Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice, Racism, Conservatism


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

By Rebecca Searles

Are racists dumb? Do conservatives tend to be less intelligent than liberals? A provocative new study from Brock University in Ontario suggests the answer to both questions may be a qualified yes.

The study, published in Psychological Science, showed that people who score low on I.Q. tests in childhood are more likely to develop prejudiced beliefs and socially conservative politics in adulthood.

I.Q., or intelligence quotient, is a score determined by standardized tests, but whether the tests truly reveal intelligence remains a topic of hot debate among psychologists.

Dr. Gordon Hodson, a professor of psychology at the university and the study's lead author, said the finding represented evidence of a vicious cycle: People of low intelligence gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, which stress resistance to change and, in turn, prejudice, he told LiveScience.

Why might less intelligent people be drawn to conservative ideologies? Because such ideologies feature "structure and order" that make it easier to comprehend a complicated world, Dodson said. "Unfortunately, many of these features can also contribute to prejudice," he added.

Dr. Brian Nosek, a University of Virginia psychologist, echoed those sentiments.

"Reality is complicated and messy," he told The Huffington Post in an email. "Ideologies get rid of the messiness and impose a simpler solution. So, it may not be surprising that people with less cognitive capacity will be attracted to simplifying ideologies."

Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice, Racism, Conservatism

Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes

Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice | Racism, Bias & Politics | Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology | LiveScience
Then why is it you liberals who keep repeating the same threads over and over? doesnt sound very smart to me.
It's a rehash of the same spinning all over again. The old, if you repeat a lie often enough ruse, some are wired to fall for it. :dunno:
With what Republicans are doing to teachers and education funding, sadly the Klan may rise again.
With what Republicans are doing to teachers and education funding, sadly the Klan may rise again.

You mean making education about the children and not the unions?

Yeah, that's really going to cause the Klan to rise again. That is typically what happens when Democrats get angry.
With what Republicans are doing to teachers and education funding, sadly the Klan may rise again.

Between you and Vampiric ya both spin so much each of you alone could create a class 5 tornado. God forbid you two ever meet in person, the devastation would be catastrophic.

By Rebecca Searles

Are racists dumb? Do conservatives tend to be less intelligent than liberals? A provocative new study from Brock University in Ontario suggests the answer to both questions may be a qualified yes.

The study, published in Psychological Science, showed that people who score low on I.Q. tests in childhood are more likely to develop prejudiced beliefs and socially conservative politics in adulthood.

I.Q., or intelligence quotient, is a score determined by standardized tests, but whether the tests truly reveal intelligence remains a topic of hot debate among psychologists.

Dr. Gordon Hodson, a professor of psychology at the university and the study's lead author, said the finding represented evidence of a vicious cycle: People of low intelligence gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, which stress resistance to change and, in turn, prejudice, he told LiveScience.

Why might less intelligent people be drawn to conservative ideologies? Because such ideologies feature "structure and order" that make it easier to comprehend a complicated world, Dodson said. "Unfortunately, many of these features can also contribute to prejudice," he added.

Dr. Brian Nosek, a University of Virginia psychologist, echoed those sentiments.

"Reality is complicated and messy," he told The Huffington Post in an email. "Ideologies get rid of the messiness and impose a simpler solution. So, it may not be surprising that people with less cognitive capacity will be attracted to simplifying ideologies."

Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice, Racism, Conservatism

Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes

Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice | Racism, Bias & Politics | Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology | LiveScience

I was reading an interesting article that looked at the differences in brain structure between samples of people who identified themselves as liberal and people who identified as conserative. The study indicates that conservatives have larger amygdalas while liberals have larger anterior cingulate cortexes.

The amygdala is involved with memory and processing emotional reactions. This suggest that conservatives are more efficient at processing threats.

The anterior cingulate cortex is involved with several autonomic functions, such as regulating blood pressure and heart rate, as well as rational cognitive functions like reward anticipation, decision-making, empathy and emotion. This means that liberals may be more efficient at managing conflicting information

Current Biology - Political Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure in Young Adults

This study says that liberals, on average, have higher IQ's than conservatives:

Why Liberals and Atheists Are More Intelligent
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I wonder how much of our hard earned money was spent by this bigot to prove to himself that his hate was legitimate?

good lord, how the hell did any of us ever get out of HS let alone get any degree on the planet?

