Injecting Data Along With Vaccine...Well that didnt take long

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Injecting Data Along With Vaccine

Wouldnā€™t it be handy if agents of Big Government could just flash a scanner at you and determine your vaccination status? That way they could keep holdouts out of school, away from public events, et cetera, without having to listen to complaints about medical privacy. It would make it easier for authorities to implement the policy that life ā€œneeds to be hardā€ for those who donā€™t get the jab, as advised by CNN medical analyst (and former head of the powerfully connected abortion chain Planned Parenthood) Leana Wen.

The technology is here. From MIT News, dated December 2019 (around the time Covid started tearing up Wuhan, having leaked for a US taxpayer-supported ChiCom lab):

Every year, a lack of vaccination leads to about 1.5 million preventable deaths, primarily in developing nations. One factor that makes vaccination campaigns in those nations more difficult is that there is little infrastructure for storing medical records, so thereā€™s often no easy way to determine who needs a particular vaccine.
MIT researchers have now developed a novel way to record a patientā€™s vaccination history: storing the data in a pattern of dye, invisible to the naked eye, that is delivered under the skin at the same time as the vaccine.
According to MIT postdoc Kevin McHugh, this could enable ā€œrapid and anonymous detection of patient vaccination history.ā€

The die emits near-infrared light that can be scanned with a smartphone. It is designed to be delivered by a microneedle patch along with a vaccine.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helped fund the research. According to MIT prof Robert Langer, ā€œthis ā€˜invisibleā€™ approach could create new possibilities for data storage, biosensing, and vaccine applications.ā€

The more data they learn to secretly store in your skin, the more useful vaccines will be. Potential applications are endless, especially after Bidenā€™s handlers impose their ChiCom-inspired credit rating scheme. They might use it like the Mark of the Beast, so no one can buy or sell unless they have been injected with the chip and are in the good graces of the government.

On tips from Wife of Jack S and Mr. Freemarket.

All links highlighted....or just scan the barcode on your forehead

Injecting Data Along With Vaccine

Wouldnā€™t it be handy if agents of Big Government could just flash a scanner at you and determine your vaccination status? That way they could keep holdouts out of school, away from public events, et cetera, without having to listen to complaints about medical privacy. It would make it easier for authorities to implement the policy that life ā€œneeds to be hardā€ for those who donā€™t get the jab, as advised by CNN medical analyst (and former head of the powerfully connected abortion chain Planned Parenthood) Leana Wen.

The technology is here. From MIT News, dated December 2019 (around the time Covid started tearing up Wuhan, having leaked for a US taxpayer-supported ChiCom lab):

According to MIT postdoc Kevin McHugh, this could enable ā€œrapid and anonymous detection of patient vaccination history.ā€

The die emits near-infrared light that can be scanned with a smartphone. It is designed to be delivered by a microneedle patch along with a vaccine.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helped fund the research. According to MIT prof Robert Langer, ā€œthis ā€˜invisibleā€™ approach could create new possibilities for data storage, biosensing, and vaccine applications.ā€

The more data they learn to secretly store in your skin, the more useful vaccines will be. Potential applications are endless, especially after Bidenā€™s handlers impose their ChiCom-inspired credit rating scheme. They might use it like the Mark of the Beast, so no one can buy or sell unless they have been injected with the chip and are in the good graces of the government.

On tips from Wife of Jack S and Mr. Freemarket.

All links highlighted....or just scan the barcode on your forehead
Yeah since they give you covid vax with a regular needle they wont be doing this. See the illustration of the delivery method below.

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Injecting Data Along With Vaccine

Wouldnā€™t it be handy if agents of Big Government could just flash a scanner at you and determine your vaccination status? That way they could keep holdouts out of school, away from public events, et cetera, without having to listen to complaints about medical privacy. It would make it easier for authorities to implement the policy that life ā€œneeds to be hardā€ for those who donā€™t get the jab, as advised by CNN medical analyst (and former head of the powerfully connected abortion chain Planned Parenthood) Leana Wen.

