Instacart lowers its pay again. Slavery on the rise in America. Jobs all over the country lowering pay. No Democrats are speaking up about this

Who will stand up for the Instacart employees being treated like slaves like they ain’t nothing to worry about.

Who will stand up for the Instacart employees being treated like slaves like they ain’t nothing to worry about.

Again, slavery doesn't mean what you think it means. Being exploited isn't the same

All of these workers still have every constitutional right. Enslaved people were turned into property so they could be stripped of every right. Instacart can't beat them, mutilate them, castrate them, rape them or murder them. Slave owners could. Instacart employees don't have children that are born enslaved. Actual enslaved people did.

You're stretching hyperbole to the point of absurdity.

Exploitation is awful, agreed. But its a mother's kiss to actual enslavement.
We're not the one's that attacked the capitol. That's your ilk. We're not the one's that have called for the termination of the constitution. That's your ilk. We're not the one's that created fraudulent election certifications to try and overturn a lawful election. That's your ilk. We're not the one's that roamed the halls of the capitol calling for the execution of the Vice President. That's your ilk.

Nor are we the ones calling for civil war. That's your ilk.
Smoke another one troll.
And fix the stolen elections. Democrats learned how to cheat nationally.

Or you just lost and are being whiny little bitches about it.

Every law enforcement investigation (state or federal), every court case, every count, every recount, every hand count, every machine count, every audit, every forensic audit, every certified result, every electoral vote has the same result:

A Biden landslide.
Smoke another one troll.

Ignore as you will. The 1000+ MAGA defendants who attacked the capitol and are currently indicted for it don't have your luxury of wilful ignorance.

And you closing your eyes certainly doesn't prevent me or anyone else from watching videos your ilk attacking the capitol to try and overthrow a lawful election.
No wonder the US government is legalizing drugs across this country they want people so stoned out of their mind they don’t care that they’re living in squalor while the CEOs live in mansions.

Wasn’t like this back in the day. We had better CEOs back in the day. And we had a better government.
Whose going to stand up for the blackworking man and white working man in this country. What a bunch of criminals in the US government what a bunch of a lousy people in the Democrat party… they used to stand up for the workingman. Now they are a party of anti-Americanism and racism. The Democrats preach racism, and they don’t care about the workingman
When Instacart first came about the shopper was shopping for one person making $.40 per item and there was all sorts of incentives involved like an extra five dollars at the order was over $200. Those incentives are now gone and so is the $.40 per item pay.

Now, in the video in the original post, by the way, there are other videos detailing the lowering of pay on Instacart. But sure occasionally the shopper might still have a good day, but all together the pay has been lower drastically.

So, on Instacart workload has increased, but the pay has lowered. This is a bad situation. You might as well call it slavery or indentured servitude. This is why more Americans are going on government assistance. So they rely on the government for rent assistance for Social Security. This is not the American dream. This is completely unacceptable.

And check this out nowadays Instacart wants shoppers to shop for two or three people at the same time making far less money than they did when they had to shop for one person. The writings on the wall will this galvanize, the Democrats of America God willing it does. Because this is the cause of the workingman.

What about the black Americans , white Americans the LGBT Americans working these jobs their life matters. Who is going to step up? Who’s going to look out for them.

God bless everybody.
Used to get an extra $2.00 for every 5-star customer rating....No more.

For about a year if not more, Instacart drastically lowering their pay. Where are the Democrats on this thing? Where is AOC on this thing. Who is going to take a stand for the workingman and working woman in this country. Come on now Democrats be the party of the workingman.
Or you just lost and are being whiny little bitches about it.

Every law enforcement investigation (state or federal), every court case, every count, every recount, every hand count, every machine count, every audit, every forensic audit, every certified result, every electoral vote has the same result:

A Biden landslide.
Sure pal. 81 million. You're a moron if you believe that.

I have a friend who does Instacart and they have lowered their minimum batch pay from seven dollars to five dollars. This is a company that has also stolen tips from workers. Same thing with Door Dash. Door Dash recently lower their minimum pay from 3 dollars to $2.50 before tip.

And all across the country companies are lowering their pay. This is a shocking thing, and it is leading to drug use, depression, mass crime mass poverty. One of the ugliest times in American history. And Democrats who used to champion The causes of the workingman have brainwashed some of their base into talking about BLM and trans rights. This is a crime against humanity. This is an infringement of human rights but in the end God will prevail, and our Lord Jesus Will right the wrongs. Praise be to God I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

So much for the CEO of Instacart, a female so much for female empowerment. This is a monster who has continuously lowered the pay their workers and is treating her workers like slaves.

Your Jesus ain't gonna do anything about it.
PS. I'm so pleased that y'all Christians let a piece of garbage like Trump shit all over your faith. Trump made hypocrites and liars out of every one of you yahoos.
Sure pal. 81 million. You're a moron if you believe that.

I'm not saying 81 million. The certified results of the State are.

Y'all have had *years* to back the Big Lie grift with actual evidence. Sidney Powell herself insisted in her own court filings that no reasonable person would take her election fraud claims as statements of fact. Y'all been laughed out of every court to hear your blithering nonsense.

Literally every single case, without exception, has resulted in humiliating Big Lie failure.

Its not us. It you.

For about a year if not more, Instacart drastically lowering their pay. Where are the Democrats on this thing? Where is AOC on this thing. Who is going to take a stand for the workingman and working woman in this country. Come on now Democrats be the party of the workingman.

The uploaded of that YouTube video is beautiful. What a beautiful lady, a hard-working person what a great smile ….and to think that her pay is getting drastically lowered even more so than last year because that video above is from last year. Who will stand up for that working lady for that working woman putting in the hours putting in the time in the effort. Come on now Democrats step it up.!!!!

These are the real issues to galvanize the people you gotta look out for lovely Americans like that woman above. She’s got a child to support. This is the issue to protest. .

There is no other issues to protest in America. These are the issues to protest the downfall of the middle class. This is what we should be seeing on the streets of America protests because of Instacart. Lowering their pay, Door Dash and other companies lowering their pay and treating workers like slaves.

We ain’t gonna take this anymore.
The upload her of that YouTube video is beautiful. What a beautiful lady, a hard-working person what a great smile and I think that her pay is getting drastically lowered even more so than last year because that video above is from last year. Who will stand up for that working lady for that working woman putting in the hours putting in the time in the effort. Come on now Democrats step it up.!!!!
She just needs to find a better job.
No wonder the US government is legalizing drugs across this country they want people so stoned out of their mind they don’t care that they’re living in squalor while the CEOs live in mansions.

Whose going to stand up for the blackworking man and white working man in this country.






There's *some* legitimacy to the "wealth inequality" argument in today's atmosphere of corporate oligarchs.

Take the reaction to the FaixiFlu, for example...How many of the "essential businesses" weren't big corporate operators?

Look at who got wealthy beyond avarice by being arbitrarily deemed "essential", and who was told to go eat worms.

Normally, I'm all in on the valid point that one man being wealthy deprives you and me of nothing....But that's under more-or-less normal circumstances...That's not how the nation is operating today.

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