Insight-saudi Arabia Fears Yemeni Tumult May Boost Its Main Foe Iran

Perhaps its time that tomorrow we begin a little history about Iran, which will explain why everyone is mad and or jealous of Iran.

go for it, Penelope. I cannot wait-------uhm---are you Iranian? I have an Iranian sister-in-law-------and in the course of my life---lots of Iranian friends-----both muslim and jews

That is good, then you can give insight into what life in Iran is like today. I was thinking of the 1900's, up to today. No I'm not Iranian nor do I know anyone who is. (that I know of as I do not ask).

Your comment is idiotic-----I have known Iranians since the midsixties when jewish kids were showing up in my town----being sent to the US by their parents from Iran-----something like the kids sent to England from Germany in the 1930s-----to protect them fron Nazis like you.. Then---I came into contact with both muslim and jewish doctors ----from Iran. I do not know Iranians living in Iran today. do you?

I know many Iranians in my city, both Muslims and Jews. In fact, if Penelope had the opportunity to speak to them, they would tell her that they miss the Shah. Imagine that -- thousands and thousands of Iranians left because they didn't want to live under those religious crazies. In the entertainment section of the Los Angeles Times, there was once an interview with an Iranian Muslim comic. He said that every time he visit the relatives in Iran, his cousins ask him how they too can come to America to live. I wouldn't be surprised if many Iranians want to come to America also.

Are you talking the wealthy ones, yes I'm sure they did well under the Shah.

I am not interested in what unhappy people have to say , I am more interested in the history, I bet there are many unhappy people in SA as well and even in the US.

Since you are so unaware of the status of Iranians here in the U.S., there are many who are wealthy, many who have good jobs like other Americans do such as engineers and doctors, and there are many who are just getting by. However, they were glad to get out of Iran or else they would have stayed and lived under those crazy religious fanatics The sad things is that some of the men stayed to run their businesses and sent their wives and children to live in the U.S. I can only think of one husband who eventually came to the U.S. because he was ill.
Perhaps its time that tomorrow we begin a little history about Iran, which will explain why everyone is mad and or jealous of Iran.

go for it, Penelope. I cannot wait-------uhm---are you Iranian? I have an Iranian sister-in-law-------and in the course of my life---lots of Iranian friends-----both muslim and jews

That is good, then you can give insight into what life in Iran is like today. I was thinking of the 1900's, up to today. No I'm not Iranian nor do I know anyone who is. (that I know of as I do not ask).

Your comment is idiotic-----I have known Iranians since the midsixties when jewish kids were showing up in my town----being sent to the US by their parents from Iran-----something like the kids sent to England from Germany in the 1930s-----to protect them fron Nazis like you.. Then---I came into contact with both muslim and jewish doctors ----from Iran. I do not know Iranians living in Iran today. do you?

I know many Iranians in my city, both Muslims and Jews. In fact, if Penelope had the opportunity to speak to them, they would tell her that they miss the Shah. Imagine that -- thousands and thousands of Iranians left because they didn't want to live under those religious crazies. In the entertainment section of the Los Angeles Times, there was once an interview with an Iranian Muslim comic. He said that every time he visit the relatives in Iran, his cousins ask him how they too can come to America to live. I wouldn't be surprised if many Iranians want to come to America also.

Of course they miss the Shah, the Iranians that left were wealthy and part of the power elite. The Shah's secret police, the SAVAK, was far more brutal than anything in Iran today.
Most of the Shah worshipping Iranian people who left Iran were Jews.

Unfortunately, the majority resettled in the U.S. ....... :cool:

Yes the wealthy Persian Jews settled around Beverly Hills after the revolution , which they say the grand architect is mainly thanks to Persia.

