Inhofe Exposes Global Warming Hoax


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe on Wednesday not only stood by his famous hoax declaration on global warming, but the Oklahoma Republican somewhat reluctantly tipped his hand on plans to publish a book.

“I won’t tell you what it’s about, but the name of the book is ‘The Hoax,’?” he said during testimony before a House subcommittee.

Inhofe was the lead-off witness at a somewhat contentious and lengthy hearing on a proposal that he and Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, are pushing essentially to kill the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to regulate greenhouse gases.

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, the other major attraction at the hearing, testified after Inhofe.

Inhofe and House Republicans on the subcommittee focused on what they consider the enormous costs of EPA’s efforts to regulate greenhouse emissions, the jobs that could be lost and the questions that, in their view, continue to surround climate change science.

Science is mixed, Inhofe said, but the economic impact is not.

“In other words, all pain for no climate gain,’’ he said in prepared remarks that he ignored so he could “ramble’’ through his testimony.

Even if one assumes the predictions of more droughts, floods, intense storms and cases of disease are true, Inhofe said, EPA’s expected regulations will not affect that.

Jackson and Democrats on the panel argued the debate over science is over, a consensus by the nation’s leading researches that climate change is occurring and why has been reached, and the U.S. economy can continue to grow while addressing the issue.
Inhofe, EPA administrator tackle greenhouse gas regulation | Tulsa World

2. The Environmental Protection Agency may have suppressed an internal report that was skeptical of claims about global warming, including whether carbon dioxide must be strictly regulated by the federal government, according to a series of newly disclosed e-mail messages.
EPA May Have Suppressed Report Skeptical Of Global Warming - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

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The only economic sector that will survive the EPA is the impotent, directly-subsidised, and over-hyped "green" industries. And if Obama has his way, it will be done at the expense of hundreds of thousands of jobs that actually contribute to the GDP of this country.
Inhofe, the completely owned whore for the energy corperations. are so fcukking politically stupid..................

Of course Inhofe is pwned by special interests.............

but............but ..........but..............

ALL of the global warming folks are pwned by the likes of the General Electrics of the world, chomping at the bit to produce billions and billions in inefficient and expensive 20th century technology like windmills and solar panels. Are you that politically fcukking naive not to know that s0n?????????????????? Thats what happens when you spend fcukking decades spending 5 or 6 days a week in the middle of a gigantic forest.

Im psyched the book is coming out............more public exposure of the great scam.
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How many times can a hoax be "exposed"?

The uninformed of us (NPR and MSNBC viewers) still believe what they're being spoon fed.
Gore lied, but Inhofe doesn't? I've got a bridge to sell you, then. Does he explain how we won't get warming, if GHGS keep going up? Without a cogent scientific explanation of how that could happen, I'd have to say he's a bought-and-paid-for stooge
How many times can a hoax be "exposed"?

The uninformed of us (NPR and MSNBC viewers) still believe what they're being spoon fed.

Nobody has yet exposed a hoax concerning AGW. In fact, with every passing day the evidence is more concrete that we have changed, and will further change the climate.
The only economic sector that will survive the EPA is the impotent, directly-subsidised, and over-hyped "green" industries. And if Obama has his way, it will be done at the expense of hundreds of thousands of jobs that actually contribute to the GDP of this country.

Not only is this absurd AGW scam finding fewer and fewer adherents, but folks are beginning to see the bigger picture, how it advances the progressive attempts to engineer the lives of all of our citizens.

1. In his book "Freedom at Risk," James L. Buckley describes how the Progressive government creates more and more bureaucracies and agencies endowed with ever broarder responsibilties and discretion in defining the rules that govern our activities and lives, and have the full force of law!
No better example of this can be seen than the attempts of the EPA to attempt to regulate AIR!

2. In the new Administrative State 1) politicians were to be elected, but 2) technocrats, civil servants, bureaucrats, experts draft the regulations. “…the agencies comprising the bureaucracy reside within the executive branch of our national government, but their powers transcend the traditional boundaries of executive power to include both legislative and judicial functions, and these powers are often exercised in a manner that is largely independent of presidential control and altogether independent of political control.” The Birth of the Administrative State: Where It Came From and What It Means for Limited Government | The Heritage Foundation

3. Frank Goodnow, author of “The American Conception of Liberty and Government,” a president of Johns Hopkins University, he pioneered with Woodrow Wilson a science of administration separated from the limits of constitutional government. In this essay, Goodnow both promotes the idea of separation of politics and administration, and critiques the human rights theory of the Declaration of Independence and its influence on the practice of American government.

The Progressives envision an ‘Administrative State’ that moves to solve social ills as they develop by expanding through the addition of unelected bureaucrats, czars, commissions and ‘experts,’ a la the European type of government.

Americans had best wake up to this encroachment by regulatory spider-webs.
How many times can a hoax be "exposed"?

The uninformed of us (NPR and MSNBC viewers) still believe what they're being spoon fed.

Nobody has yet exposed a hoax concerning AGW. In fact, with every passing day the evidence is more concrete that we have changed, and will further change the climate.

And Japan is still at war with the stupid Americans! :lol::lol::lol:
Of course, it was all those regulations on business that create the 2008 economic debacle, correct? It was following the regulations that caused the near meltdown of the Three Mile Island reactor? Following regulations caused that river to catch fire in Ohio

Cuyahoga River Fire - Ohio History Central - A product of the Ohio Historical Society

Oops...did I upset you, Rocks?

So sorry, now you go right back and lie down beside the fire, and nap, with visions of AlGore dancing in your head....

(Shhhhh! Nobody tell Rocks that the best days of his silly obsession are behind him.)
The neccessity of regulating businesses has been evident since the founding of the Republic. From Jefferson's polemics concerning corperations, to TR's trustbusting, the dangers of unfettored capitalism has always been evident.
The neccessity of regulating businesses has been evident since the founding of the Republic. From Jefferson's polemics concerning corperations, to TR's trustbusting, the dangers of unfettored capitalism has always been evident.

I'm sure that'll be a great comfort to you if Cap & Tax is passed and your electricity rates quadruple and you're paying $8 a gallon for gas.
The neccessity of regulating businesses has been evident since the founding of the Republic. From Jefferson's polemics concerning corperations, to TR's trustbusting, the dangers of unfettored capitalism has always been evident.


Taft was the real "Trust-Buster," although it was the nick-name for TR. Taft brought more anti-trust suits in one term than TR in two, and broke up Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company. He got the eight-hour day for government workers, and supported the income tax amendment. Chace, "1912," p. 18

Of course, while an interesting side note, it doesn't speak to the fact that Progressives have tried to bind the citizenry in the ropes of regulation.
A much better solution that Cap and Trade is Fee and Dividend.

A tax on the carbon at the well head, mine, or dock. The tax to be then distributed equally to all citizens of voting age. That would not favor anyone but those that used less carbon emitting fuels than they recieved from the divident. The money from the fee could not be used for any other purpose than being distributed back to the citizens in equal shares.

Another advantage to this, it would not favor any particular alternative form of energy, the market would decide that.

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