Integrity On Sale

OK then, you have stated your position as thinking Hillary is a crook, and you will be voting 3rd party to show your disgust with both repubs and dems. I accept that as a more than reasonable position.

Now it's my turn to commend you...on your vivid imagination. :p

Wow, is that how YOU talk to people who commend your view? Who would have thunk it!

As they say going South.............don't let the White House door hit you in the derriere as you and your party are unceremoniously removed from power, state power included-) Remember, if we win the White House, your people control, absolutely NOTHING, ZILCH, forget about it!
I am telling you, there is no reason at all to treat any of them with respect. Ever hear of the myth of sysiphus?

It is very related to that.
OK then, you have stated your position as thinking Hillary is a crook, and you will be voting 3rd party to show your disgust with both repubs and dems. I accept that as a more than reasonable position.

Now it's my turn to commend you...on your vivid imagination. :p

Wow, is that how YOU talk to people who commend your view? Who would have thunk it!

As they say going South.............don't let the White House door hit you in the derriere as you and your party are unceremoniously removed from power, state power included-) Remember, if we win the White House, your people control, absolutely NOTHING, ZILCH, forget about it!
I am telling you, there is no reason at all to treat any of them with respect. Ever hear of the myth of sysiphus?

It is very related to that.

I will look it up, since I am ignorant of it.

Change your mind yet?

If not, mind if I keep trying without going overboard?
OK then, you have stated your position as thinking Hillary is a crook, and you will be voting 3rd party to show your disgust with both repubs and dems. I accept that as a more than reasonable position.

Now it's my turn to commend you...on your vivid imagination. :p

Wow, is that how YOU talk to people who commend your view? Who would have thunk it!

As they say going South.............don't let the White House door hit you in the derriere as you and your party are unceremoniously removed from power, state power included-) Remember, if we win the White House, your people control, absolutely NOTHING, ZILCH, forget about it!
I am telling you, there is no reason at all to treat any of them with respect. Ever hear of the myth of sysiphus?

It is very related to that.

I will look it up, since I am ignorant of it.

Change your mind yet?

If not, mind if I keep trying without going overboard?
About the writing on the wall and implosion of our country due to 60 years of left wing policy/marxist/socialist bullshit?

Which includes the rinos who promise us this that and the other and then immediately support these policies by pretending to stop them with their limp wristed efforts.

No, not much you can say to convince me that we are in real trouble.
OK then, you have stated your position as thinking Hillary is a crook, and you will be voting 3rd party to show your disgust with both repubs and dems. I accept that as a more than reasonable position.

Now it's my turn to commend you...on your vivid imagination. :p

Wow, is that how YOU talk to people who commend your view? Who would have thunk it!

As they say going South.............don't let the White House door hit you in the derriere as you and your party are unceremoniously removed from power, state power included-) Remember, if we win the White House, your people control, absolutely NOTHING, ZILCH, forget about it!
I am telling you, there is no reason at all to treat any of them with respect. Ever hear of the myth of sysiphus?

It is very related to that.

I will look it up, since I am ignorant of it.

Change your mind yet?

If not, mind if I keep trying without going overboard?
About the writing on the wall and implosion of our country due to 60 years of left wing policy/marxist/socialist bullshit?

Which includes the rinos who promise us this that and the other and then immediately support these policies by pretending to stop them with their limp wristed efforts.

No, not much you can say to convince me that we are in real trouble.

MrOwl, I am in no way trying to convince you that we are not in real trouble. In fact, I see our position as perilous.

Rather, I am asking that you consider changing your mind on surrendering our country; the greatest country the world has ever been witness to, throwing up your hands, and giving up. The left picks us off, one, by one, by one, through total frustration. If you read these boards, you would think the left is winning, but nothing could be further from the truth! We are WINNING! The reality is, can they get us to give up, before we attain total power\, and then we the people, make them do it our way!

Now yes, we have got to get our own party under control, and yes.............establishment from both party's are against us, but ask the libertarian party how close they have ever been to foster change that we can actually deliver.

If any outside candidate can be elected, it proves conclusively that another one can, and will. It is up to us to make the 1st happen, to give others confidence to follow. Just as the left does, we move the bar a little at a time, and before you know it, you are in a more comfortable place.

To allow the left to open the floodgates is just foolish, is it not?