Explaining Beverly Hills Persian Palaces - Curbed LA

I lived on the east coast----I don't know any Iranians from Beverly hills-------but I do know lots of muslim Iranians-----why did they leave? In fact----most of the Iranians I know are muslims----some are jews. The jews were leaving long before the Iranian muslims started to run from the Nazi filth you adore. The Iranian jews ---way back in the 60s were completely impoverished------they were supported by jews in my town------something like the jews who fled your Nazi filth in the 1930s---from germany

Hey maybe talk to the British and US for putting the Shah in, I guess Israel also like him.

gee---you GUESS---quite a bit----don't you know anything? -----you do know islamo Nazi pig propaganda-------"the USA and Britain FORCED the shah on Iran'-----very good islamo Nazi parrot that you are. ----now the GOOD GUYS are in power OK fine with me

Its a fact Israel did like the Shah, the Shah recognized Israel as a state, the first Arab country, and also the Shah piped that nice Iranian OIL to Israel, which ended after the end of the Shah.

Irosie , you name calling makes you look weak and stupid.
Perhaps its time that tomorrow we begin a little history about Iran, which will explain why everyone is mad and or jealous of Iran.

If you think that everyone is jealous of Iran, perhaps you can tell us why thousands and thousands of Iranians left for greener pastures, even climbing over mountains to get out. By the way, folks, do you realize the way you can tell an Iranian home in Southern California? They have at least two columns out front and usually a very high entrance way. Someone sent me some pictures of Tehran, and it showed these columns out front, and the older Iranians here are trying to emulate this. Even when smaller, old houses are being renovated, up go the columns. Some of the much. much larger houses even have lion heads as decorations in addition to the columns. Maybe Penelope, since she wants us to believe that she knows so much about the history of Iran, is contemplating having columns put up also.

Here read about the Mountain Jews
Mountain Jews - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Perhaps its time that tomorrow we begin a little history about Iran, which will explain why everyone is mad and or jealous of Iran.

If you think that everyone is jealous of Iran, perhaps you can tell us why thousands and thousands of Iranians left for greener pastures, even climbing over mountains to get out. By the way, folks, do you realize the way you can tell an Iranian home in Southern California? They have at least two columns out front and usually a very high entrance way. Someone sent me some pictures of Tehran, and it showed these columns out front, and the older Iranians here are trying to emulate this. Even when smaller, old houses are being renovated, up go the columns. Some of the much. much larger houses even have lion heads as decorations in addition to the columns. Maybe Penelope, since she wants us to believe that she knows so much about the history of Iran, is contemplating having columns put up also.

Here read about the Mountain Jews
Mountain Jews - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Instead of me reading about the Mountain Jews in Wikipedia (find me something about them in a regular encyclopedia and then I might read about them), how about you try to find something about a documentary which was filmed in Iran several years ago that was shown on T.V. here. You can hear the reporter talking to some Iranian youths up in the mountains where they go to smoke marijuana because they are disgusted with what is happening in their country and they try to get away from it for a while. Tell you what, Penelope. Why don't you trade places with one of the Iranians who would love to leave that country and move to the West? It seems you would be quite happy living under those crazy Ayatollahs. When you tell them that you hate the Jews as much as they do, they will be ecstatic.
Instead of me reading about the Mountain Jews in Wikipedia (find me something about them in a regular encyclopedia and then I might read about them), how about you try to find something about a documentary which was filmed in Iran several years ago that was shown on T.V. here. You can hear the reporter talking to some Iranian youths up in the mountains where they go to smoke marijuana because they are disgusted with what is happening in their country and they try to get away from it for a while.
Dumber than dirt Silly-Sally won't accept Wikipedia as a reliable source.

But she will totally believe a Youtube video about some weed smoking Iranian stoners saying they don't like their country. ...... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:
Perhaps its time that tomorrow we begin a little history about Iran, which will explain why everyone is mad and or jealous of Iran.

