Insane Biden refuses Djokovic entry to play Miami Open Tennis Tournament

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Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
Millions of illegals pouring in through our southern border have been welcomed by Biden and Democrats - no jab, no money, no political problems in their third world country, no problem.
Biden's hacks will give you free room and board, free cell phone, anything you need, just vote Democrat.
No citizenship required in Leftist La La Land.
Millions of illegals pouring in through our southern border have been welcomed by Biden and Democrats - no jab, no money, no political problems in their third world country, no problem.
Biden's hacks will give you free room and board, free cell phone, anything you need, just vote Democrat.
No citizenship required in Leftist La La Land.
I know... Multi-million dollar tennis players shouldn't have to abide by the rules... Those rules are people who are poor and fleeing oppression...
Millions of illegals pouring in through our southern border have been welcomed by Biden and Democrats - no jab, no money, no political problems in their third world country, no problem.
Biden's hacks will give you free room and board, free cell phone, anything you need, just vote Democrat.
No citizenship required in Leftist La La Land.
First define what you think the problem is at the Southern Border
The please tell us your solution to the Southern Border...
It's easy for a fellow living thousands of miles away in a country that does not have a southern border, isn't it?
Still can't define what you think is wrong down there....

I work in consulting and IT... Customer can't define his problem it is very unlikely going to get fixed...

By your standards anyone that doesn't live by the Soutern Boarder can understand it... Biden doesn't so why are expecting a solution from him... Either does the GOP Candidates..
Just shows how mean-spirited the dems are.....I bet it would be a whole other thing if the player was black.
There are rules... They are the rules...

You believe elite multimillion sports stars shouldn't follow the rules...

Campaign on that in the next election.
I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't let an undocumented alien compete regardless if he was vaccinated or not.

This isn't the first Rodeo to kick him to the curb for his anti-vac position either. That's freedom for you, ain't it great!
There are rules... They are the rules...

You believe elite multimillion sports stars shouldn't follow the rules...

Campaign on that in the next election.
Yeah, I guess he could go to our border and ask for asylum, get released with a court date, play, then say never mind.

I wonder if he would also get a tax break that way? ;)
Millions of illegals pouring in through our southern border have been welcomed by Biden and Democrats - no jab, no money, no political problems in their third world country, no problem.
Biden's hacks will give you free room and board, free cell phone, anything you need, just vote Democrat.
No citizenship required in Leftist La La Land.

Refugees are not "illegals", nor have millions of refugees been "welcomed" by anyone.

Do you have any factual information or are you just spouting FOX Lies "illegals"?
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