The technology is here. From MIT News, dated December 2019 (around the time Covid started tearing up Wuhan, having leaked for a US taxpayer-supported ChiCom lab):

According to MIT postdoc Kevin McHugh, this could enable ā€œrapid and anonymous detection of patient vaccination history.ā€

The die emits near-infrared light that can be scanned with a smartphone. It is designed to be delivered by a microneedle patch along with a vaccine.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helped fund the research. According to MIT prof Robert Langer, ā€œthis ā€˜invisibleā€™ approach could create new possibilities for data storage, biosensing, and vaccine applications.ā€

The more data they learn to secretly store in your skin, the more useful vaccines will be. Potential applications are endless, especially after Bidenā€™s handlers impose their ChiCom-inspired credit rating scheme. They might use it like the Mark of the Beast, so no one can buy or sell unless they have been injected with the chip and are in the good graces of the government.

On tips from Wife of Jack S and Mr. Freemarket.

All links highlighted....or just scan the barcode on your forehead

Injecting Data Along With Vaccine

Wouldnā€™t it be handy if agents of Big Government could just flash a scanner at you and determine your vaccination status? That way they could keep holdouts out of school, away from public events, et cetera, without having to listen to complaints about medical privacy. It would make it easier for authorities to implement the policy that life ā€œneeds to be hardā€ for those who donā€™t get the jab, as advised by CNN medical analyst (and former head of the powerfully connected abortion chain Planned Parenthood) Leana Wen.

The technology is here. From MIT News, dated December 2019 (around the time Covid started tearing up Wuhan, having leaked for a US taxpayer-supported ChiCom lab):

According to MIT postdoc Kevin McHugh, this could enable ā€œrapid and anonymous detection of patient vaccination history.ā€

The die emits near-infrared light that can be scanned with a smartphone. It is designed to be delivered by a microneedle patch along with a vaccine.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helped fund the research. According to MIT prof Robert Langer, ā€œthis ā€˜invisibleā€™ approach could create new possibilities for data storage, biosensing, and vaccine applications.ā€

The more data they learn to secretly store in your skin, the more useful vaccines will be. Potential applications are endless, especially after Bidenā€™s handlers impose their ChiCom-inspired credit rating scheme. They might use it like the Mark of the Beast, so no one can buy or sell unless they have been injected with the chip and are in the good graces of the government.

On tips from Wife of Jack S and Mr. Freemarket.

All links highlighted....or just scan the barcode on your forehead
Gates had this "technology" and was trying to sell it BEFORE COVID was even a thing-------He stands to make Billions if not more off it if it goes through. Not only selling this nonsense directly, BUT the INFORMATION that he will be able to obtain and SELL or USE against world is absolutely priceless.
Gates had this "technology" and was trying to sell it BEFORE COVID was even a thing-------He stands to make Billions if not more off it if it goes through. Not only selling this nonsense directly, BUT the INFORMATION that he will be able to obtain and SELL or USE against world is absolutely priceless.
Its just your vaccination records dumbass. Its not going to read your mind. Did you even read the link?
The only good democrats are dead democrats! :wink:
This is WAAAAY bigger than just being about one political party or the other. This is coming and people need to decide where they're willing to draw a line. If they don't they'll be rolled up into this thing and be unable to get away from it again. I think that people will be less filled with humor and mocking for the religious crazies when they realize that some of the things happening in their day-to-day lives look EXACTLY LIKE what is spoken of by John in the Book of Revelation. This is not the mark but it certainly looks like the kind of tech that will be used to accomplish the goals of the mark in our future.
This is WAAAAY bigger than just being about one political party or the other. This is coming and people need to decide where they're willing to draw a line. If they don't they'll be rolled up into this thing and be unable to get away from it again. I think that people will be less filled with humor and mocking for the religious crazies when they realize that some of the things happening in their day-to-day lives look EXACTLY LIKE what is spoken of by John in the Book of Revelation. This is not the mark but it certainly looks like the kind of tech that will be used to accomplish the goals of the mark in our future.
Do you have a cell phone? I know you have a computer.
Do you have a cell phone? I know you have a computer.
I have both and I'm fully aware that every move I make is tucked away in some NSA server. This stuff is wholly different. They're turning the heat up on the frogs in the water. You tell me... if they begin to DEMAND that everyone takes this "vaccine" and the refusers are charged with some crime or even if they are totally isolated socially, what do you suppose that government will feel free to demand, NEXT? All other issues aside, do you REALLY TRUST these liars?

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