If you think that everyone is jealous of Iran, perhaps you can tell us why thousands and thousands of Iranians left for greener pastures, even climbing over mountains to get out. By the way, folks, do you realize the way you can tell an Iranian home in Southern California? They have at least two columns out front and usually a very high entrance way. Someone sent me some pictures of Tehran, and it showed these columns out front, and the older Iranians here are trying to emulate this. Even when smaller, old houses are being renovated, up go the columns. Some of the much. much larger houses even have lion heads as decorations in addition to the columns. Maybe Penelope, since she wants us to believe that she knows so much about the history of Iran, is contemplating having columns put up also.

Here read about the Mountain Jews
Mountain Jews - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Instead of me reading about the Mountain Jews in Wikipedia (find me something about them in a regular encyclopedia and then I might read about them), how about you try to find something about a documentary which was filmed in Iran several years ago that was shown on T.V. here. You can hear the reporter talking to some Iranian youths up in the mountains where they go to smoke marijuana because they are disgusted with what is happening in their country and they try to get away from it for a while. Tell you what, Penelope. Why don't you trade places with one of the Iranians who would love to leave that country and move to the West? It seems you would be quite happy living under those crazy Ayatollahs. When you tell them that you hate the Jews as much as they do, they will be ecstatic.

Well perhaps if your read a Wiki article and follow the footnotes, you might learn something , or something may lead you to anther source. Right now all there really is Britannica , which isn't any more accurate. The maj of stuff on Wiki is rather accurate but of course with everything you must read the footnotes and decide if the source is reliable.

I am not interested in life in Iran today, Iran is their own country ok, if you want to look at a very suppressed people look no further than SA or the Palestinians.

You'd rather bash Iran as you listen to the Israel propaganda and think its your duty to bash Iran, Iran has a history one you should respect.

PS: I don't hate anyone, but I have little use for the Israel gov or some of the Zionist that think their your know what smells like perfume.
Perhaps its time that tomorrow we begin a little history about Iran, which will explain why everyone is mad and or jealous of Iran.

go for it, Penelope. I cannot wait-------uhm---are you Iranian? I have an Iranian sister-in-law-------and in the course of my life---lots of Iranian friends-----both muslim and jews

That is good, then you can give insight into what life in Iran is like today. I was thinking of the 1900's, up to today. No I'm not Iranian nor do I know anyone who is. (that I know of as I do not ask).

Your comment is idiotic-----I have known Iranians since the midsixties when jewish kids were showing up in my town----being sent to the US by their parents from Iran-----something like the kids sent to England from Germany in the 1930s-----to protect them fron Nazis like you.. Then---I came into contact with both muslim and jewish doctors ----from Iran. I do not know Iranians living in Iran today. do you?

I know many Iranians in my city, both Muslims and Jews. In fact, if Penelope had the opportunity to speak to them, they would tell her that they miss the Shah. Imagine that -- thousands and thousands of Iranians left because they didn't want to live under those religious crazies. In the entertainment section of the Los Angeles Times, there was once an interview with an Iranian Muslim comic. He said that every time he visit the relatives in Iran, his cousins ask him how they too can come to America to live. I wouldn't be surprised if many Iranians want to come to America also.

Of course they miss the Shah, the Iranians that left were wealthy and part of the power elite. The Shah's secret police, the SAVAK, was far more brutal than anything in Iran today.

Listen, Haniyah (or perhaps you are the guy who jumped in under her screen name and said your wife comes from Spain), you don't know everything even though you are trying to make people believe you do. Many Iranians came out, rich and poor, because they didn't want to live under those crazies. If a person behaved themselves in Iran (unlike those who were Communists), the Shah just left them alone. Perhaps you like it that now those crazies imprison young Baha'i women and the guards rape them the night before they are to be killed because Mohammed said to never kill a virgin. Maybe you could get a job in an Iranian prison and you can do the same. Just tell them a little lie -- that you are a Shiite and not Sunni, and they will welcome you with open arms.
Perhaps its time that tomorrow we begin a little history about Iran, which will explain why everyone is mad and or jealous of Iran.