The fact that leftist fall for this bigotry just goes to show how sheep like they really are.
I wonder how much of our hard earned money was spent by this bigot to prove to himself that his hate was legitimate?

good lord, how the hell did any of us ever get out of HS let alone get any degree on the planet?

The fact that leftist fall for this bigotry just goes to show how sheep like they really are.

The studies aren't saying that conservatives are particularly dumb. They simply indicate that, on average, liberals are smarter.
I wonder how much of our hard earned money was spent by this bigot to prove to himself that his hate was legitimate?

good lord, how the hell did any of us ever get out of HS let alone get any degree on the planet?

The fact that leftist fall for this bigotry just goes to show how sheep like they really are.

The studies aren't saying that conservatives are particularly dumb. They simply indicate that, on average, liberals are smarter.

It's bigotry.

there's study after study that say blacks are not as smart as whites or are lazier.

Everyone with an IQ calls that hate and bigotry, but here you are, cheering.

Please note, that I am calling you and every liberal that eats this shit up, bigots.
I wonder how much of our hard earned money was spent by this bigot to prove to himself that his hate was legitimate?

good lord, how the hell did any of us ever get out of HS let alone get any degree on the planet?

The fact that leftist fall for this bigotry just goes to show how sheep like they really are.

The studies aren't saying that conservatives are particularly dumb. They simply indicate that, on average, liberals are smarter.

It's bigotry.

there's study after study that say blacks are not as smart as whites or are lazier.

Everyone with an IQ calls that hate and bigotry, but here you are, cheering.

Please note, that I am calling you and every liberal that eats this shit up, bigots.

If there is evidence to support it, then why not discuss it? That is not bigotry. Bigotry is self-serving stereotyping.
The studies aren't saying that conservatives are particularly dumb. They simply indicate that, on average, liberals are smarter.

It's bigotry.

there's study after study that say blacks are not as smart as whites or are lazier.

Everyone with an IQ calls that hate and bigotry, but here you are, cheering.

Please note, that I am calling you and every liberal that eats this shit up, bigots.

If there is evidence to support it, then why not discuss it? That is not bigotry. Bigotry is self-serving stereotyping.

Lie to yourself all you want.

you, lakota, rdean, flaygo, ravi, etc, ect,, are all bigots.

If you weren't, you would be demanding to know why your tax dollars were wasted on such useless research. since you are not, you are a bigot.
It's bigotry.

there's study after study that say blacks are not as smart as whites or are lazier.

Everyone with an IQ calls that hate and bigotry, but here you are, cheering.

Please note, that I am calling you and every liberal that eats this shit up, bigots.

If there is evidence to support it, then why not discuss it? That is not bigotry. Bigotry is self-serving stereotyping.

Lie to yourself all you want.

you, lakota, rdean, flaygo, ravi, etc, ect,, are all bigots.

If you weren't, you would be demanding to know why your tax dollars were wasted on such useless research. since you are not, you are a bigot.

:lol: You do realize that you are calling me a bigot at the same time you are generalizing a group of people, right?

I wonder how much of our hard earned money was spent by this bigot to prove to himself that his hate was legitimate?

good lord, how the hell did any of us ever get out of HS let alone get any degree on the planet?

The fact that leftist fall for this bigotry just goes to show how sheep like they really are.

The studies aren't saying that conservatives are particularly dumb. They simply indicate that, on average, liberals are smarter.

It's bigotry.

there's study after study that say blacks are not as smart as whites or are lazier.

Everyone with an IQ calls that hate and bigotry, but here you are, cheering.

Please note, that I am calling you and every liberal that eats this shit up, bigots.
Hi TWO THUMBS,you make a very good point but I would like to add that there are very smart folk on both sides of the political spectrum........and in equal amounts stupid asses.