Your synopsis that it is to late, is counter productive. WHAT IF IT IS NOT? Then we have given away the farm, and the farm was still viable, we just didn't know it. What are the odds, we will ever rebuild it? Looking at the globe, not likely!

Resistance to all of the other threats America faced was something, as Americans, we HAD to do if we loved our country, and those who came after us. Imagine if the NAZIS had landed in Maine in 1943! Would we have surrendered? HELL NO! We would have thrown their asses back into the sea. What if they would have gotten within 10 miles of Washington? BULLSHIT! We would have dropped an atomic bomb on Berlin; been called nuts, but would have won the war! And you know what, the left would have called us WINGNUTS more than they do today, even though Truman was at the helm of the ship of state, as all of us proclaimed.....and rightfully so, it was the correct thing to do!

These enemies of the state are far less powerful than that which we faced then. These enemies talk propaganda, devise ways to split the electorate, prey on the promise of freebies. They do not face us with massive guns, they face us with phony words and phrases. And we surrender when we are not even required to fire a shot?

I do not think so! To believe they can win on lies, is to admit we are not talking enough truth. I will always check to see if we can win before I engage, and win we can, and much more easily than you can ever believe. It is the defining of winning that bothers you, and I know this. And to this I tell you, "that we have to walk before we can run; and not trying to walk lets the other side run over us!"

And so, wanna walk, gain speed, and run over the other side? Or rather, lie down, and let them run over us! Your choice, and I respect your decision.

Someone with the truth is hard to find, especially when dealing in words. Giving up until the DNC puts a gun to your head forcing you to, is exactly what they want, no matter what you believe the eventual outcome is. There is always a chance, which is why most of us.....especially left leaning the lotto. (although at 1.3 billion, I can understand why) The 1st step is get in power, 2nd step, change the narrative. Ask the left if I am wrong, since they are so good at it-)
Now it's my turn to commend you...on your vivid imagination. :p

Wow, is that how YOU talk to people who commend your view? Who would have thunk it!

As they say going South.............don't let the White House door hit you in the derriere as you and your party are unceremoniously removed from power, state power included-) Remember, if we win the White House, your people control, absolutely NOTHING, ZILCH, forget about it!
I am telling you, there is no reason at all to treat any of them with respect. Ever hear of the myth of sysiphus?

It is very related to that.

I will look it up, since I am ignorant of it.

Change your mind yet?

If not, mind if I keep trying without going overboard?
About the writing on the wall and implosion of our country due to 60 years of left wing policy/marxist/socialist bullshit?

Which includes the rinos who promise us this that and the other and then immediately support these policies by pretending to stop them with their limp wristed efforts.

No, not much you can say to convince me that we are in real trouble.

MrOwl, I am in no way trying to convince you that we are not in real trouble. In fact, I see our position as perilous.

Rather, I am asking that you consider changing your mind on surrendering our country; the greatest country the world has ever been witness to, throwing up your hands, and giving up. The left picks us off, one, by one, by one, through total frustration. If you read these boards, you would think the left is winning, but nothing could be further from the truth! We are WINNING! The reality is, can they get us to give up, before we attain total power\, and then we the people, make them do it our way!

Now yes, we have got to get our own party under control, and yes.............establishment from both party's are against us, but ask the libertarian party how close they have ever been to foster change that we can actually deliver.

If any outside candidate can be elected, it proves conclusively that another one can, and will. It is up to us to make the 1st happen, to give others confidence to follow. Just as the left does, we move the bar a little at a time, and before you know it, you are in a more comfortable place.

To allow the left to open the floodgates is just foolish, is it not?

Your synopsis that it is to late, is counter productive. WHAT IF IT IS NOT? Then we have given away the farm, and the farm was still viable, we just didn't know it. What are the odds, we will ever rebuild it? Looking at the globe, not likely!

Resistance to all of the other threats America faced was something, as Americans, we HAD to do if we loved our country, and those who came after us. Imagine if the NAZIS had landed in Maine in 1943! Would we have surrendered? HELL NO! We would have thrown their asses back into the sea. What if they would have gotten within 10 miles of Washington? BULLSHIT! We would have dropped an atomic bomb on Berlin; been called nuts, but would have won the war! And you know what, the left would have called us WINGNUTS more than they do today, even though Truman was at the helm of the ship of state, as all of us proclaimed.....and rightfully so, it was the correct thing to do!