If you think that everyone is jealous of Iran, perhaps you can tell us why thousands and thousands of Iranians left for greener pastures, even climbing over mountains to get out. By the way, folks, do you realize the way you can tell an Iranian home in Southern California? They have at least two columns out front and usually a very high entrance way. Someone sent me some pictures of Tehran, and it showed these columns out front, and the older Iranians here are trying to emulate this. Even when smaller, old houses are being renovated, up go the columns. Some of the much. much larger houses even have lion heads as decorations in addition to the columns. Maybe Penelope, since she wants us to believe that she knows so much about the history of Iran, is contemplating having columns put up also.

Here read about the Mountain Jews
Mountain Jews - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Instead of me reading about the Mountain Jews in Wikipedia (find me something about them in a regular encyclopedia and then I might read about them), how about you try to find something about a documentary which was filmed in Iran several years ago that was shown on T.V. here. You can hear the reporter talking to some Iranian youths up in the mountains where they go to smoke marijuana because they are disgusted with what is happening in their country and they try to get away from it for a while. Tell you what, Penelope. Why don't you trade places with one of the Iranians who would love to leave that country and move to the West? It seems you would be quite happy living under those crazy Ayatollahs. When you tell them that you hate the Jews as much as they do, they will be ecstatic.

Well perhaps if your read a Wiki article and follow the footnotes, you might learn something , or something may lead you to anther source. Right now all there really is Britannica , which isn't any more accurate. The maj of stuff on Wiki is rather accurate but of course with everything you must read the footnotes and decide if the source is reliable.

I am not interested in life in Iran today, Iran is their own country ok, if you want to look at a very suppressed people look no further than SA or the Palestinians.

You'd rather bash Iran as you listen to the Israel propaganda and think its your duty to bash Iran, Iran has a history one you should respect.

PS: I don't hate anyone, but I have little use for the Israel gov or some of the Zionist that think their your know what smells like perfume.

All you are telling the viewers, Penelope is that you are a woman with nothing else to do but post on forums. Get a life!!! There are many oppressed people in the world of today, but a Jew hater like you closes your eyes to it. Hurry up and start a chapter of a Nazi Bund in your area. You can call yourself Ilsa Koch the Second, and this way you will have some sort of social life which appears non existence at the moment.. By the way, South Africa is in bad shape these days. Read up on how the Somalis are leaving that country to return home even though their country is a dangerous place.
Perhaps its time that tomorrow we begin a little history about Iran, which will explain why everyone is mad and or jealous of Iran.

If you think that everyone is jealous of Iran, perhaps you can tell us why thousands and thousands of Iranians left for greener pastures, even climbing over mountains to get out. By the way, folks, do you realize the way you can tell an Iranian home in Southern California? They have at least two columns out front and usually a very high entrance way. Someone sent me some pictures of Tehran, and it showed these columns out front, and the older Iranians here are trying to emulate this. Even when smaller, old houses are being renovated, up go the columns. Some of the much. much larger houses even have lion heads as decorations in addition to the columns. Maybe Penelope, since she wants us to believe that she knows so much about the history of Iran, is contemplating having columns put up also.

Here read about the Mountain Jews
Mountain Jews - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Instead of me reading about the Mountain Jews in Wikipedia (find me something about them in a regular encyclopedia and then I might read about them), how about you try to find something about a documentary which was filmed in Iran several years ago that was shown on T.V. here. You can hear the reporter talking to some Iranian youths up in the mountains where they go to smoke marijuana because they are disgusted with what is happening in their country and they try to get away from it for a while. Tell you what, Penelope. Why don't you trade places with one of the Iranians who would love to leave that country and move to the West? It seems you would be quite happy living under those crazy Ayatollahs. When you tell them that you hate the Jews as much as they do, they will be ecstatic.

