Inside Nancy Pelosi’s District: This Is Not What America Should Look Like

Alabama and Mississippi are the poorest states in America. If democrats are so bad what's your excuse for these embarrassing GOP strongholds?
An issue where affluence is, why do these areas self destruct when they reach a certain point.? A lot of people who were rugged made California what it became. Progs took over and love their experiments. Rich or poor, location helps. Also the South lost that civil war and has taken a time to recover and more important have investment. It was much more agrarian then the North before the conflict. It has great potential. Building the Costa Rican Canal would be a start. Then the Southern ports can modernize more. The road systems and infrastructure will blossom. Give Mexico a small cut of the ports and build railroads and a highway into Texas. California won't mind. Being as rich as they are.

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