Intel: ISIS planning attacks on U.S. soil Cells already in place for spring, summer offensive


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
With the obomanation UNABLE to call the muslim terrorists, muslim terrorists, these people feel almost invulnerable with their barbaric acts!

wnd ^
Egypt, now at the forefront of fighting ISIS, is warning it has intelligence revealing the global jihadist group is planning a worldwide offensive this spring or summer that could reach targets within the United States. Interrogations of ISIS members captured in recent weeks in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula Egyptian and information collected by Egyptian security forces indicate ISIS is planning ground offensives this spring and summer aimed at taking over more territory across the Middle Eastern and Persian Gulf, a senior Egyptian intelligence official told WND. Some of the information indicates the new offensive will not be limited to the...
With the obomanation UNABLE to call the muslim terrorists, muslim terrorists, these people feel almost invulnerable with their barbaric acts!

wnd ^
Egypt, now at the forefront of fighting ISIS, is warning it has intelligence revealing the global jihadist group is planning a worldwide offensive this spring or summer that could reach targets within the United States. Interrogations of ISIS members captured in recent weeks in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula Egyptian and information collected by Egyptian security forces indicate ISIS is planning ground offensives this spring and summer aimed at taking over more territory across the Middle Eastern and Persian Gulf, a senior Egyptian intelligence official told WND. Some of the information indicates the new offensive will not be limited to the...

They are probably coming after you because you ratted them out with this hard hitting report!
With the obomanation UNABLE to call the muslim terrorists, muslim terrorists, these people feel almost invulnerable with their barbaric acts!

wnd ^
Egypt, now at the forefront of fighting ISIS, is warning it has intelligence revealing the global jihadist group is planning a worldwide offensive this spring or summer that could reach targets within the United States. Interrogations of ISIS members captured in recent weeks in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula Egyptian and information collected by Egyptian security forces indicate ISIS is planning ground offensives this spring and summer aimed at taking over more territory across the Middle Eastern and Persian Gulf, a senior Egyptian intelligence official told WND. Some of the information indicates the new offensive will not be limited to the...

Well, good to see somebody is interrogating those sobs..... sure why wouldnt they try to hit targets in the US.
With the obomanation UNABLE to call the muslim terrorists, muslim terrorists, these people feel almost invulnerable with their barbaric acts!

wnd ^
Egypt, now at the forefront of fighting ISIS, is warning it has intelligence revealing the global jihadist group is planning a worldwide offensive this spring or summer that could reach targets within the United States. Interrogations of ISIS members captured in recent weeks in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula Egyptian and information collected by Egyptian security forces indicate ISIS is planning ground offensives this spring and summer aimed at taking over more territory across the Middle Eastern and Persian Gulf, a senior Egyptian intelligence official told WND. Some of the information indicates the new offensive will not be limited to the...

Well, good to see somebody is interrogating those sobs..... sure why wouldnt they try to hit targets in the US.
They're practically being invited by our president.
With the obomanation UNABLE to call the muslim terrorists, muslim terrorists, these people feel almost invulnerable with their barbaric acts!

wnd ^
Egypt, now at the forefront of fighting ISIS, is warning it has intelligence revealing the global jihadist group is planning a worldwide offensive this spring or summer that could reach targets within the United States. Interrogations of ISIS members captured in recent weeks in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula Egyptian and information collected by Egyptian security forces indicate ISIS is planning ground offensives this spring and summer aimed at taking over more territory across the Middle Eastern and Persian Gulf, a senior Egyptian intelligence official told WND. Some of the information indicates the new offensive will not be limited to the...

Well, good to see somebody is interrogating those sobs..... sure why wouldnt they try to hit targets in the US.
They're practically being invited by our president.

I cant go that far because I dont have any proof of that. But I do believe He like many well meaning liberals, believe that the United States is the cause of all the worlds problems. And I think that he and his Administration were shocked and caught off guard when the Arab Spring didnt turn out to be what they thought it would. I think hes being forced to be a lot tougher than he wants to be. I just think were going to get caught off guard again
What's sad is that a few guys supposedly affiliated with ISIS will perpetrate a terrorist attack in the US,

and the warmonger chorus on the right will claim, in unison, that somehow we could have stopped it if we had had more troops in the ME.
With the obomanation UNABLE to call the muslim terrorists, muslim terrorists, these people feel almost invulnerable with their barbaric acts!

wnd ^
Egypt, now at the forefront of fighting ISIS, is warning it has intelligence revealing the global jihadist group is planning a worldwide offensive this spring or summer that could reach targets within the United States. Interrogations of ISIS members captured in recent weeks in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula Egyptian and information collected by Egyptian security forces indicate ISIS is planning ground offensives this spring and summer aimed at taking over more territory across the Middle Eastern and Persian Gulf, a senior Egyptian intelligence official told WND. Some of the information indicates the new offensive will not be limited to the...

Wouldn't surprise me at all since we haven't closed our borders and we keep letting these assholes from the ME into our country.

It will take the deaths of Americans in America before those Clowns in DC get off their fat asses and do what should have been done decades ago.

Secure the fucking border and stop letting these Middle Eastern assholes into the US.
It's only a matter of time when they hit the US again.

Don't expect it to unify anyone though, progressives will only double down on their Muslim support and nothing will be done about Muslim immigration policy.
What's sad is that a few guys supposedly affiliated with ISIS will perpetrate a terrorist attack in the US,

and the warmonger chorus on the right will claim, in unison, that somehow we could have stopped it if we had had more troops in the ME.

and your fellow islamo Nazi pigs will scream ----
"not monolithic"-----"WE DO IT TO THEM" ----
"FALSE FLAG"----and spit in the faces of the victims
of the filth you enjoy more and more each day
Do not worry, the left is making sure transgenders are not being treated unfairly in the military. So, all is good in their obama bot world.

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