These enemies of the state are far less powerful than that which we faced then. These enemies talk propaganda, devise ways to split the electorate, prey on the promise of freebies. They do not face us with massive guns, they face us with phony words and phrases. And we surrender when we are not even required to fire a shot?

I do not think so! To believe they can win on lies, is to admit we are not talking enough truth. I will always check to see if we can win before I engage, and win we can, and much more easily than you can ever believe. It is the defining of winning that bothers you, and I know this. And to this I tell you, "that we have to walk before we can run; and not trying to walk lets the other side run over us!"

And so, wanna walk, gain speed, and run over the other side? Or rather, lie down, and let them run over us! Your choice, and I respect your decision.

Someone with the truth is hard to find, especially when dealing in words. Giving up until the DNC puts a gun to your head forcing you to, is exactly what they want, no matter what you believe the eventual outcome is. There is always a chance, which is why most of us.....especially left leaning the lotto. (although at 1.3 billion, I can understand why) The 1st step is get in power, 2nd step, change the narrative. Ask the left if I am wrong, since they are so good at it-)
The Tea Party movement was the last chance. There was a real movement and it was working.

The left wing media crushed the movement and that is exactly what is going to happen to anyone that is a legit threat to the establishment. Which, is utterly dedicated to the new world order. The "outsiders" are always utterly marginalized or destroyed.

Look at what they did to Herman Cain and look at what they did to Dr Ben Carson. The left behind the mainstream media, behind our beloved education system, behind 90% of the entertainment industry has utterly seduced the youth.

We, are considered to be knuckle dragging flat earthers. I have been sick of pissing in the wind and pretending that there some magical candidate out there. Trump? Ok. Maybe.

I very seriously doubt he will actually be president. Personally, I cannot see him surviving what is planned for him. The lies and the dirt that we be dug up.....

Plus I think he will literally be "taken out" if he somehow wins the presidential.

I really do not see where this hope is coming from.
Wow, is that how YOU talk to people who commend your view? Who would have thunk it!

As they say going South.............don't let the White House door hit you in the derriere as you and your party are unceremoniously removed from power, state power included-) Remember, if we win the White House, your people control, absolutely NOTHING, ZILCH, forget about it!
I am telling you, there is no reason at all to treat any of them with respect. Ever hear of the myth of sysiphus?

It is very related to that.

I will look it up, since I am ignorant of it.

Change your mind yet?

If not, mind if I keep trying without going overboard?
About the writing on the wall and implosion of our country due to 60 years of left wing policy/marxist/socialist bullshit?

Which includes the rinos who promise us this that and the other and then immediately support these policies by pretending to stop them with their limp wristed efforts.

No, not much you can say to convince me that we are in real trouble.

MrOwl, I am in no way trying to convince you that we are not in real trouble. In fact, I see our position as perilous.

Rather, I am asking that you consider changing your mind on surrendering our country; the greatest country the world has ever been witness to, throwing up your hands, and giving up. The left picks us off, one, by one, by one, through total frustration. If you read these boards, you would think the left is winning, but nothing could be further from the truth! We are WINNING! The reality is, can they get us to give up, before we attain total power\, and then we the people, make them do it our way!

Now yes, we have got to get our own party under control, and yes.............establishment from both party's are against us, but ask the libertarian party how close they have ever been to foster change that we can actually deliver.

If any outside candidate can be elected, it proves conclusively that another one can, and will. It is up to us to make the 1st happen, to give others confidence to follow. Just as the left does, we move the bar a little at a time, and before you know it, you are in a more comfortable place.

To allow the left to open the floodgates is just foolish, is it not?

Your synopsis that it is to late, is counter productive. WHAT IF IT IS NOT? Then we have given away the farm, and the farm was still viable, we just didn't know it. What are the odds, we will ever rebuild it? Looking at the globe, not likely!

Resistance to all of the other threats America faced was something, as Americans, we HAD to do if we loved our country, and those who came after us. Imagine if the NAZIS had landed in Maine in 1943! Would we have surrendered? HELL NO! We would have thrown their asses back into the sea. What if they would have gotten within 10 miles of Washington? BULLSHIT! We would have dropped an atomic bomb on Berlin; been called nuts, but would have won the war! And you know what, the left would have called us WINGNUTS more than they do today, even though Truman was at the helm of the ship of state, as all of us proclaimed.....and rightfully so, it was the correct thing to do!