Well perhaps if your read a Wiki article and follow the footnotes, you might learn something , or something may lead you to anther source. Right now all there really is Britannica , which isn't any more accurate. The maj of stuff on Wiki is rather accurate but of course with everything you must read the footnotes and decide if the source is reliable.

I am not interested in life in Iran today, Iran is their own country ok, if you want to look at a very suppressed people look no further than SA or the Palestinians.

You'd rather bash Iran as you listen to the Israel propaganda and think its your duty to bash Iran, Iran has a history one you should respect.

PS: I don't hate anyone, but I have little use for the Israel gov or some of the Zionist that think their your know what smells like perfume.

All you are telling the viewers, Penelope is that you are a woman with nothing else to do but post on forums. Get a life!!! There are many oppressed people in the world of today, but a Jew hater like you closes your eyes to it. Hurry up and start a chapter of a Nazi Bund in your area. You can call yourself Ilsa Koch the Second, and this way you will have some sort of social life which appears non existence at the moment.. By the way, South Africa is in bad shape these days. Read up on how the Somalis are leaving that country to return home even though their country is a dangerous place.
Perhaps its time that tomorrow we begin a little history about Iran, which will explain why everyone is mad and or jealous of Iran.

If you think that everyone is jealous of Iran, perhaps you can tell us why thousands and thousands of Iranians left for greener pastures, even climbing over mountains to get out. By the way, folks, do you realize the way you can tell an Iranian home in Southern California? They have at least two columns out front and usually a very high entrance way. Someone sent me some pictures of Tehran, and it showed these columns out front, and the older Iranians here are trying to emulate this. Even when smaller, old houses are being renovated, up go the columns. Some of the much. much larger houses even have lion heads as decorations in addition to the columns. Maybe Penelope, since she wants us to believe that she knows so much about the history of Iran, is contemplating having columns put up also.

Well they must be the Persian Jews .
Perhaps its time that tomorrow we begin a little history about Iran, which will explain why everyone is mad and or jealous of Iran.

If you think that everyone is jealous of Iran, perhaps you can tell us why thousands and thousands of Iranians left for greener pastures, even climbing over mountains to get out. By the way, folks, do you realize the way you can tell an Iranian home in Southern California? They have at least two columns out front and usually a very high entrance way. Someone sent me some pictures of Tehran, and it showed these columns out front, and the older Iranians here are trying to emulate this. Even when smaller, old houses are being renovated, up go the columns. Some of the much. much larger houses even have lion heads as decorations in addition to the columns. Maybe Penelope, since she wants us to believe that she knows so much about the history of Iran, is contemplating having columns put up also.

Here read about the Mountain Jews
Mountain Jews - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Instead of me reading about the Mountain Jews in Wikipedia (find me something about them in a regular encyclopedia and then I might read about them), how about you try to find something about a documentary which was filmed in Iran several years ago that was shown on T.V. here. You can hear the reporter talking to some Iranian youths up in the mountains where they go to smoke marijuana because they are disgusted with what is happening in their country and they try to get away from it for a while. Tell you what, Penelope. Why don't you trade places with one of the Iranians who would love to leave that country and move to the West? It seems you would be quite happy living under those crazy Ayatollahs. When you tell them that you hate the Jews as much as they do, they will be ecstatic.

Well perhaps if your read a Wiki article and follow the footnotes, you might learn something , or something may lead you to anther source. Right now all there really is Britannica , which isn't any more accurate. The maj of stuff on Wiki is rather accurate but of course with everything you must read the footnotes and decide if the source is reliable.

I am not interested in life in Iran today, Iran is their own country ok, if you want to look at a very suppressed people look no further than SA or the Palestinians.

You'd rather bash Iran as you listen to the Israel propaganda and think its your duty to bash Iran, Iran has a history one you should respect.

PS: I don't hate anyone, but I have little use for the Israel gov or some of the Zionist that think their your know what smells like perfume.

