God... hard to believe. THe author knows that's hard to believe/accept because of all the evil that can and does happen to us and eveyrone else...

explains that the evil done in the world is not from God but God (obviously) allows it because He wants such and such to happen to you for His own purposes...

okay... I can u/stand that, have had such a thought myself, just was not sure whether it was just my own thought or what the heck...

anyway... more later.. I'm kind of tired just from contemplating all this stuff...
The scriptures teach that God allows men to make freewill decisions to either sin by choice or choose righteousness over unrighteousness. Examples exist proving that God does not control the free will actions of men.....but holds them accountable for the decisions they make, either bad or good. (Genesis 6:6), ".......And it REPENTED THE LORD that He had made man on earth, and it grieved Him at His heart." The previous verse states why God repented (turned away) from men and was made to grieve in His heart. (Genesis 6:5), ".......God saw the wickedness of men was great on the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil (only evil implies there was a choice between evil and good) continually."

God could never have been grieved in His heart.......nor could He have repented from making men on earth....if everything is preplanned. Not even the God of Creation can look into a future that does not yet exist and is dependent upon the free agents of men's thoughts and the very laws of nature that control His all His creations throughout the universe.

What does God plan for the Butterfly effect? Its illogical to assume that God would create laws to govern men and nature and then dismiss them every time there is a hiccup in nature or a bad thought made by mankind. God creates and allows that which He has created to exist naturally. God has no respect of person, meaning that the rain falls on the just and the unjust equally.....God did not make robots...........its all about simply choosing the truth that God has chosen to reveal to mankind.

Its the Truth that shall set you free. (John 8:32)

The scriptures teach that God does not change.......ever, but His plans are not always totally fixed. In some cases He chooses certain men to accomplish certain things before they are even born but He does not control the thoughts of those He might choose for a plan that He has made. He states what He plans to do in the future while it is the present.........then He being an all omnipotent, all omniscient, and omnipresent God, manipulates His creations at a point in time He has planned for in advance.

In some matters, God has purposed and revealed that something will happen in the future. He has with certainty predestined or foreordained that this act will be done. In such a case He knows His plans will be accomplished. Why does He know this? Does He know this because He has looked into a future that is always in a state of flux, depending upon the free will choices of men? No. He knows this because He is always faithful to do as He has spoken or promised. He is not only faithful to keep His promises, He has the complete and total authority to do what He has planned.....regardless if He has planned it for next year, next century, or a 1000 years from now..........He does this because He is God......the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent Creator of everything that is seen by men.

Its declared exactly as this in scriptures. He plans in the present for an event or action to take place in the future......and then at a time of His choosing He being God........controls nature and men to make His plan complete. Who is going to stop Him?

"For I am God, there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do My pleasure." -- Isaiah 46:9-10

The past is gone forever and cannot be changed.........the future has not yet happened and can be changed by planning for it with the assumption there will be a tomorrow, that's why they call the PRESENT a gift, as we have no promise of tomorrow. Enjoy your each day as if it is your last, for one day it will be. Be respectful of others, choose good over evil, and accept nothing less from those who would oppose that truth.
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