These enemies of the state are far less powerful than that which we faced then. These enemies talk propaganda, devise ways to split the electorate, prey on the promise of freebies. They do not face us with massive guns, they face us with phony words and phrases. And we surrender when we are not even required to fire a shot?

I do not think so! To believe they can win on lies, is to admit we are not talking enough truth. I will always check to see if we can win before I engage, and win we can, and much more easily than you can ever believe. It is the defining of winning that bothers you, and I know this. And to this I tell you, "that we have to walk before we can run; and not trying to walk lets the other side run over us!"

And so, wanna walk, gain speed, and run over the other side? Or rather, lie down, and let them run over us! Your choice, and I respect your decision.

Someone with the truth is hard to find, especially when dealing in words. Giving up until the DNC puts a gun to your head forcing you to, is exactly what they want, no matter what you believe the eventual outcome is. There is always a chance, which is why most of us.....especially left leaning the lotto. (although at 1.3 billion, I can understand why) The 1st step is get in power, 2nd step, change the narrative. Ask the left if I am wrong, since they are so good at it-)
The Tea Party movement was the last chance. There was a real movement and it was working.

The left wing media crushed the movement and that is exactly what is going to happen to anyone that is a legit threat to the establishment. Which, is utterly dedicated to the new world order. The "outsiders" are always utterly marginalized or destroyed.

Look at what they did to Herman Cain and look at what they did to Dr Ben Carson. The left behind the mainstream media, behind our beloved education system, behind 90% of the entertainment industry has utterly seduced the youth.

We, are considered to be knuckle dragging flat earthers. I have been sick of pissing in the wind and pretending that there some magical candidate out there. Trump? Ok. Maybe.

I very seriously doubt he will actually be president. Personally, I cannot see him surviving what is planned for him. The lies and the dirt that we be dug up.....

Plus I think he will literally be "taken out" if he somehow wins the presidential.

I really do not see where this hope is coming from.

Hope is there. It wasn't a cycle ago this could never happen. WE must do our best to make it happen.

And hey, if we can't, we did our best, and can wash our hands and proclaim, "we tried." We have a clear conscience because we fought tooth and nail. To fold up like a cheap tent, well that is a different story which our children, and grandchildren, will never forgive us for doing if the experts say what will happen, happens.

Not a great commitment unless deathly ill. 10 months from now marks the end. I spent more time in my employers restroom than that over my 31 years of service to them. My country, my children, and my grandchildren, deserve this commitment from me. I could have a losing position, but my conscience will be clear that I did everything I could do to fix, that which is broken. Maybe to little, to late. Still, if the GOP candidate gets elected, I haven't fixed it, if I fell asleep at the wheel.......AGAIN..............and let someone get in, who was another pretender without some sort of resistance.

Our biggest hurdle is the GOP, NOT THE DNC! You are probably going to be surprised how viable the GOP candidate is.

How you handle the information is up to you, but when you get to choose who will probably become the next President in the primaries, it is time to stand up, and impose YOUR WILL!
I am telling you, there is no reason at all to treat any of them with respect. Ever hear of the myth of sysiphus?

It is very related to that.

I will look it up, since I am ignorant of it.

Change your mind yet?

If not, mind if I keep trying without going overboard?
About the writing on the wall and implosion of our country due to 60 years of left wing policy/marxist/socialist bullshit?

Which includes the rinos who promise us this that and the other and then immediately support these policies by pretending to stop them with their limp wristed efforts.

No, not much you can say to convince me that we are in real trouble.

MrOwl, I am in no way trying to convince you that we are not in real trouble. In fact, I see our position as perilous.

Rather, I am asking that you consider changing your mind on surrendering our country; the greatest country the world has ever been witness to, throwing up your hands, and giving up. The left picks us off, one, by one, by one, through total frustration. If you read these boards, you would think the left is winning, but nothing could be further from the truth! We are WINNING! The reality is, can they get us to give up, before we attain total power\, and then we the people, make them do it our way!

Now yes, we have got to get our own party under control, and yes.............establishment from both party's are against us, but ask the libertarian party how close they have ever been to foster change that we can actually deliver.