All you are telling the viewers, Penelope is that you are a woman with nothing else to do but post on forums. Get a life!!! There are many oppressed people in the world of today, but a Jew hater like you closes your eyes to it. Hurry up and start a chapter of a Nazi Bund in your area. You can call yourself Ilsa Koch the Second, and this way you will have some sort of social life which appears non existence at the moment.. By the way, South Africa is in bad shape these days. Read up on how the Somalis are leaving that country to return home even though their country is a dangerous place.

When people make personal attacks its because they have no other recourse.
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If you think that everyone is jealous of Iran, perhaps you can tell us why thousands and thousands of Iranians left for greener pastures, even climbing over mountains to get out. By the way, folks, do you realize the way you can tell an Iranian home in Southern California? They have at least two columns out front and usually a very high entrance way. Someone sent me some pictures of Tehran, and it showed these columns out front, and the older Iranians here are trying to emulate this. Even when smaller, old houses are being renovated, up go the columns. Some of the much. much larger houses even have lion heads as decorations in addition to the columns. Maybe Penelope, since she wants us to believe that she knows so much about the history of Iran, is contemplating having columns put up also.

Here read about the Mountain Jews
Mountain Jews - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Instead of me reading about the Mountain Jews in Wikipedia (find me something about them in a regular encyclopedia and then I might read about them), how about you try to find something about a documentary which was filmed in Iran several years ago that was shown on T.V. here. You can hear the reporter talking to some Iranian youths up in the mountains where they go to smoke marijuana because they are disgusted with what is happening in their country and they try to get away from it for a while. Tell you what, Penelope. Why don't you trade places with one of the Iranians who would love to leave that country and move to the West? It seems you would be quite happy living under those crazy Ayatollahs. When you tell them that you hate the Jews as much as they do, they will be ecstatic.

Well perhaps if your read a Wiki article and follow the footnotes, you might learn something , or something may lead you to anther source. Right now all there really is Britannica , which isn't any more accurate. The maj of stuff on Wiki is rather accurate but of course with everything you must read the footnotes and decide if the source is reliable.

I am not interested in life in Iran today, Iran is their own country ok, if you want to look at a very suppressed people look no further than SA or the Palestinians.

You'd rather bash Iran as you listen to the Israel propaganda and think its your duty to bash Iran, Iran has a history one you should respect.

PS: I don't hate anyone, but I have little use for the Israel gov or some of the Zionist that think their your know what smells like perfume.

All you are telling the viewers, Penelope is that you are a woman with nothing else to do but post on forums. Get a life!!! There are many oppressed people in the world of today, but a Jew hater like you closes your eyes to it. Hurry up and start a chapter of a Nazi Bund in your area. You can call yourself Ilsa Koch the Second, and this way you will have some sort of social life which appears non existence at the moment.. By the way, South Africa is in bad shape these days. Read up on how the Somalis are leaving that country to return home even though their country is a dangerous place.

Sally perhaps your the one who needs a life.

Penelope----you are in desperate need of the
"REMEDIAL ROOM". Your grammar is horrendous------you write as if you are a not-too-bright ten year old. Can you tell us what language they spoke at home when you were a kid----or what language you speak now----at home?

Instead of me reading about the Mountain Jews in Wikipedia (find me something about them in a regular encyclopedia and then I might read about them), how about you try to find something about a documentary which was filmed in Iran several years ago that was shown on T.V. here. You can hear the reporter talking to some Iranian youths up in the mountains where they go to smoke marijuana because they are disgusted with what is happening in their country and they try to get away from it for a while. Tell you what, Penelope. Why don't you trade places with one of the Iranians who would love to leave that country and move to the West? It seems you would be quite happy living under those crazy Ayatollahs. When you tell them that you hate the Jews as much as they do, they will be ecstatic.