I reckon that both sides have so much in common anyway,the defineing line is Conservatives by nature are not likers(not lickers or liquers)of rapid change...they love the status contrast Liberals feel its incumbent on themselves to move for change......from both viewpoints there are often difficulties,because in America there is such a schism,between the opposing sides.which manifests itself in hatred,this I find immensely strange because you all say you love America,but this does not translate in to loving Americans/each other........all this created by a decision to support one political party or the other.....methinks you hold these mortals in too high esteem.
In Australia who ever is in power we just get on with it and if we don't like what the Government are doing,we can vote them out at the next thing we don't do is hate/dislike whatever....each other with such horrible venom.....its just not in our make up.
Even during the Presidential Candidature for the Republican nominee.....I have never seen people who are on the same side,dispising each others candidate,again with such venom......maybe I am missing something here?????Can you answer me this as I am not American as you know......if say Romeny ends up the victor in this present battle,DO ALL THE REPUBS.,WHO CAN'T STAND HIM......THEN VOTE FOR HIM AGAINST PRESUMABLY OBAMA,or do they just not vote,when the time comes.
just asking.....theliq in a little:doubt:but still:cool::lol::lol:
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I have also noticed a correlation between racism, sexism and low intelligence.

However that is a trend not an absolute.

I had an uncle whose IQ was extraordinarily high.

He was the most racist misogynist I ever knew. (he was butch gay and a sexual predator of young boys).

He hated the Irish, the italians, and most other ethnics, but he really hated Jews and Blacks the most.

He loved J. Edgar Hoover, Truman and all things authoritarian. He was a rabid anti-communist, he hated hippies and all things he percieved as feminine.

An artillary officer who served during the Korean conflict, he was dumped out of the military (probably for being queer, but he got an honorable).

So then this Columbia graduate, taught college for a while before he started working for fortune 500 companies as an efficiency auditor.

My point here is that thinking that all HATERS are stupid is a mistake.
It's bigotry.

there's study after study that say blacks are not as smart as whites or are lazier.

Everyone with an IQ calls that hate and bigotry, but here you are, cheering.

Please note, that I am calling you and every liberal that eats this shit up, bigots.

If there is evidence to support it, then why not discuss it? That is not bigotry. Bigotry is self-serving stereotyping.

Lie to yourself all you want.

you, lakota, rdean, flaygo, ravi, etc, ect,, are all bigots.

If you weren't, you would be demanding to know why your tax dollars were wasted on such useless research. since you are not, you are a bigot.
Then why is it you liberals who keep repeating the same threads over and over? doesnt sound very smart to me.

We keep repeating the same threads over and over because the neo-cons are so slow that they need things explained over and over. :eusa_whistle:
The studies aren't saying that conservatives are particularly dumb. They simply indicate that, on average, liberals are smarter.

It's bigotry.

there's study after study that say blacks are not as smart as whites or are lazier.

Everyone with an IQ calls that hate and bigotry, but here you are, cheering.

Please note, that I am calling you and every liberal that eats this shit up, bigots.
Hi TWO THUMBS,you make a very good point but I would like to add that there are very smart folk on both sides of the political spectrum........and in equal amounts stupid asses.

I reckon that both sides have so much in common anyway,the defineing line is Conservatives by nature are not likers(not lickers or liquers)of rapid change...they love the status contrast Liberals feel its incumbent on themselves to move for change......from both viewpoints there are often difficulties,because in America there is such a schism,between the opposing sides.which manifests itself in hatred,this I find immensely strange because you all say you love America,but this does not translate in to loving Americans/each other........all this created by a decision to support one political party or the other.....methinks you hold these mortals in too high esteem.
In Australia who ever is in power we just get on with it and if we don't like what the Government are doing,we can vote them out at the next thing we don't do is hate/dislike whatever....each other with such horrible venom.....its just not in our make up.
Even during the Presidential Candidature for the Republican nominee.....I have never seen people who are on the same side,dispising each others candidate,again with such venom......maybe I am missing something here?????Can you answer me this as I am not American as you know......if say Romeny ends up the victor in this present battle,DO ALL THE REPUBS.,WHO CAN'T STAND HIM......THEN VOTE FOR HIM AGAINST PRESUMABLY OBAMA,or do they just not vote,when the time comes.
just asking.....theliq in a little:doubt:but still:cool::lol::lol:

Most will vote for Romney, some will vote Paul, if he 3rd parties again, some will not vote.

My feeling is it's more important to rid ourselves of Obama than get that "perfect" candidate.

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