If any outside candidate can be elected, it proves conclusively that another one can, and will. It is up to us to make the 1st happen, to give others confidence to follow. Just as the left does, we move the bar a little at a time, and before you know it, you are in a more comfortable place.

To allow the left to open the floodgates is just foolish, is it not?

Your synopsis that it is to late, is counter productive. WHAT IF IT IS NOT? Then we have given away the farm, and the farm was still viable, we just didn't know it. What are the odds, we will ever rebuild it? Looking at the globe, not likely!

Resistance to all of the other threats America faced was something, as Americans, we HAD to do if we loved our country, and those who came after us. Imagine if the NAZIS had landed in Maine in 1943! Would we have surrendered? HELL NO! We would have thrown their asses back into the sea. What if they would have gotten within 10 miles of Washington? BULLSHIT! We would have dropped an atomic bomb on Berlin; been called nuts, but would have won the war! And you know what, the left would have called us WINGNUTS more than they do today, even though Truman was at the helm of the ship of state, as all of us proclaimed.....and rightfully so, it was the correct thing to do!

These enemies of the state are far less powerful than that which we faced then. These enemies talk propaganda, devise ways to split the electorate, prey on the promise of freebies. They do not face us with massive guns, they face us with phony words and phrases. And we surrender when we are not even required to fire a shot?

I do not think so! To believe they can win on lies, is to admit we are not talking enough truth. I will always check to see if we can win before I engage, and win we can, and much more easily than you can ever believe. It is the defining of winning that bothers you, and I know this. And to this I tell you, "that we have to walk before we can run; and not trying to walk lets the other side run over us!"

And so, wanna walk, gain speed, and run over the other side? Or rather, lie down, and let them run over us! Your choice, and I respect your decision.

Someone with the truth is hard to find, especially when dealing in words. Giving up until the DNC puts a gun to your head forcing you to, is exactly what they want, no matter what you believe the eventual outcome is. There is always a chance, which is why most of us.....especially left leaning the lotto. (although at 1.3 billion, I can understand why) The 1st step is get in power, 2nd step, change the narrative. Ask the left if I am wrong, since they are so good at it-)
The Tea Party movement was the last chance. There was a real movement and it was working.

The left wing media crushed the movement and that is exactly what is going to happen to anyone that is a legit threat to the establishment. Which, is utterly dedicated to the new world order. The "outsiders" are always utterly marginalized or destroyed.

Look at what they did to Herman Cain and look at what they did to Dr Ben Carson. The left behind the mainstream media, behind our beloved education system, behind 90% of the entertainment industry has utterly seduced the youth.

We, are considered to be knuckle dragging flat earthers. I have been sick of pissing in the wind and pretending that there some magical candidate out there. Trump? Ok. Maybe.

I very seriously doubt he will actually be president. Personally, I cannot see him surviving what is planned for him. The lies and the dirt that we be dug up.....

Plus I think he will literally be "taken out" if he somehow wins the presidential.

I really do not see where this hope is coming from.

Hope is there. It wasn't a cycle ago this could never happen. WE must do our best to make it happen.

And hey, if we can't, we did our best, and can wash our hands and proclaim, "we tried." We have a clear conscience because we fought tooth and nail. To fold up like a cheap tent, well that is a different story which our children, and grandchildren, will never forgive us for doing if the experts say what will happen, happens.

Not a great commitment unless deathly ill. 10 months from now marks the end. I spent more time in my employers restroom than that over my 31 years of service to them. My country, my children, and my grandchildren, deserve this commitment from me. I could have a losing position, but my conscience will be clear that I did everything I could do to fix, that which is broken. Maybe to little, to late. Still, if the GOP candidate gets elected, I haven't fixed it, if I fell asleep at the wheel.......AGAIN..............and let someone get in, who was another pretender without some sort of resistance.

Our biggest hurdle is the GOP, NOT THE DNC! You are probably going to be surprised how viable the GOP candidate is.

How you handle the information is up to you, but when you get to choose who will probably become the next President in the primaries, it is time to stand up, and impose YOUR WILL!
Well fight the good fight.

That Is all well and good. I am sick and tired of pretending to like these intolerant, intolerable, hypocritical, patronizing racists.

They are arrogant, ignorant as hell, stubborn and they are not worthy of respect.

Look at this new piece of shit thinking that my signature reflects my racism.

That is what they all are. Hey, fight the good fight.

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