Well perhaps if your read a Wiki article and follow the footnotes, you might learn something , or something may lead you to anther source. Right now all there really is Britannica , which isn't any more accurate. The maj of stuff on Wiki is rather accurate but of course with everything you must read the footnotes and decide if the source is reliable.

I am not interested in life in Iran today, Iran is their own country ok, if you want to look at a very suppressed people look no further than SA or the Palestinians.

You'd rather bash Iran as you listen to the Israel propaganda and think its your duty to bash Iran, Iran has a history one you should respect.

PS: I don't hate anyone, but I have little use for the Israel gov or some of the Zionist that think their your know what smells like perfume.

All you are telling the viewers, Penelope is that you are a woman with nothing else to do but post on forums. Get a life!!! There are many oppressed people in the world of today, but a Jew hater like you closes your eyes to it. Hurry up and start a chapter of a Nazi Bund in your area. You can call yourself Ilsa Koch the Second, and this way you will have some sort of social life which appears non existence at the moment.. By the way, South Africa is in bad shape these days. Read up on how the Somalis are leaving that country to return home even though their country is a dangerous place.

Sally perhaps your the one who needs a life.

Penelope----you are in desperate need of the
"REMEDIAL ROOM". Your grammar is horrendous------you write as if you are a not-too-bright ten year old. Can you tell us what language they spoke at home when you were a kid----or what language you speak now----at home?

You have nothing to add to the conversation except insults, you and Sally are like two peas in a pod. I am not intimidated by you, but obviously you are by me which is why you keep trying to insult me.
Last edited:
Instead of me reading about the Mountain Jews in Wikipedia (find me something about them in a regular encyclopedia and then I might read about them), how about you try to find something about a documentary which was filmed in Iran several years ago that was shown on T.V. here. You can hear the reporter talking to some Iranian youths up in the mountains where they go to smoke marijuana because they are disgusted with what is happening in their country and they try to get away from it for a while. Tell you what, Penelope. Why don't you trade places with one of the Iranians who would love to leave that country and move to the West? It seems you would be quite happy living under those crazy Ayatollahs. When you tell them that you hate the Jews as much as they do, they will be ecstatic.

Well perhaps if your read a Wiki article and follow the footnotes, you might learn something , or something may lead you to anther source. Right now all there really is Britannica , which isn't any more accurate. The maj of stuff on Wiki is rather accurate but of course with everything you must read the footnotes and decide if the source is reliable.

I am not interested in life in Iran today, Iran is their own country ok, if you want to look at a very suppressed people look no further than SA or the Palestinians.

You'd rather bash Iran as you listen to the Israel propaganda and think its your duty to bash Iran, Iran has a history one you should respect.

PS: I don't hate anyone, but I have little use for the Israel gov or some of the Zionist that think their your know what smells like perfume.

All you are telling the viewers, Penelope is that you are a woman with nothing else to do but post on forums. Get a life!!! There are many oppressed people in the world of today, but a Jew hater like you closes your eyes to it. Hurry up and start a chapter of a Nazi Bund in your area. You can call yourself Ilsa Koch the Second, and this way you will have some sort of social life which appears non existence at the moment.. By the way, South Africa is in bad shape these days. Read up on how the Somalis are leaving that country to return home even though their country is a dangerous place.

Sally perhaps your the one who needs a life.

Penelope----you are in desperate need of the
"REMEDIAL ROOM". Your grammar is horrendous------you write as if you are a not-too-bright ten year old. Can you tell us what language they spoke at home when you were a kid----or what language you speak now----at home?

You have nothing to add to the conversation except insults, you and Sally are like two peas in a pod. I am not intimidated by you, but obviously you are by me which is why you keep trying to insult me.

