Instead of partying and worshipping Trump why aren't the

Who does this remind you of?

"Nobody talks more of free enterprise and competition and of the best man winning than the man who inherited his father's store or farm."
-- C. Wright Mills, 1951
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So, you really don't think that a rich man doesn't create jobs? Last I heard someone that can build a yacht, needs plenty of skilled workers. Maintaining them yachts isn't cheap either. Boarding them isn't cheap. Maintenance on one isn't cheap. The crew isn't cheap, and certainly the taxes aren't cheap. Unless you are John Kerry and dock your yacht in another mariner, where the taxes are cheaper than where you live.

Marie Antoinette ALSO needed lots of gardeners for Versailles....ow did THAT work out for her???

(are you opting for a job as Trump's valet.....LOL)
If the pay was there, then yes. See how that works?
Yeah it is sickening and we saw this before. Obama comes quickly to mind.

Except Obama couldn't back up his talk with substantive action. Trump is actually doing things.
Yeah he’s doing a lot of things alright. Letting polluters rewrite EPA policies, removing Wall St. regulations that were put in place to prevent another financial meltdown, giving hunters permission to shoot hibernating bears and their cubs, weakening consumer protections..
Yes he’s been a busy guy screwing the United States in between his 10 hours of TV watching per day.
Yes there is some truth there, but since when have we not had to endure a fuck up as POTUS?
Since Prez Obama. He did NONE of those things.
True. He did much worse.

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