Ingrahm Guest, Ex-Antifa, States Antifa Openly Recruits on US College Campuses


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Why do we let our enemies hijack our universities and courts?

Why is an Antifa supporter like Keith Ellison heading the investigation into the murder of George Floyd? Can Chauvin get a fair trial with Ellison anti-white hatred leading the way?

Laura Ingrahm is a very thoughtful and carrying conservative voice, and I think we need more like her to lead us out of this mess.

"I think it has to do with the fact that so many college administrators and college campuses ... allow Antifa to work under their noses," he said. "[Campus Reform] reported on a story from the University of Florida [this past fall]. It was an Antifa group openly recruiting in broad daylight.
"Let me just say this very clear," Nadales added, "We don’t allow ISIS to recruit on college campuses and we should not allow Antifa to do that either."
Nadales said Antifa's misleading moniker hides its true identity as a vessel for far-left political activism.
"Antifa pretends to be about fighting fascism, but then they define fascism as basically anything that does not conform with their radical leftist agenda; which goes back to exactly what President Trump is doing," he said.
"I’m incredibly happy that he’s finally declared Antifa a domestic terrorist organization because that really helps fight against this false narrative that Antifa is fighting anything but for their failed leftist socialist ideology."
Why do we let our enemies hijack our universities and courts?

Why is an Antifa supporter like Keith Ellison heading the investigation into the murder of George Floyd? Can Chauvin get a fair trial with Ellison anti-white hatred leading the way?

Laura Ingrahm is a very thoughtful and carrying conservative voice, and I think we need more like her to lead us out of this mess.

"I think it has to do with the fact that so many college administrators and college campuses ... allow Antifa to work under their noses," he said. "[Campus Reform] reported on a story from the University of Florida [this past fall]. It was an Antifa group openly recruiting in broad daylight.
"Let me just say this very clear," Nadales added, "We don’t allow ISIS to recruit on college campuses and we should not allow Antifa to do that either."
Nadales said Antifa's misleading moniker hides its true identity as a vessel for far-left political activism.
"Antifa pretends to be about fighting fascism, but then they define fascism as basically anything that does not conform with their radical leftist agenda; which goes back to exactly what President Trump is doing," he said.
"I’m incredibly happy that he’s finally declared Antifa a domestic terrorist organization because that really helps fight against this false narrative that Antifa is fighting anything but for their failed leftist socialist ideology."
Because we're vastly morally superior ....unlike them we believe all voices should be heard ...its a weakness they've exploited quite well over the last 50 years
Once in power they will never return the courtesy.


Play it again Sam
"Laura Ingrahm is a very thoughtful and carrying conservative voice, ..."

Ingraham (!) is a reactionary mouth-breather weaponizing stupidity - and so the expression 'a "carrying" voice' might even make sense.
Ingrahm Guest, Ex-Antifa, States Antifa Openly Recruits on US College Campuses

So what?

A terrorist organization recruiting on US soil is a so what? It could be your sons...

Moonbutt would h ave to have a dick to have sons, ya know?
I am sorry you are lacking....a dick. My condolences...Yet, while my three sons and one daughter attended college starting in 2000 the youngest will start in two years, there was no indoctrination like a eucharist..I went to college off and on from 1979 to 1998 and I witnessed no indoctrination to any extreme groups. The faculty was moderate to boring.
One of these stupid kids, a girl, threw a Molotov cocktail at a police car with 3 officers inside. The cocktail broke throw the driver window, but did not ignite.

The bitch has a nice future of a double attempted murder trial in her future. How smart.

They may be recruiting from college campuses, but these kids are fucking retarded.
I am sorry you are lacking....a dick. My condolences...Yet, while my three sons and one daughter attended college starting in 2000 the youngest will start in two years, there was no indoctrination like a eucharist..I went to college off and on from 1979 to 1998 and I witnessed no indoctrination to any extreme groups. The faculty was moderate to boring.

So you say, but the gaggle of fat, white, wheezing geezers who haven't learned a thing since the heyday of McCarthy, by dint of their paranoia, know you are wrong.
One of these stupid kids, a girl, threw a Molotov cocktail at a police car with 3 officers inside. The cocktail broke throw the driver window, but did not ignite.

The bitch has a nice future of a double attempted murder trial in her future. How smart.

They may be recruiting from college campuses, but these kids are fucking retarded.
If you have ever had kids they act like the adults around them.

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