Actually, Penelope, nobody is intimated by you because anyone with any brain cells realizes that you are just an anti-Semitic little pipsqueak who has nothing else going on in her life except these forums. It is so obvious. As for the Persians, I am willing to bet that you have never sat down in their homes whether they are Muslim or Jewish, given refreshments or even a meal by them, and listened to their stories about home.
Well perhaps if your read a Wiki article and follow the footnotes, you might learn something , or something may lead you to anther source. Right now all there really is Britannica , which isn't any more accurate. The maj of stuff on Wiki is rather accurate but of course with everything you must read the footnotes and decide if the source is reliable.

I am not interested in life in Iran today, Iran is their own country ok, if you want to look at a very suppressed people look no further than SA or the Palestinians.

You'd rather bash Iran as you listen to the Israel propaganda and think its your duty to bash Iran, Iran has a history one you should respect.

PS: I don't hate anyone, but I have little use for the Israel gov or some of the Zionist that think their your know what smells like perfume.

All you are telling the viewers, Penelope is that you are a woman with nothing else to do but post on forums. Get a life!!! There are many oppressed people in the world of today, but a Jew hater like you closes your eyes to it. Hurry up and start a chapter of a Nazi Bund in your area. You can call yourself Ilsa Koch the Second, and this way you will have some sort of social life which appears non existence at the moment.. By the way, South Africa is in bad shape these days. Read up on how the Somalis are leaving that country to return home even though their country is a dangerous place.

Sally perhaps your the one who needs a life.

Penelope----you are in desperate need of the
"REMEDIAL ROOM". Your grammar is horrendous------you write as if you are a not-too-bright ten year old. Can you tell us what language they spoke at home when you were a kid----or what language you speak now----at home?

You have nothing to add to the conversation except insults, you and Sally are like two peas in a pod. I am not intimidated by you, but obviously you are by me which is why you keep trying to insult me.

Actually, Penelope, nobody is intimated by you because anyone with any brain cells realizes that you are just an anti-Semitic little pipsqueak who has nothing else going on in her life except these forums. It is so obvious. As for the Persians, I am willing to bet that you have never sat down in their homes whether they are Muslim or Jewish, given refreshments or even a meal by them, and listened to their stories about home.

Another intimidating post will not work Sally, and frankly my life is non of you business, you are a propaganda hate pusher for the Zionist political regime, nothing more than someone who mouths hatred.
Shiite fundamentalists are far more radical and deadly than Wahhabi Sunni's. ..... :cool:

Haha nice try Sunni Troll.

There is no person more violent, disgusting, hateful than the rotten Sunni Muslim.... :)
A cancer and a curse to this world :cool:
There is no reason to call names and post ugly responses Toasty Stalker.

If you want to believe the "tattoo" on the forearm is a sign of legitimacy than that is your prerogative.

But I find the whole idea quite unconvincing and borderline fraudulent. ..... :cool:
Right Sunni Troll. Sure you do :rolleyes:

Like I said, mocking the suffering/genocide of people is incredibly disgusting and only a scumbag would do such a thing.
BTW, do you have some sort of information to back up your stupid claims?
My guess is no, and you are just trolling for responses as usual :cool:
Of all the multifarious “symbols of the Holocaust” (and EVERYTHING about the Holocaust is symbolic), probably no symbol is more powerful than the “Holocaust tattoos” of the “Holocaust survivors”. Wherever you find Jews, you find “survivors”; wherever you find “survivors”, you find “Holocaust tattoos”. One “survivor” at a public meeting of some sort has the same sort of effect on the audience as a shot of curare or displaying a crucifix in front of a vampire: the “tattoos” (and the sob-stories with which they are inevitably accompanied), have a paralyzing effect on almost everyone who sees them; yet, astonishingly enough, apart from the tattoos themselves, there is not the slightest proof that the National Socialists tattooed anyone, ever, at Auschwitz or anywhere else.

Auschwitz Tattoo Hoax
First off, your link doesn't work.

Second, there is an incredible amount of proof of Holocaust tatoos during the Holocaust all over the internet, including much proof by respected historians.

You really are a disgusting Muslim Sunni Troll.

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